Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Choosing Lip Color

Do you face a lot of confusion before selecting the right color for your lips? If yes, let it not be a problem anymore. Because here are some guidelines to help you pick the most suitable color for your lips. You should select a lip color which best matches with your skin tone as that will be the most correct shade of lipstick for you.

Ideal Colors for Pale Skin

If you have light pale or light pink skin, it’s best to stay with light colored pink, soft corals or warm beige colors.

Great Colors for Medium Skin

Oh how I envy slighter darker people because they look great wearing my favorite color, mauve. Medium skin tones can also get away with rich browns, sassy berry colors and all the members of red family.

Following The Seasons And Times

It’s important to update your make-up every season as you update your wardrobe. Although it’s not a crime to wear pale, glossy lipsticks during the winter, they tend to look out of place. Dark, rich colors are more suitable for winter, with light paler shades reflecting the carefree and fun attitude of summer.

Fair skin tones:
Lips colors are true pinks, light peach, nudes in slight apricot shades, honey, beige, cherry red and dark berry lip colors.

Stay away from lip colors that are to brown, they will wash you out.

Medium skin tones:
Lip colors are medium pinks, rose shades, nudes that have a peach tone, light mocha, medium apricots, carmel and reddish burgundy lip colors.

You may have heard it before: the basic rule when it comes to choosing a nude lip color is to choose a shade that is the same or slightly lighter than your skin tone. Opt for slightly cooler shades if you have paler skin and choose a warmer shade if you have olive or darker skin.

While these rules seem simple enough, the quest for a perfect nude lip colour can often be frustrating, since many find that nude lip colors tend to appear too light, too dark, or tend to wash out the complexion.

Keep colors lighter for daytime and darker for night. Matte and cream finishes offer a subtler daytime look, while a high-gloss finish adds glamour for evening. A sheer, natural-looking color with a little shine also works well for day.

Experiment. Head to your local department store and ask a makeup artist to test different shades on your lips. Whenever possible, check in natural light to see how the color really looks with your complexion.

Create your own shade by combining colors. If the shades you find don’t completely satisfy you, mix your own color. The easiest way to do this is by applying each color to your lips with a lip brush, then blending with the brush on your lips.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Do you like Beans? nope! i don't really like beans but i should though cause i know that it's good for our system. So Eat your beans! Nutrient compounds called 'flavonoids' have been found to be effective antioxidants that help protect against heart disease and cancer. These flavonoids are found in the coating of such beans as navy, pintos, kidney, great northern and black beans.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Eyes Eyes Baby

Eyeshadow Application Tips

Eyeshadow is a great manner of getting a dramatic fashion statement. There are two things to consider when you are choosing eyeshadow colors: your color of eye and your skin tone. With the right eyeshadow color your color of eye will be held outside. The various types of eye shadow are available in many colors and shades in market. The most common shades or colors of eye shadow extend from coral to copper, blue to green and pink to plum with gold, silver and different frosted colors.

Applying Eye Shadow Tips

Use a medium-toned shade to coat your lower lids.

Use a cosmetic puff and a little pressed powder to shade down heavy shadow.

Choose a medium or dark shadow color to line your eyes.

Use a small, flat, angled brush for the application

Use a darker tone in the socket to add depth and to contour the eyes. Finally, use a light tone on the eyes lids and just under the brows.

For heavy shadow , use a cosmetic puff and a little pressed powder to tone down. Shake any excess powder off the puff, then press it gently on your lid.

It is the best to apply eye shadow with a foaming tipped applicator and then blend with a brush. Again, there should be no obvious lines of demarcation.

To create a classic eye shadow look, you will be working with a base color and a crease color. For the base color select a light neutral tone. The crease color should be a medium tone. Finally, choose a dark shadow or eye pencil to use as liner

Dip your eye shadow brush into the eye shadow and apply the light tone to your entire lid from lash line to brow bone.

For bigger looking eyes, apply your shadow in a rounded shape, with the curved arc at the centre of your lids. Plenty of mascara on both top and bottom lashes completes the wide-eyed look. Should you wish to make very large eyes appear a little smaller, draw a dark brown pencil line inside your lash line, blink and re-apply.

Apply the darkest shade to the outer corners of the eyes from lash line to the crease.

