For millenniums the vaidyas and hakeems did painstaking effort to find cures for all kinds of illnesses and ailments under the sun. These healers served all--from ordinary folk to kings. Surely the effects of herbs, vegetables and nature's bounty are astonishing. Until the advent of Allopathy these medicines served well. Countless people with little access to modern system of medication still get cured with these herbs. The 'dadi maan ke totke/nuskhe' or granny's home remedies are no less insignificant. The results of thousands of years of research are lying with us but sadly lack of standardisation and official backing has led to the situation where precious knowledge is lost. Our effort is to bring these cures to you. Also, we will share our knowledge of Unani, Ayurvedic and Homoeopathic medicines with you.
Clarification: The nature's cure just aims to make public this vast nature's bounty that can treat people without side-effects. But these remedies are no substitute to the medical treatment and you should take advice from your doctor.