Saturday, June 20, 2009

Tips / How to Maintain Healthy Body Stay Healthy with Lifestyle Pattern

In the day-to-day life we should always put the health body and soul because we are healthy and delicious also have said that saying that someone will not appreciate in their own health when he was still healthy. Once the importance of health so that there are people willing to pay billions of rupiah for his health when he was in pain.

Tip following are examples of activities that we can Get in our daily life in the world. Activity or the activity into a pattern in the implementation of healthy living, namely:

1. Avoid / Stop from the disgusting habit Bodoh

Activities that for some stupid people presumed / considered as activities that are fun, and Macho gaul is like smoking, drinking, using drugs / drug addict / additif other substances that cause addicted.

Just imagine if it is exposed to one of the activities on the stupid someone can remove a lot of money to purchase opium, for the cost of treatment in the future, throw a lot of time to buy and consume goods is forbidden.

Using the ghoulish goods is, of course, add our sins ganda because of the impact / effect not only us who feel alone, but also others such as parents, friends, family, boyfriend, and so forth.

] 2. Do not Make Free Sex Relationships in Foreign Nikah

Sex It is indeed good for the people. But how respectable and terpujinya sex when the relationship is conducted with full responsibility and with the blessing of prayer from many people. Most ngeseks indeed disepelekan for couples who are used to do so or for people who are inflammable without a strong faith.

Due to the impact of free association to do the sex pranikah such as:
a. pregnant outside of marriage and the men run from responsibility.
b. exposed to infectious diseases such as AIDS that there is no medicine.
c. big sin to God
d. be excommunicated from the association and the community
e. digrebek police / Satpol pp / hansip
f. boyfriend killed himself, raped, etc..
g. akan orgasme addicted and develop to a dangerous stage.
h. the beginning of stupid number 1 above.
i. difficult to get a mate to want when serious marriage.
j. lie on the parents, family, relatives, friends, etc..
k. and many more due to bad.

The goal of sex to get the climax / orgasme many didewakan by many people astray, and they will find another victim for the tow and to be in the black valley. If berhbungan with the type of opponent and fellow species without marriage bond should not see the only easy way to do smth if ngesex, but see the negative side there are so many. You will be loathe to do so.

3. The Healthy Eating Food And Rules Available

Food will not necessarily good health. Many food and drink which is not healthy and dangerous if consumed. For example, such as the use of borax and formalin as a preservative of food and beverages that should digonakan to preserve corpses / bones / carcass.

If you do not jajan markets. Purchase food and beverages in a place that can be guaranteed hygiene / food higienitas drink it. Be careful and always be wary of any terhada we will enter in the mouth because we can just drink or food that we buy and ready disantap has been mixed with toxic substances such as harmful arsenik, sleeping pills, seangga poison, rat poison, pengewet not for food and drink, and so forth. The cleanliness of the place and the selection of raw materials and food / beverage.

Do not be tempted with a simple ad on TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, sales, and so forth. Sometimes the manufacturer is also a lie in order to benefit a great personality and work with the government in order to close the mouth.

Eating foods and nutritious beverages that are tailored to the body condition, activity, and we age. Eating before hunger and stop eating before satiety is a good habit. Never forget four healthy with a perfect five often we hear from the first epoch. Feed meals with balanced nutrition because what we eat will be representing us in the future.

4. Keeping Up Self Hygiene And Environment Around Us

Hygiene self needs to be guarded and well as related / associated closely with us in the general public. kerapihan and hygiene, such as body hair, nails, face, eyes, ears, skin, mouth, teeth, hands, feet, etc. can give an effect on the body's overall health. Avoid exchanging equipment bath, toilet, health, personal clothing with other people as they may transmit diseases that can be dangerous.

Just imagine if there are sick people can cause acute dental he does not enter the office many days because of the pain that is not checked. People who have the look and style of the slouchy akan dijauhi the association's day-to-day and will be difficult to get a friend, boyfriend, mate, work, faith, and others.

Maintain cleanliness of the waste and environmental disruption of the environment because the environment can affect our health. Waste pile that is able to decompose and remove the odor that is not tasteful / tasty, the dirty / dirty, the sound of a fly fly, the sound oath-curse people who are around, and so forth.

Waste also can be a carrier of disease, such as breeding mice penyekit Leptospirosis is spread through rat urine and tipes / typhus. Mosquitoes can also spread the seeds of plasmodium can berkibat melaria and dengue fever in someone. fly the menebar bacteria and viruses that cause digestive diseases such as beri-beri, diarrhea, diarrhea, and so forth.