Use the light shade to cover the entire eyelid that is from the lash line to the brow.

Apply the medium shade on the lower lid.

Never share the eye makeup tools because by doing so you may unknowingly transfer eye infections to one another such as the conjunctivitis.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Acne Prob

Best Makeup For Acne Prone Skin

We all know that acne skin care is important. If you are of acne age you may be asking yourself these questions: How to prevent acne? How to treat acne? How to cure acne? What is the best acne skin care? Is there a best acne skin care product?

Skin care becomes especially important if you are suffering from acne. Keeping your skin as healthy as possible is one of the big secrets for helping to keep acne under control. Maintaining a healthy skin means keeping your skin clean as well as protecting it from the damaging effects of the sun and also cosmetics.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Daily Exercise Suggestions

Walk 10 Minutes a Day and Increase Your Fitness Level Old thinking was to work out in a sweat-filled gym for hours a day. No pain, no gain. New studies show that even short bouts of activity can increase your fitness level, especially if you're new at working out.

Park and Walk
Whenever you have an errand, park your car as far away as you can handle and walk to the store. At the mall, park at the farthest end and walk the length of the mall. Use every opportunity to walk. At the end of the day, it all adds up to better fitness.

Crunch in Bed
Before you even get out of bed in the morning, do 10 stomach crunches while lying flat on your mattress. Increase daily by one until you get up to 100. Think you'll never get there? Try it. You may eventually have to set your clock to wake up 15 minutes earlier, a small price to pay for a flatter stomach.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Health Task Lists

The following is a guide to daily tasks:

1. Activity should be a daily occurrence. Walk, run or jump for a minimum total of 20 minutes a day.

2. Protect your skin. Sun block should be applied on face, neck, arms and hands even in the dead of winter. It protects against climatic toxins too. Moisturize skin daily.

3. Eat fruits, vegetables, grains, low-fat dairy products and small amounts of protein. Avoid sweets and other processed foods.

4. Meditate or spend a minimum of five minutes daily in quiet time.

5. Find your spiritual self. Discover what inspires you, raises your level of consciousness, motivates you, and satisfies your soul.

6. Exercise your brain. Read, study, solve problems, and learn new skills. As does the body, the brain atrophies with lack of use.

7. Hug somebody.

Just like brushing your teeth, healthy habits should be cultivated on a daily basis. How about you? What do you do to cultivate on your daily basis?

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ganar Dinero en Internet es Posible

Ganar muchos dolares en Internet es posible,
dejame enseñarte como!!!


Friday, December 19, 2008

Make Eyes Look Bigger

I know lots of the girls out there are crazy about contact lenses. I always want to try it but I'm scared that I might poke my eyes or something. My friends got them because they want their eyes to get bigger, how weird? Lols! Well there is some tips and tricks on how to make your eyes big without wearing contact lens. It's actually about shading and shaping. Shading and highlighting work to enhance your eye shape, by balancing the use of light and dark colors you wear with the rest of your makeup, you can give the illusion of having bigger eyes! The main trick for small eyes is to focus on keeping your eye open ? so not too much eye makeup, and go easy on colors that are too dark, as both of these will close the eye, making it look smaller.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Plan de Compensación Different Seed



Impact3 = Impact x Impact x Impact.
•Gran cantidad de dinero repartido en los tres primeros niveles.
•Bonos de inicio rapido, permanente, mensual
•Maximiza los resultados dada la redistribución del dinero que hay para repartir en comisiones
•Contempla la distribución equilibrada de dinero: Plan Uninivel dividido en tres etapas, Pagos Infinitos y Bonos de Liderazgo con participación en la Facturación Global

Different Seed..Cuenta con el plan de pagos mas lucrativo de la industria, no solo por la cantidad de dinero que van a repartir, si no por la forma en que estos lo reparten.

Plan que se adapta a las necesidades del distribuidor en cada una de las tres etapas..

Tres etapas bien diferenciadas que no lo tiene ninguna compañía…
5 tipos de bonos. En función a lo que estas aportando a la compañía.

Plan acorde a tus necesidades..DIFFERENT SEED Sabe lo que los distribuidores necesitan…Seremos una comercializadora de productos y servicios de lo que necesita el consumidor..

