Thursday, October 29, 2009

What is Lung Cancer?

Symptoms such as coughing, shortness of breath, or pain in the chest area may indicate that something is wrong with your lungs. With more quickly detect it, it will help make this disease a long time and not getting worse. The following information about the various problems in the lungs and its prevention and solutions, may be helpful to detect the health of your lungs.

► Cause ↓

Cancer has become a deadly disease, even lung cancer is the first killer than any other cancer. Or cancerous tumor cells that grow in the lungs experienced by patients with lung cancer. Cancer can grow in this tissue and can spread to other parts.

The main cause is cigarette smoke contains many toxic substances and inhaled into the lungs and has accumulated over decades causing mutations in the airway cells and causes cancer cells.

Another cause is the active radio radiation, toxic chemicals, stress or heredity.

► Symptoms ↓

Coughing, chest pains, shortness of breath, coughing up blood, tiredness and weight loss. But as in other cancer types, symptoms are generally only visible when the cancer is growing or has spread.

► Prevention and solutions ↓

Avoiding cigarettes and cigarette smoke are also more nutritious foods that contain lots of antioxidants to prevent cancer cells.

Because the disease of the lungs primarily caused by cigarette smoke, then you should immediately cease this practice and do not try to start it for you who have never smoked. Also to avoid exposure to secondhand smoke is even more dangerous than active smokers. Loved the lung, avoid lung disease, and you can breathe more freely.....

I hope this short article can be useful for you all...

keep healthy keep smile~
Go.od Luck

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Replace your coffee with green tea

Most people would never think of putting green tea in the performance enhancer category. Supposedly the only supplements that belong there are steroids and other anabolic substances. But this is perhaps too restrictive, if not alarming for the average person wanting to become fit and remain that way forever.

Some athletes use green tea. This is primarily an Eastern drink, promoted by Asian practitioners who even go so far to say that it is better to be three days without food than to be one without green tea. That may be shocking to the three meals per day Westerner who never misses that noon time sandwich at least.

Westerners drink coffee. Most of us do a rather good job of limiting our intake to less than a gram daily of caffeine. To say that green tea is superior and contains caffeine raises eyebrows. It's just not American presumably.

The green tea being talked about is the Asian variety, not the English or the American. It has EGCG in it. That is epigallocatechin gallate which produces produces remarkable effects (which are talked about extensively in other articles) on some of the toughest of conditions.

But the focus here is on fitness. What does it do for people and how much does it cost? Of course, one can brew it getting the benefits of five to six cups daily, which go far beyond the great feelings which follow. Or one can simply buy a package of twenty capsules for about five dollars from the local drug store. One of these capsules daily along with thirty to forty minutes of an aerobic activity such as cycling makes a noticeable difference in nearly everyone.

One of the most common response of people who try this is that they are able to go faster longer with less discomfort. This is a considerable help to anyone who knows that the more you pedal or run the more fit you will become. To some that may be counter intuitive as overdoing anything supposedly results in burn out, an alleged irreversible form of exhaustion. Yet training consistently and in moderation does not have this effect.

Green tea enables you to go the distance. Granted, your will power has much to say in this regard. But the green tea, just one capsule daily, makes working out much easier. Is not this what most of us need to insure that we will hang in there for the long haul? Author Resource:- Obese 45 years ago;state champion power lifter 30 years ago;able to do more today at 61 than when out for swim team in high school. Author of "Think and Grow Fit" (a rational person's guide to getting in shape and staying that way forever.) Personal hero : grandfather of fitness, Jack Lalanne, who is extraordinary at his 2 hour a day workout age of 95! Personally committed

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Household Antibacterial Products and Increased Antimicrobial Resistance

Misuse of antibiotics is the leading cause of emerging antimicrobial resistance — a public health crisis in the making. Inappropriate prescribing practices by health care providers contributes greatly to this problem, but now there is evidence that everyday cleaning and hand-washing may also contribute to the growing trend of antimicrobial resistance. Bacteria become resistant to antibiotics or antimicrobial products when they develop a way to keep the antibiotic from working. Bacteria are constantly evolving and, in the presence of inadequate or inappropriate antibiotics, they develop mechanisms to overcome the killing

Friday, October 23, 2009

Tips On a Special Diet: The morning banana diet

DIET bananas in the morning or the morning banana diet is popular now. Reportedly, slimming techniques introduced in Japan this cespleng enough to lose weight even without exercise. As if this best of diet method....