Pollution such as waste and toilet waste household, factory waste, sound pollution, pollution and other needs to be completed with the sprightly and well coordinated and inter-community members in an environment that produces results lingungan clean comfortable and well

5. Health and exercise examined the doctor regularly

Berolah sport on a regular basis can stimulate the heart, respiratory and blood circulation becomes better. Biasakan berolah sport each day with activities such as light walking, acrobatics, fitness, joging, biking, or doing sports such as full play badminton, soccer, marathon running, tennis, basketball, and others.

In addition to the sports that have more not less important to the sports health check periodically to see a doctor regularly. Use terprogram medical examination is to ensure that the disease or a deviation relief can be detected more quickly so that treatment will not even eat a lot of cost, time and energy.

6. Avoid Stress By frustrating the way the Halal and Healthy

To avoid the stress required strategies for each individual. Find the best way to eliminate stress with your own way that is easy, can be done everywhere, rousing cheap, healthy, clean, and well done. Sample activities omission stress such as listening to music is a good time to be heard and the burden ngilangin have thought that, playing video games, music play music, sports, chat ama temen comrade confidant, foreverglo, maen card non gambling, healthy girls, eating, doing husband wife relationship / intimate with a pair of legitimate nongkrong in the toilet, walking to the mall, nyanyi, play toys children, gardening, MANCING, screaming in the quiet, bed / sleep, and so forth.

Basically in your life is aja nyantai with all the problems that exist. Make what difficult (stressful), so that unnecessary. Emotions do not come to you bad and your self-control, emotional karna not be restrained, and sometimes revenge, resentment, and so foolish that looks for other people. There are issues / problems that can make your depression cuek aja lah, nggak kayak laen only work there.

Enough sleep, dekatkan ourselves with God according to religion and beliefs of each origin is not evil, and implementing the program pattern of living healthy can prevent stress and depression, which when severe and chronic disruption can be a disease of the soul and spirit that makes you taste depression and shame on the people. Consult with a psychologist if you have psychiatric problems or other people you trust if you are ashamed. Open your heart to accept criticism, feedback and suggestions from other people and change your lifestyle if necessary for the health of the soul / mind you.

Maintaining Health Vagina with Milk

Who does not crave a healthy body and the fragrant? All people crave certain body fragrant fragrant flower vessel. This also applies to women's intimate area.

Intimate areas of a healthy and fragrant beatify not only partners, but can also stand up a sense of the time.
How many made to make the area remains in intimate prime condition. There are a hundred to do, wash with water or betel diligent membasuhnya with antiseptic fluid. Is that step?

Whoa. Teryata the water stew betel leaf or liquid antiseptic for intimate areas of women is not recommended. Why? Section of both the bakterisid aka kill all microbes, regardless of the good bacteria (normal vagina flora) or pathogenic bacteria (disadvantageous). If this progress continues, the condition is not healthy that we get intimate area, but even otherwise, infection can occur. Ugh, do I want?

According to Dr. Junita Indarti SpOG, medical specialist obstetrics and diseases of the uterus Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital / FKUI the vagina infection terganggunya occurred because the balance of ecosystems in the area.

Ecosystem vagina itself, go off. Junita, is the circle of life in the vagina, is influenced by two main elements, namely estrogen and bacteria Lactobacillus (good bacteria). "If the balance of ecosystem is disrupted, the bacteria Lactobacillus akan mati and pathogenic bacteria to grow. Mechanism of natural delayed so that the body becomes vulnerable to infection," said dr. Junita.

Many factors caused the imbalance of ecosystems vagina, the oral contraceptive, disease diabetes mellitus (diabetes), use of antibiotics, blood, menstruation, seminal fluid, spraying liquid into the vagina (douching) and hormonal disturbances (pubertas, menopause or pregnancy).

Thus, maintaining the balance of ecosystem vagina is the way most natural and effective in treating health vagina and prevent the occurrence of infection. How? You should see this: A clinical test conducted in the RSCM policlinic Sitologi susu extract benefits for the health vagina. Susu? Do it terlintas in your mind?

In fact, milk contains active substances that diesktrak clabber laktat and laktoserum clinically proven that the complaint itch, burn and taste keputihan in the vagina. "Our research on 71 cases of fluoride albus (keputihan) complaint with itchiness, and burned keputihan itchiness indicates a reduction of 86.1%, a reduction in taste burnt and 87.5% reduction keputihan 81.1% patients after treatment with the acid solution laktat and laktoserum twice a day for two weeks, "said dr. Junita.
From the results of the test concluded that the clinical laktat acid and reduce the useful laktoserum complaint because keputihan and prevent the growth of fungi (kandida) and dermatofit (kapang).

So how to get the form of acid extracts susu laktat and laktoserum, what should do first fermentation? wah, need not be seribet it. If you want the 'so' and live life Lactacyd who have already sold freely in the market.

