Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sexy Legs

How To Have Beautiful Legs:


Many women think that their legs are too fat or too thin.
Unfortunately, the actual shape of your legs cannot be easily changed. However, with exercise you can improve muscle tone and make them look better.

* If your legs are too fat, lose fat by going on a sensible diet and exercise. Start a regular sport activity or go to the gym.
* Sometimes, legs may not be fat, but look heavy, because of bad circulation. Put your legs and feet up.
* If your legs are too thin, improve them with exercise. The legs can look much more attractive with better muscle tone.
Walking and bicycling are wonderful exercises for shapely legs. At the office, walk up the stairs, instead of taking the elevator!
* Avoid standing for prolonged periods of time to reduce the appearance of varicose veins.
* Smooth legs look more appealing than fuzzy legs. Creams can be used as hair removers, and there are quite a number of shaving tools present in the market. But the best natural depilatory is a turmeric paste, apply it before a bath, and leave it on to dry.
* After a bath, make your skin feel good by moisturising it.
* Avoid excessive sun exposure
* Avoid baths that are too hot
* Elevate or raise your legs when sleeping
* Always finish your shower with a cold water jet on your legs
* Drink a lot

Depression Prevention Tips

Depression explained

Depression is a common experience. We have all felt 'depressed' about a friend's cold shoulder, misunderstandings in our marriage, tussles with teenage children - sometimes we feel 'down' for no reason at all.

However, depression can become an illness when:


The mood state is severe;

It lasts for 2 weeks or more; and

It interferes with our ability to function at home or at work.

Signs of a depressed mood include:


Lowered self-esteem (or self-worth)

Change in sleep patterns, that is, insomnia or broken sleep

Changes in appetite or weight

Less ability to control emotions such as pessimism, anger, guilt, irritability and anxiety

Varying emotions throughout the day, for example, feeling worse in the morning and better as the day progresses

Reduced capacity to experience pleasure: you can't enjoy what's happening now, nor look forward to anything with pleasure. Hobbies and interests drop off.

Reduced pain tolerance: you are less able to tolerate aches and pains and may have a host of new ailments

Changed sex drive: absent or reduced

Poor concentration and memory: some people are so impaired that they think that they are going demented

Reduced motivation: it doesn't seem worth the effort to do anything, things seem meaningless

Lowered energy levels.

If you have such feelings and they persist for most of every day for two weeks or longer, and interfere with your ability to manage at home and at work, then you might benefit from getting an assessment by a skilled professional.

Having one or other of these features, by themselves, is unlikely to indicate depression, however there could be other causes which may warrant medical assessment.

If you are feeling suicidal it is very important to seek immediate help, preferably by a mental health practitioner.

Diabetes In Children

You wouldn't usually associate diabetes with children and adolescents but diabetes is now one of the most chronic childhood diseases. Globally, an estimated 500,000 children under the age of 15 live with Type 1 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes, once considered an adult health problem, is growing at an alarming rate in children as well. Come November 14, the International Diabetes Federation and WHO together with United Nation will commemorate World Diabetes Day ( 2 Day ago). A two-year (2007 and 2008) focus on children hopes to raise awareness of the warning signs of diabetes and to promote healthy lifestyles to help prevent type 2 diabetes in children.
With huge increase in the number of children developing diabetes, chances are yu may know an affected family. Here are some of the signs of diabetes to look out :

>Frequent urination
>Excessive thirst
>Increased hunger
>Weight loss
>Lack of interest and concentration
>Blurred vision
>Vomiting and stomach pain (often mistaken as the flu)

Ear Infections Prevention Tips

Ear Infections

Few pains are more excruciating to a young child than an earache. After the common cold, an ear infection is the most frequent childhood illness and three out of four children will experience an ear infection by their third birthday.
The ear has three parts: the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear, Rice explains. The outer ear, which collects sound, includes the part outside the head and the ear canal. At the end of the ear canal is the eardrum, a small circle of tissue about the size of a fingertip. Behind the eardrum is the middle ear, which is normally filled with air. When the eardrum vibrates, tiny bones in the middle ear transmit the sound to the inner ear, where nerves relay sound signals to the brain.

"You can avoid middle ear infections by keeping your child away from cigarette smoke and playmates who are sick," says Rice. Studies have shown that children who breathe tobacco smoke have a higher risk of developing health problems, including ear infections.

"Ear infections, like other infections, are essentially treated with antibiotics," Antibiotic drops may be prescribed if pus is leaking from the ear. If a child has a bulging eardrum and is in severe pain, a surgical incision may be made to the eardrum to release the pus.

Stress Management Tip

For every one hour of work, take a five minute break and stretch, walk, or meditate. With just a few minutes of relaxation (or doing something other than work), you'll increase your physical activity as well as productivity and feel better throughout the day.

Yellow Fever Prevention Tips

Yellow fever is a mosquito-borne viral disease common in sub-Saharan Africa. Illness ranges in severity from an influenza-like syndrome to severe hepatitis and hemorrhagic fever. Although it is quite rare for travelers to get yellow fever most countries have regulations and requirements for yellow fever vaccination that must be met prior to entering the country.

How to Avoid It?
If you are traveling in an area where yellow fever is endemic (see map) you should get the vaccination and also avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes. Wear long sleeves and long pants, use an insect repellent containing DIET, sleep under a mosquito net at night and try and stay in rooms with air-conditioning or a fan. Burning a mosquito coil at night is also very effective at keeping the mosquitoes away.

Weight Training Tip

Set realistic training goals and track your workouts in a journal. If you bench-pressed 120 pounds on Dec 12 and 150 pounds on January 27, that's significant progress and you should be proud of yourself. When you can see where you have come from, you can really appreciate where you are now.

Beauty tips

OMG!! MAC Cosmetics had some really cook make ups for halloween. I know it's quite late but who cares it's make up and surely girls will love this. I found this stuffs while I was browsing in youtube for some make up tips and I think it's really neat. You don't have to wear a costume on your face or head. Just put these make ups and way to go. Haha!! I love them. Tell me what you think.