How this diet method?

Was first introduced by Hitoshi Watanabe of Tokyo, Japan, the diet method thanks to a direct popular stories spread by word of mouth, publicity on the internet, television, newspapers and magazines, and books written by Watanabe.

In principle, this diet is very simple. At breakfast, you just need to eat bananas and drink warm water. In the afternoon and evening, you can eat anything, not even snacking. The abstinence only one, do not eat at the top eight in the evening and avoid ice cream, dairy products, alcohol, or dessert after dinner. Should eat sweets but only during the day.

What makes this method very popular diet is not the inclusion of elements of sports. The dieters are advised to exercise only if it would and could only exercise that does not make you stress. And I suggest to stay relaxed....

Accelerate digestion

Quite a few people who recognize the efficacy of this diet method, one opera singer from Japan, Kumiko Mori, who said he lost weight after applying 6.7 pounds of this banana diet in a short time.

There are many versions that try to explain why this banana diet can reduce weight. One was the theory which states that bananas contain enzymes that can accelerate the process of digestion and defecation, resulting in weight loss.

It is true, of fiber including bananas, can make the digestive system work faster and the food is not absorbed all, too many calories. But experts argue calorie reduction will not affect much on weight loss.

Meanwhile, another theory says the cause is the starch that makes the stomach always feels full and increase fat burning. These starches can naturally be found in carbohydrate foods such as green bananas, potatoes, rice seeds, and beans, but only if you eat in a cold state. This starch will make the digestion occurs in the small intestine and large intestine directly.

Still Controversy

Though popular, many experts who doubt the ability of this diet. Bananas and other fruits are often becomes mandatory meal for people who want to slim. But, in fact banana has no specific content for effective weight loss.

And also, do not abstain from food is not something that fits in an effort to lose weight. To be successful slimming business, you must be physically active and control calories. And to stay healthy, of course we should eat healthy food. Experts agree there is not any one food that can burn fat. If there is, of course obesity problem can be easily overcome, is not it?

keep healthy keep smile
Go.od — Luck

Monday, October 19, 2009

What is cervical cancer ?

Cervical Cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the cervix / cervix (the lowest part of the uterus attached to the top of the vagina).
Cervical cancer is usually attacked women aged 35-55 years. 90% of cervical cancers derived from squamous cells lining the cervix and the remaining 10% comes from the mucus-producing glandular cells in cervical channel leading into the uterus.


Cervical cancer occurs when cervical cells become abnormal and divide an uncontrollable.
If the cervical cells continue to divide it will form a mass of tissue called tumors that can be benign or malignant. If the tumor is malignant, then the condition is called cervical cancer.

Cause of the abnormalities in cervical cells is not known, but there are certain risk factors that affect the occurrence of cervical cancer:

HPV (human papillomavirus)
HPV is the virus that causes genital warts (condyloma akuminata) which is transmitted through sexual contact. Variants are very dangerous is HPV types 16, 18, 45 and 56.

Tobacco damage to the immune system and affect the body's ability to fight HPV infection in the cervix.

First sexual intercourse at an early age performed

Changing sexual partners

Husband / sexual partner's first sexual intercourse at age below 18 years, changing partners and had been married to a woman who suffered from cervical cancer

Use of DES (diethylstilbestrol) in pregnant women to prevent miscarriage (widely used in 1940-1970)

Immune system disorders

Use of birth control pills

Genital herpes infection or chronic chlamydia infections

Economically weak groups (for not being able to do Pap smears on a regular basis)

In the cervix precancerous condition

The cells on the surface of the cervix sometimes appear abnormal but not malignant.
Scientists believe that some abnormal changes in cervical cells is the first step in a series of slow changes, a few years later can cause cancer. Therefore some abnormal changes are precancerous condition, which can turn into cancer.

Now, used a different term for abnormal changes to cells on the surface of the cervix, one of whom is intraepitel squamous lesions (mean lesion tissue disorders, intraepitel means that cells found only in the abnormal surface layer).

Changes in these cells can be divided into 2 groups:

1. Low-level lesions: an early change in the size, shape and number of cells that form the surface of the cervix. Some low-level lesions disappear by itself. But others grow into larger and more abnormal, forming a high-level lesions.
Low-level lesion also called mild dysplasia or cervical intraepitel neoplasia 1 (NIS 1).
Low-level lesions most often found in women aged 25-35 years, but also can occur in all age groups.