According to dr. Diana Komara, Medical Advisor Lactacyd, liquid cleaning solvents with different Lactacyd femininity that is, not the usual antibiotics, so it does not kill normal vagina flora, and thus increase growth because providing food for the bacteria is good.

To be More Caring Beautiful Breast

Breast care that also need to be healthy and beautiful terawat. Aberration in the breast arising in various forms. There is also a factor because the default, because the hormone aberration. According to dr. Sonar Soni Panigoro, SpB.K-Onk of Tumor Surgery Clinic Swadana RSCM, Jakarta, in the large-deviation difference in the female breast into 5 major groups, namely:

1. Breast Infection

These two infections, infections in the breastfeeding and the infection that commonly occurs frequently. "Can a result of bacteria or viruses from outside the entrance to the body. Usually, the breast will swell and pain complaints appears, "said Sonar. Breast infections occur more often in women who are breastfeeding. The air susu ibu (ASI) is the most fertile medium for the growth of disease germs. If there are obstacles in the process of water susu, the bacteria become easier to enter.

"Women who are breastfeeding often complain fever. In addition, akan breast pain and milk. If infection is severe, such as the ulcer can be broken, "added Sonar. However, it is not impossible to infection also experienced a woman who are not breastfeeding. "This is due to inclusion of germ layers in the breast gland."

2. Congenital aberration

Human breast as in the actual animal. Has 6 pairs of the human breast. The position will be the embryo of breast starting from the axilla to the base selangkangan. At 10 weeks of pregnancy, this will be lost, except in the left-right chest. In some people, these phases could be hampered. "This can cause the breast to grow more than a pair. Therefore, some women have more than a pair of breasts. In fact, sometimes this additional breast nipple has also, "he added.

Large-extra small breast gland is also varied. "More often happens, the breast lump gland on one of the axilla. But, some are not payudaranya gland is at all, or the development of the second breast is not running normally, "added Sonar.

Women with a deviation such as this are usually not comfortable with the condition of the body. Not infrequently, this aberration congenital women make sense of loss of trust itself. Doctors will usually take steps aesthetic surgery. According to Sonar, the emergence of additional breast gland is also necessary diwaspadai. "What, benjolan the breast to grow as a possibility this could grow to a tumor."

3. Hormone status

Hormonal aberration dikeluhkan quite often women. Arise in the stiff and painful breast. Complaints often occur before or during the period arrived menstruasi. "Mental illness varies, there is the usual pain, but have also felt the incredible pain," said Sonar.

Breast prepared to produce the body of water susu at the end of the pregnancy. When menstruasi, breast condition is influenced by hormones womanhood. "This makes the breast feels more solid and fast. Not infrequently accompanied by the emergence benjolan, in addition to exit from the second liquid nipple. "Sonar mengganggap hormonal aberration is a reasonable reaction. "Except when shown a great pain, you should immediately visit a doctor."

4. Tumor, Neoplasma

Divided benign tumor and malignant tumor. "During these 30 years, patients in more doctors to the tumor after the diidapnya entered the stadium go," said Sonar. This is, of course, lead to medical treatment is not given the maximum.

5. Other aberration

One is trauma to the breast. "Trauma can occur due to a concussion in the breast," said Sonar.

Oleskan olive oil

Elan breast reduction is a scourge for women. Thus, the breast needs to be treated, as we treat other body parts.

1. Wearing bra to keep the form of breast still beautiful. Select the appropriate size of bra that can sustain the good breast.

2. Clean regularly around the nipple area with a cotton drabble hot water.

3. Oleskan olive oil on the breast to maintain humidity. So that the result of more up to, do light massage with a gentle movement.

4. Do light exercises with a focus to strengthen the chest muscles.

Beware Payudara Cancer

Early symptoms of the disease so that this scourge of women marked the emergence of benjolan marbles.

Benjolan this teraba with no hands while still small in size. In addition, one of the nipple remove fluid and a red bra in berbekas. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately contact a doctor for further examination.

Breast cancer is one of the most off the disease in Indonesia. "This is due to several factors. Enggak so they can know or feel ashamed treatment. Most patients prefer a treatment alternative. They come to the doctor after the disease reaches advanced stages, "said Sonar.

One of the efforts to know the difference in the breast is to make aware (Check Payudara Self). Aware can be done 7-10 days after the last day menstruasi. To help this process, oleskan a little olive oil or lather in the bath surface breast. This surface memperlicin akan breast. In addition, the hands become more sensitive touch on the possibility of breast benjolan.