DIFFERENT SEED, ayudará a muchos a obtener esos resultados que jamás han tenido.


•Bono rápido permanente, mensual
•Gran cantidad de dinero repartido dentro de tres niveles
•Bajo requisito de calificación


•Se abarcan más niveles en el plan uninivel
•Comienza a cobrar bonos globales
•Se incrementan levemente los requisitos de calificación

•El Plan Uninivel se extiende al infinito con porcentajes diferenciales
•Alta incidencia en Bonos Globales


•El Plan Uninivel se extiende al infinito con porcentajes diferenciales
•Alta incidencia en Bonos Globales


El cual consiste en ayudar a tu patrocinador a ganar, mientras mas le ayudes, mas ganas, veamos mi caso, si genero 2 000. 00 USD mensuales tu estarias cobrando un 5%, %7 o 10%, dependiendo el rango que hayas alcanzado, puede que logres unos miles de dolares más añadidos a tu cheke, no se afecta el cheke de tu mentor. Increible verdad??. Este bono esta creado por la misma compañía y no lo tiene ninguno.

Negocio y momento!!
Puedes ver lo grande que es nuestra oportunidad?

Different Seed - Nace Una Semilla

"La mas grande OPORTUNIDAD del
Marketing por Relaciones"

Esta es la OPORTUNIDAD que cambiará la historia del MLM y con ella tu vida

Tal vez conozcas o pertenezcas a empresas como Amway, Herbalife, Nu Skin, Telme, 4Life, Omnilife, Usana, Natura Int, Xango, Tahitian Noni, Agel........

De la unión de nuestra experiencia y tú experiencia nace una nueva COMPAÑÍA para reunir a los más grandes líderes de la Industria.


Una gama de productos innovadores y revolucionarios, fabricados con los más rigurosos estándares de calidad. Productos originales y sin competencia dentro del mercado mundial por su calidad y precio.


Un equipo de profesionales de distintos países sumando muchos años de experiencia exitosa en el desarrollo de la Industria del Marketing por Relaciones.
La creencia en el trabajo de equipo y apoyo es la base de nuestro proyecto, así como la determinación de darte poder para conseguir tus objetivos, que son los nuestros.
Concentramos nuestros esfuerzos y energías para proporcionar materiales y eventos necesarios para que cualquier persona pueda aprender, y pueda convertirse en un exitoso empresario, teniendo la capacidad de liderarse y liderar una organización a nivel mundial.
Disponemos de las más modernas y exitosas herramientas para el desarrollo de redes dentro de esta industria.


Buscando lo mejor de cada plan de compensación de entre decenas de compañías, creamos un justo y eficaz plan de pagos.
Porqué tu eres lo importante dentro del negocio, te proporcionaremos los mayores ingresos posibles dentro de la Industria Multinivel.


En ese entonces podremos liberar todos los detalles de la oportunidad. Pero antes quiero compartir contigo algunas razones para no hacerlo desde ya.

Hemos estado trabajando al 100% para poder tener todos los elementos clave listos para el lanzamiento de ésta gran oportunidad.


- No queremos salir con cualquier producto, vamos a marcar la diferencia- No queremos tener el mismo plan de pagos de otras empresas, tenemos lo mejor de cada uno de los 400 planes de pagos que hemos analizado- No vamos a tener una empresa de poca expansión, nuestro negocio crecerá en muchos países y cada vez abriendo más mercados- No queremos que pocos ganen, nuestro sistema de trabajo hará fácil la duplicación y el crecimiento económico de miles y miles de distribuidores

Sacaras un verdadero rendimiento a tú trabajo, dejanos mostrarte de lo que somos capaces de hacer junto a tí


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Right Concealer

Pick the right shade. The correct concealer color should mimic the undertones in your skin, whether they be pink, yellow, olive, or brown. This is often referred to as warm or cool. You should also match the brightness. You can tell one concealer is brighter than the other because it will appear less grey. The closer you match the concealer to your skin color, the better job it will do of covering up what you don’t want to be seen.

Decide on color and concentration. The thicker the concealer concentration, the better it will be at masking a big imperfection. When it comes to correcting the color, usually greenish-yellow or blue is best for blasting out redness, while pink or yellow is helpful for neutralizing dark under eye circles. Do you have any suggestion? Share your opinions.