2. Lesions high level: in a large number of precancerous cells that look very different from normal cells.
These precancerous changes occur only in cells on the surface of the cervix. For months, even years, these cells will not become violent and will not infiltrate the cervical layers deeper.
High-level lesion dysplasia is also called secondary or severe dysplasia, NIS 2 or 3, or carcinoma in situ.
High-level lesions most often found in women aged 30-40 years.

If abnormal cells spread deeper into the cervix or to other organs or tissue, called the situation mada cervical cancer or invasive cervical cancer.
Cervical cancer most often found in over 40 years of age.


Precancerous changes in the cervix usually do not cause symptoms and these changes are not detected unless a woman is undergoing a pelvic exam and Pap smear.

Symptoms usually only appear when the abnormal cervical cells become malignant, and infiltrate the surrounding tissue. At this moment will occur the following symptoms:
Abnormal vaginal bleeding, especially between 2 periods, after sexual intercourse and after menopause
Abnormal Menstruation (longer and more)
Whitish who settled, with a watery liquid, pink, brown, contains blood or black and smelly.

Symptoms of advanced cervical cancer:
Decreased appetite, weight loss, fatigue
Pelvic pain, back or legsa
From the vagina out of the urine or stool
Broken bones (fractures).

For more information you can contact the nearest specialist in your city...

And i hope this article is very useful to you, wassalamu`alaikum....

Friday, October 9, 2009

4 threatening disease of women

Women is unique and complex.... Therefore women need extra care than men. Similarly with health problems, because women are more susceptible than men.

Unlike the men, women experienced more drastic changes in the body, such as hormonal problems, she has experienced several changes starting from childhood, teens, adults to old.

Well, here are a variety of diseases to watch out for by the woman, namely ↓

1 → Breast cancer

Breast cancer is a common cancer in women, although there is also what happened to the man. Second cancers that cause death in this woman could be detected as early as possible to the prevention and self examination every month.

2 → Depression

More depression than men attacked the woman while the same stressor men are more likely to endure the depression. Various hormonal changes such as during pregnancy and monopouse also a factor which increases the risk of depression in women. Depression also has physical symptoms.

3 → Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease due to decreased bone strength have thinning bones. This condition makes the bones more brittle, meaning that the bone can be broken only by minor trauma. Why not rare in people with osteoporosis, bone fractures due to minor accidents such as slipping in the bathroom, fell out of bed and others. And one more, Asian and Caucasian women (Caucasians) attacked a higher risk of osteoporosis than black women.

4 → Autoimmune Diseases

Is a group of autoimmune diseases caused by the immune system (immune system) of the target in recognizing the enemy. The body's immune system is supposed to destroy the foreign object, bacteria, or virus attack even their own limbs. This group includes disease lupus, multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and so on.

Based on data from the American autoimmune Related Diseases Association indicates that 75% of those with autoimmune disease are women and the case tends to be ridiculous....

The New Types of Malaria Disease

One recent study found that a new type of malaria has the potential to threaten human beings. Parasite Plasmodium knowlesi previously estimated that only infects monkeys. However, the parasite was spread widely in humans in malaysia, and the most recent investigation confirmed that the parasite can cause death if not treated quickly.

The results of research conducted by an international team was published in the journal of clinical infectious diseases. Although this new type of disease is only spread in Southeast Asia, the researchers warned that the tourism sector due to this region in the case of western countries will soon emerge.

"Each year, malaria can kill millions of people...."

The disease is caused by the malaria parasite enters the human bloodstream by mosquitoes infected with the parasite. Of the four malaria parasites that often cause disease in humans, P. falciparum, which is more commonly found in Africa is the most malignant.

Another parasite, P. malariae which developed in sub-tropical regions of the world, has symptoms that are usually not very dangerous.

P. knowlesi had been thought only to infect primates, especially the long-tailed macaques and found short in the forests of Southeast Asia. However, research conducted by the University Malaysia Sarawak shows that there are a large number of cases of parasitic diseases in humans that type. study found that under the microscope P. knowlesi easily mistaken for P. malariae.

Rapidly proliferate

However, unlike the parasite, P. knowlesi has the ability to multiply in the blood every 24 hours → that is potentially harmful.

One of the team's researchers, Professor balbir Singh, said that with that ability means faster diagnosis and treatment is very important.

The researchers examined 150 patients with malaria who was hospitalized Sarawak, Malaysia, between July 2006 and January 2008.