Steps to realize:

a. Lie in the recumbent position, place right hand under the head. Put a small pillow under your back to the right.

b. Raba entire section to the right breast using the 3 end of the middle finger of dirapatkan.

c. Movements do play and gentle but steady pressure. Perform this movement slowly from the edge clockwise.

d. Repeat the same movement on the left breast. Experience and attention, when benjolan that appear suspicious.

e. Press slowly around the hilt. Note, if the stalk that does not remove the normal fluid.

f. In standing position, and arms straight down, carefully both breasts in front of the mirror. Note, if there are changes in form or benjolan breast.

g. Lift both arms straight up. Repeat the steps above.

The Big Do not

Large-small breast size is relative, not the same in each woman.

However, there is the assumption, that large breasts are more beautiful. As a result, many women who do not feel satisfied with their breast size and try to do breast reconstruction, breast surgery with a good and the drugs that can be trusted raise breast size.

"Actions breast surgery should not be done carelessly, as happened in the salon, beauty salon, for example," said Sonar. Breast enlargement surgery should be a doctor aesthetic surgeon. The breast enlargement illegally can result in fatal. In some cases, fatal result occurred because the liquid in the Silicon penyuntikan breast gland. "Silicon spread and react with other body organs. This is very dangerous, "continued Sonar. "The truth is with the Silicon planted in a bag on the breast gland. This safe during done right. "

Later also many outstanding products to increase breast size. Some women who have tried to shape the product to raise breast cream.

"But this is not effective. Development of the breast can only be influenced by hormonal factors, "tukas Sonar. The use of drugs containing the hormone is also not recommended. Section, it can cause certain side effects, such as increased body weight and the emergence of another aberration.

Men, Guard Your Reproduction Healt y

Garlic, purwaceng, pegs the earth, and ginkgo biloba nutritious overcome Erectile Dysfunction. Erectile Dysfunction (DE), impotensi, and prostat cancer. The terms are familiar with the male reproductive health matters. If it is not cautious, people will be bothered to face Adam. In addition to psychological factors, the causes of problems are also associated with various diseases. Including diabetes mellitus (DM), renal disturbances or kidney failure, heart, and sexually transmitted infections (IMS). In the male reproductive organ network that is most problematic in prostat gland. Prostat is one of the male reproductive gland channel which is located between the urine bag and urine exit channel (uretra) and girth uretra channel. Prostat function is to produce fluid in the mix in the sperm. Prostat interference can even cause death to penderitanya.

Diseases in prostat, among others prostat inflammation (prostatitis), enlargement benign prostat (DSL), and cancer prostat. Prostat inflammation can befall a young male adults (30-45 years). Symptoms such as feeling uncomfortable in the bottom of the stomach or selangkangan. The bacteria, the food, to the psychological elements (thoughts). This inflammation can be chronic. According to Prof DR Dr Doddy Soebadi M SPB SpU Part of K-Urologi RSU Dr Soetomo Surabaya, from the age of 35 years in prostat akan slowly grow big (DSL). When the old man after prostat can turn into violence, such as karsinoma prostat (prostat-ca). ''All the complaints came from prostat usually referred to as the complaint chew the bottom of the channel, formerly known as the prostatisme. DSL occur as well as white hair,''Doddy clear.

Erectile Dysfunction
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as raised by the 1st International Consultation on ED in 1999 in Paris, yamh is Erectile Dysfunction (DE) is the inability of a man, either consistently or repeatedly, to achieve or maintain ereksi enough to be able to perform a satisfactory intimate relationship. Approximately 52 percent of men aged 40-70 years suffering DE, ranging from light to heavy. Once the report Massachusets Male Aging Study (MMAS).

Meanwhile, according to Dr Hady Syarif from Bayer Healthcare, DE actual cases is very much the case. Return revealed from the MMAS data, 152 million men in the world is estimated to suffer interference keperkasaannya (impotensi). That number will swell to 322 million in 2025 to become impotensi people. As many as 100 million among men in Asia. Although many people with DE, health experts estimate only 15-20 percent of men who are willing DE treatment. With the increasing number of people with diabetes each year, especially in developing countries, the number of DE will be increased. Therefore, the pattern of healthy living are highly recommended as a prevention efforts DE.

Many drugs are believed to be the DE community. Start from the sale or through the free black market. Ramu-traditional herb is one that is believed by the public can be used as medicine. Of course, traditional ingredients and how the test also requires that safe clinical use. However, the medical world only recognize medical treatment four lines DE.

Ie, with oral therapy, intra-uretral therapy, injection therapy intra-kavernosa, and the protesa penis. All therapy should receive special supervision of a doctor. The last few years in western countries there is a popular drug used. Oral drugs based on synthetic chemicals sildenafil citric this is widely used to overcome the interference DE throughout the world. Power to work directly on the nerve-nerve of male genital organs. Therefore, some time after consuming drugs that act as erektogenik this, people with direct experience akan DE results. Unfortunately, there are some side effects were reported. Among other things, headache, skin redness, vision disturbances, clogged nose, and sore muscles.
Meanwhile, the community has been using some plants to improve sexual function. Plants that have efikasi (potency) as the medicine on fitofarmaka. Now efikasi some plants that have been examined by several doctors in Indonesia. They are Prof Dr dr Wimpie Pangkahila Sp And Andrology FAACS experts from the University of Udayana Denpasar and from Prof. Dr. Arif dimoelja Sp And MSc, Andrology experts from the University of Hangtuah FKU / education Navy Hospital, Surabaya. According to Prof. Wimpie, how drugs work on the improvement of plant function ereksi different from chemical drugs.

Medicinal plants work to improve the body's immunity, and generate excitatory nerve center in the system that also improve blood circulation, and will generate a fresh body, and encourage sexual passion, and eventually function ereksi improved. Prof. Arif find some plants that have medicinal functions afrodisiaka of passion or erotic (or sex drugs erogenik agent arousal. In such garlic is classified as afrodisiaka is because the decrease in blood cholesterol level so that the bend can not direct blood vessel and improve blood vessel kelenturan . With so happens akan lenturan repair blood vessel function vaskuler, both in the brain, heart, and in the male genital organ. One of the plants that have the DE property, said Prof. Arif, is Pimpinella pruacen, many medicinal plant that grows in the mountains Dieng Central Java . Society, commonly called Java purwaceng. the active compound in this plant to give effect to provide warm feeling in the body and to increase emotional.

Next is the plant spindle earth (Eurycoma longifolia). This plant is usually found in Kalimantan, Sumatra, and Malaysia. Pegs are also earth afrodisiaka because of active eurycomanol the dikandungnya. There is also a ginkgo biloba, a plant found in many United States and contains material on 9-6ginkgobiloba flavanoid glycoside. This plant useful perifer improve blood circulation and blood circulation of the brain will create more erotic excitative bai. This will raise the order Libido through nerve centers and autonomous nerve penghantar so memroduksi (neurotransmitter) nitrit oxide (NO). NO is the main condition for the occurrence of smooth muscle relaxation in korpus kavernosum needed to generate ereksi.

No order for Erectile Dysfunction

People with diabetes mellitus (DM) risk of 2-5 times more vulnerable suffer Erectile Dysfunction (DE) or impotensi compared to healthy men. Men of this disease tend to DE 10-15 years faster than those not suffering from diabetes. Some 95 percent of male diabetics akan impotensi experience at the age of 70 years. According to Prof. Dr. Slamet Suyono SpPD dr-KEMD, from the sub Endokrinologi RSCM Jakarta, many people, especially men, do not realize the bad choices. Erectile Dysfunction can be an early symptom of diabetes. And, it appeared that about 30 percent of male patients also have a DE of diabetes.

In Indonesia the number of people with DM increased from year to year is estimated to reach seven million patients in the year 2020, or 1.5 percent to two percent of the community. DM diwaspadai need to be attacked because of all ages, all socio-economic level, and male and female, and not only the genetic factors. However, people in the city most likely affected by DM is greater than in rural areas. This is due to modern lifestyles, such as less movement or exercise, many mengonsumsi food berkolestrol and high-fat berkadar. As a result, body fat and so easily vulnerable suffer diabetes. In the chronic condition (lasts longer), the DM cause various complications. That often happens is the blood vessel complications. This complication is called angiopati diabetik, which cause constriction lumen (cavity) vein.

Angiopati which result in blood vessel constriction of blood vessel cavity akan terganggunya nutrition by causing blood vessel concerned. Reduction of nutrients in the nerve causes the nerves called neuropati. In the DM patients who have experienced complications neuropati, perangsangannya level is not enough to produce significant changes. As a result, the blood vessel network in the penis that erektil not sufficient to generate tension (ereksi) good enough to make sexual activity. In addition, diabetics also experience interference or vein angiopati akan that disrupt blood flow to the penis. That is why the disease diabetes causes Erectile Dysfunction.

Friday, June 12, 2009

"Easy Spirit Womens Instep Slip Ons" from

"Easy Spirit Womens Instep Slip Ons" from - Consumer: Women

The purpose of the Easy Spirit Womens Instep Slip Ons is to provide women with a casual shoe that is easy to wear and comfortable for casual settings.

Pros: The Easy Spirit Womens Instep Slip Ons are so cute and so comfortable that you are going to want a pair in each of the four colors in which they are available, so that you will have a pair to match every summer outfit. The Easy Spirit Womens Instep Slip Ons come in cool colors -- pink/white, white/light blue, navy/lime, and black/lime.