They found that P. knowlesi into the cause of two thirds of cases, and causes a wide spectrum of diseases.

Most of the disease does not cause complications and easily treated with drugs such as clhoroquine and primaquine. However, an emergency ten patients eventually suffer complications such as respiratory and kidney problems and two patients died.

Although death rates below 2%, P. knowlesi be as deadly as P. falciparum malaria.The researchers emphasized that it is very difficult to measure the accuracy of mortality rates due to the small number of cases studied.

Low platelet count

All patients with P. knowlesi have high levels of low blood platelet, much less than people with other types of malaria.

However, despite the blood platelets necessary for blood coagulation, no patients with unusual bleeding or have a problem with blood viscosity.

Researchers believe the level of low blood platelets can be used as a way to diagnose malaria P. knowlesi.

Professor Singh said: "The increase of tourism to Southeast Asia can make a number of cases of this disease increases in the future, including in Western countries."

"And health workers are examining new patients come from a region that is known or likely to have cases of P. knowlesi have to know the gravity of the disease of P. knowlesi malaria is."

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Scientists Discover Early Key To Regeneration

Science may be one step closer to understanding how a limb can be grown or a spinal cord can be repaired. Scientists at The Forsyth Institute have discovered that some cells have to die for regeneration to occur. This research may provide insight into mechanisms necessary for therapeutic regeneration in humans, potentially addressing tissues that are lost, damaged or non- functional as a result of genetic syndromes, birth defects, cancer, degenerative diseases, accidents, aging and organ failure. Through studies of the frog (Xenopus) tadpole, the Forsyth team examined the cellular underpinnings of regeneration.
See Also:
Health & Medicine
  • Stem Cells
  • Disability
  • Neuropathy

Plants & Animals
  • Developmental Biology
  • Biology
  • Cell Biology

  • Healing
  • Developmental biology
  • Neural development
  • Stem cell treatments

The Xenopus tadpole is an ideal model for studying regeneration because it is able to re-grow a fully functioning tail and all of its components, including muscle, vasculature, skin, and spinal cord. The Forsyth scientists studied the role that apoptosis, a process of programmed cell death in multi-cellular organisms, plays in regeneration. The research team, led by Michael Levin, Ph.D., Director of the Forsyth Center for Regenerative and Developmental Biology, found that apoptosis has a novel role in development and a critical role in regeneration. According to Dr. Levin, "Simply put, some cells have to die for regeneration to happen."

The findings will be published in the January 1, 2007 issue of Developmental Biology (v301i1). "We were surprised to see that some cells need to be removed for regeneration to proceed," said Ai-Sun Tseng, Ph.D. the paper's first author. "It is exciting to think that someday this process could be managed to allow medically therapeutic regeneration."

In the context of efforts to understand biophysical controls of regenerative processes, The Forsyth Center for Regenerative and Developmental Biology investigated the dynamics of cell number control in the regenerating tail bud. Previous research in the field has shown that one mechanism by which cell number is controlled is by programmed cell death, which has been shown to be involved in sculpting of growing tissue in a number of developmental systems including heart, limb and craniofacial patterning.

This study shows that despite the massive tissue proliferation required to build the tail, an early apoptotic event is required for regeneration. Normal regeneration of the tail includes a small focus of apoptotic cells; when apoptosis is inhibited during the first 24 hours, regeneration cannot proceed and the growth of nerve axons becomes abnormal. Later inhibition of apoptosis has no effect, suggesting that the programmed death of a specific cellular component is a very early step in the regeneration program. One possible model is that tissues normally contain a population of cells whose purpose is to prevent massive growth in the region surrounding them. Future work by the Levin group will identify the cells that must die, in order to try to understand the signals that cells utilize for growth control.

Michael Levin, PhD. is an Associate Member of the Staff in The Forsyth Institute Department of Cytokine Biology and the Director of the Forsyth Center for Regenerative and Developmental Biology. Through experimental approaches and mathematical modeling, Dr. Levin and his team examine the processes governing large-scale pattern formation and biological information storage during animal embryogenesis. The lab's investigations are directed toward understanding the mechanisms of signaling between cells and tissues that allows a living system to reliably generate and maintain a complex morphology. The Levin team studies these processes in the context of embryonic development and regeneration, with a particular focus on the biophysics of cell behavior.

The Forsyth Institute is the world's leading independent organization dedicated to scientific research and education in oral, craniofacial and related biomedical sciences.