The Easy Spirit Womens Instep Slip Ons are so comfortable that you will feel less stress and be able to keep going and going and going. The Easy Spirit Fitness Air system lets air circulate within the shoe and that keeps your feet feeling cool and dry. The soles are made of a non-slip material that will keep you sure-footed. The lightweight construction makes the Easy Spirit Womens Instep Slip Ons suitable for some light athletic activities, as well.

Cons: The only problem that I can see with the Easy Spirit Womens Instep Slip Ons is that I want a pair in every color!

Guarantee: The guarantee on the FootSmart website reads in part: “Everything you buy from us is backed by our 120 Day – 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply return it within 120 days for any reason and your product total will be refunded (unfortunately we cannot refund shipping and order processing fees). Please remember, though, that footwear products, such as shoes, must be returned in their original, unworn condition, and in their original boxes.”

Value for money: The Easy Spirit Womens Instep Slip Ons are an excellent value for fashion-conscious women.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Time to Update!!

OMG!!! Finally I am able to make an update to this blog. It's been a while since the last tome I updated this blog. I've been kinda busy and lazy lately he he! Thanks for visiting my blog...I'll get back to you guys as soon as I can. Hope everyone have a good week.

You Are an Acai Berry
You are an intense, fascinating person with a very strong personality.
You don't shy away from controversy, and you're incredibly independent.

You are cultured, knowledgeable, and worldly. You have a deep understanding of things.
You are lively and healthy. You believe your body is a temple, and you treat it as such.

I've heard that Acai will be fine with colitis, but the colon cleanse may upset it. Hmmm...What do you think peeps? Well...I know that he açaí berry has been touted and marketed as a highly beneficial dietary supplement.

For what I''v read the Acai berry in particular is known for its reputation as a super food and its exceptional antioxidant properties. The berry is a small grape-sized berry that natives of the Amazon region have been eating as part of their diet for centuries. Only 10% of the berry is actual fruit while the rest is inedible seed.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Clarks Privo Joyner Womens Sandals from

Consumer: Women

The purpose of the Clarks Privo Joyner Womens Sandals is to provide comfortable, cool, casual footwear for active women.

Pros: The Clarks Privo Joyner Womens Sandals are a blend of running shoes and sandals that works. The easy comfort of a good running shoe is combined with the openness of a sandal to provide the ultimate in cool and "way cool" comfort and versatility. The Clarks Privo Joyner Womens Sandals is easily taken off and put on with the oh-so-neat pull closure.

The upper parts of the Clarks Privo Joyner Womens Sandals are constructed of soft, flexible nubuck while the sole is that of a good running shoe, making them both cool as well as easy on the feet, legs, back, and hips. What more could you ask for? The shoes have the very open look of a sandal, but the toe is closed for maximum protection for the very active woman. This will be a long-wearing shoe that you will love!

Cons: The only con that I can find associated with the Clarks Privo Joyner Womens Sandals is that they come in only one width, medium or B.

Guarantee: The guarantee on the FootSmart website reads in part: “Everything you buy from us is backed by our 120 Day – 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply return it within 120 days for any reason and your product total will be refunded (unfortunately we cannot refund shipping and order processing fees). Please remember, though, that footwear products, such as shoes, must be returned in their original, unworn condition, and in their original boxes.”

Value for money: The Clarks Privo Joyner Womens Sandals are a very good value for active women.


Blink Sylva from

Consumer: Women

The purpose of the Blink Sylva is to provide women with a casual shoe that will be appropriate for many casual social gatherings and be comfortable to wear.

Pros: The Blink Sylva is so cool and just so darn cute! It has a definite nautical look that you will just love. The Blink Sylva is a little crocheted skimmer that will add so much versatility to your shoe wardrobe.

The Blink Sylva features a crocheted fabric upper with a woven raffia trim around the mid-sole. The woven raffia trim is a natural color and compliments the woven upper no matter whether you choose the chili red, the black, or the white. The outer sole is made of rubber which adds some stability. There is only very light padding in the foot bed, which means that the shoe is very lightweight.

You will really love the versatility that this little crocheted skimmer allows you. The Blink Sylva is a must-have addition to the shoe wardrobe of every discerning woman.

Cons: The Blink Sylva is available only in medium width and in only three sizes. The sizes run very small. You will need to order a full size larger than you normally wear.

Guarantee: The guarantee on the website reads in part, “If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, we will be happy to accept a return for a full refund.” Free return shipping is included. Additionally, there is a low-price guarantee as well as a safe shopping guarantee.

Value for money: The Blink Sylva is a very good value in a casual shoe.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Traditional Medicines For Children

Following a number of medicinal and kitchen spices used as well as usage:

Red onion
To reduce fever, grated onion secukupnya, balurkan in the body of a baby / child. For sore, red onion, 3 cloves and 2 finger rimpang kunyit washed, shredded, and mixed with 2 spoons of coconut oil new. Warm over a small fire while stirred. After a cold, oleskan on the body of a sick 2 times a day. For a cold, red onion 8 cloves, washed, tumbuk smooth, water mixed with whiting secukupnya. Balurkan in the back, neck, stomach and legs.

For the incoming wind, flatulence and kolik on children. How,  ¼ teaspoon dry ginger powder dilarutkan in  ½ cup hot water. Give 1-2 times per day according to age.

Turmeric (turmeric)
For diarrhea,  ½ finger turmeric and 3 of young guava leaves fresh mashed, mixed with  ½ cup water, and diperas. Once strained, given to the children sekehendaknya. To skin the white spot or mildew fungus / diaper rash because of the diapers, grated turmeric oleskan ago.

The seeds of cashew leaves (klutuk jambu, jambu batu)
For diarrhea, 3 of young guava leaves and fresh, washed clean, smooth tumbuk, let  ½ cup warm water, and taken diperas water. Give salt secukupnya before given to the children. Air perasan given to the child sekehendaknya.

Wuluh star fruit (sour star fruit, star fruit buluk)
Usually used for children's cough medicine. How, steam (in a small pan closed for several hours) a handful (about 11-12 grams) of fresh flowers wuluh star fruit, 5 butiradas, 1 tablespoon rock sugar and 1 / 2 cup water. Filter and minumkan 2-3 times per day with age appropriate dose of children.

Mengkudu (pace)
To alleviate flatulence in infants. How, heat leaves over a fire mengkudu some time, and coconut oil olesi fresh / new. Paste in the stomach when the child warm. Can be repeated several times.

Nutritious enrich baby's hair. How, hazelnut oil be smeared on the baby / child while gently massage every night. Morning disampo hair and rinsed with warm water until clean. This oil candle that is better so.

Air Kelapa Muda
Can be used for drug muntaber young coconut water because it contains many minerals potassium, which is when many children out muntaber. Dose not have takarannya, sekendak children.

Brotowali (Putrawali, andawali)
Useful for external wound-healing wounds, and itching due to scabies itch (Scabies). How, 2-3 finger stem brotowali cut small, boiled with 6 glasses of water. After the boil, leave for 1 / 2 hours. Filtered water and use to treat wounds and itchy-itchy.

To dilute phlegm and cough medicine children. How, mixed perasan water 1 tbsp lemon, 3 tbsp pure honey, 5 tbsp water, then ditim for 30 minutes. Measure the baby to drink between the ages of 6-1 years: 2 times 1 / 2 tsp; children 1-3 years: 2 times 1 tsp; children 4-5 years old: 2 times 1 1 / 2 tsp. Alternatively, cut pieces 1 lemon, PERAS water, put in a glass / cup. Add sweet soy sauce, poke. Measure for children to drink, 3 times per day 1 tsp.

To ulcer drugs. How, grated potatoes and PERAS. Oleskan essence of water and grated fresh kendtang be smeared on the ulcer 3-4 times per day can be too rash to the skin caused by prickly heat or sweat buntet (miliaria), because the nature of the potatoes cool.

Banglai (bangle, panglai, manglai, pandhiyang)
To calm babies and children are often fussy in the night, balurkan grated banglai segal brow and body in children.

Olive oil
To treat dandruff or scaling of the infant (craddle crap), as much as 1-2 times per day be smeared on the scalp.

Aloe vera
To treat burns in infants and children. How smear the meat with aloe vera leaf on the entire surface of the skin suffering burns.

Papaya leaf
Nutritious increase appetite, cure the disease malaria, fever, beri-beri and stomach cramps. How, young papaya leaves ditumbuk, diperas, filtered, and drinking water.

Temulawak (koneng gede)
To increase the appetite. I, 150 grams temulawan 50 grams of fresh turmeric peeled, sliced thin, in the 500 cc rendam honey kapok in toples closed for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks concoction is ready for use. Rules drinking: 1 tablespoon honey temulawak dilarutkan in  ½ cup warm water, drink morning and evening.

To alleviate cough in children. I, 5 grams of fresh, washed clean kencur, scar, and
add 2 tbsp water and white stirred and cooked. Once strained, add 1 tbsp pure honey. Give 2-3 times a day.

Fennel (fennel)
Fennel tea can be used to alleviate the suffering baby kolik or pain due erupsi (out) teeth. To cure a cold and kolik, how 1sdt fennel tea dilarutkan with 1 cup boiling water, until dissolved confused. After a rather cold, the solution can be given to the infant / child with the appropriate measure of age.

Monday, June 1, 2009

NordicTrack MTN 740 Stepper from Workout

NordicTrack MTN 740 Stepper from Workout - Consumer: Those who are trying to get into good physical condition or those who are dieting and looking for a way to achieve the exercise they need at home.

The purpose of the NordicTrack MTN 740 Stepper is to provide exercise for toning and shaping buns, thighs and calves, as well as, a cardio-vascular workout.

Pros: The NordicTrack MTN 740 Stepper provides the best workout for buns, thighs and calves ever! The four built in workout programs are just great. The built in fans (Coolaire) are a big help as are the cardio grip pulse sensors.

The payment program makes it possible for almost anybody to be able to own a NordicTrack MTN 740 Stepper because the payments are only $25.00 per month.

Work Out Warehouse is a very easy company to deal with.

Cons: There are no cons associated with the NordicTrack MTN 740 Stepper. It is an excellent product except that the shipping charges do seem a bit excessive.

Guarantee: Work Out Warehouse offers a 30-day money back guarantee less shipping both ways. The price of the equipment plus the tax will be refunded after the customer gets a return authorization from the Work Out Warehouse and the equipment has been returned. Most of the equipment sold by Work Out Ware House carries a manufacturer's guarantee that is at least 90 days and most are longer.

Value for money: The NordicTrack MTN 740 Stepper is an excellent value for the dollar especially at the sale price of $599.00.


Daun Sirih Benefits For Health

Of course you already know betel is not it? Betel leaves are often chewed by a grandmother, a grandmother we nginang (bhs. Java). Seems to strengthen the gigi.Tanaman that can grow suburdi yards and easily found at the florist that this property has a lot to prevent and treat harmful health disease, such as to eliminate mouth odor. Keputihan and so forth. Unfortunately dibudidayakan not optimal in the yard and used for medicine. For that, it's good to know you savor multi betel leaves.

Foreword that the name Piper betle L latinnya have the womb chemicals atsiri oil (kadinen, kavikol, sineol, eugenol, karvakol), samak substances. Used the leaves, sap and oil. The benefits for the ulcer drug, nose bleeding, inflammation of mucous, trachoma, halitosis, keputihan, wobbly teeth, gum swelling, sore throat, rheumatism, heart flutter, head dizzy, too much water out susu, dry cough, fever childbed , sariawan. (Ir.Arif Aliadi, 1996) The betel can be single or in combination with other drug plants. Here are some ingredients of betel.

Eliminate odor and prevent damage to the mouth of teeth:

* One sheet of betel leaves to be washed clean after the chewed-chewing, hold bebearapa minutes in the mouth, and diludahkan. Do it 2-3 times a day.
* Alternatively: 5-6 pieces of boiled betel leaf with 2 glasses of water and filtered until mendidih.Dinginkan and after that to kumur-kumur each morning and afternoon.

Swelling gum / mouth:

* Take 5-6 betel leaf l embar Boil with 3 water glass until boiling. And lift the filter, add salt. Next to kumur-kumur 3 times a day.

Bleeding teeth
Postwar pull teeth (teeth usually) always have a lot of bleeding .. To stop the bleeding, use this herb.

* Take 10 pieces of betel leaf. After washed with boiled water until the 5 glass boiling. Angkatsaring. Next kumur with each herb 1Jam once.
Ingredients can also smell the mouth caused by damage to teeth that have been a lot of hollow.

Eliminate body odor
 Take 2-3 pieces of betel leaves soaked in hot water 1/2gelas.ditambah one teaspoon of white sugar. Let the water until lukewarm. After sirihnya taken, drink water

To remove the smell in the axilla:
 Take a sheet betel leaves give a little lime, then diremas-remas, lumatannya be smeared on the axilla, so that baunya lost.

Cough medicine:
* 5 pieces of betel leaves
Cloves, cardamom, cubeb, each 11 seeds
Kayumanis 1 digit
How to create:
All materials to be washed after the water boiled with 2 glasses of water to stay 1 ½ glass filter and lift
Rules drinking:
Children age 1 s.d. 3 years 3 times a day 1 tablespoon.
Children age 4 s.d. 5 years 3 times a day 3 tbs
Children age 6 s.d. 11 years 3 times a day 5 tbs
Adult 3 times a day

Keputihan: To prevent or overcome keputihan, mengurang itch-itch on vagina use a betel leaf stew cebok. While the ingredients for the drink is usually combined with a mustache cat, turmeric, palm or liman Sambiloto, even now already is in the form of making IM a candied herb turmeric and betel.