Thursday, December 31, 2009

Genetic Risk Factors in Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer and the second leading cause of cancer deaths in women in the United States. In 2008, approximately 184,450 patients were estimated to be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer, and an estimated 40,930 were estimated to die of this disease. Furthermore, over 50,000 female carcinoma in situ breast cases would have been diagnosed. The etiology of breast cancer is poorly understood with multiple genetic and environmental factors involved in the initiation and progression of cancer.

Scandinavian Twin Study: For years, there has been a hot debate as to whether the cause of breast cancer is genetic or environmental. Then in 2000, Lichtenstein and his colleagues at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden published their study of 44,788 pairs of twins from the Swedish, Danish, and Finnish twin registries. In this study, they looked at cancer risk with 28 different types of cancers and did statistical modeling of genetic and hereditary contributions in eleven different cancer types. For breast cancer, they clearly showed that only 27% of breast cancers were due to genetic factors. This was an even lower hereditary component than other common cancers such as prostate and colorectal. This study and others have confirmed the fact that over 70% of breast cancers are influenced by environmental factors.

BRCA genes: Although much attention has been made about hereditary breast cancer, only two genes are commonly tested for breast cancer risk assessment. These two genes are tumor suppressor genes named "BRCA1" and "BRCA2" that are involved with DNA repair. These two genes only account for about 5% of all breast cancers. Because of the Scandinavian twin study, most experts believed that there are other yet to be discovered genes involved with breast cancer. Because the chance of having a BRCA mutation in the general population is so low, genetic testing is not indicated in most patients. However, if a patient has a family history of breast cancer, then a mathematical model can be used to determine if BRCA testing is indicated. The likelihood of being a BRCA carrier increases with the number of relatives who had cancer and if the cancers occurred earlier in life. For example, in families with four or more cases of breast or ovarian cancer under the age of 60, over 80% are found to have a damaged version of BRCA1 or BRCA2. If a patient is a carrier of one or both of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, her risk of breast cancer dramatically increases. According to estimates of lifetime risk, about 13.2% (132 out of 1,000 individuals) of women in the general population will develop breast cancer, compared with estimates of 36-85% (360–850 out of 1,000) of women with an altered BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene. In other words, women with an altered BRCA1 and/or BRCA2 gene are up to eight times more likely to develop breast cancer than women without alterations in those genes. The BRCA1 mutation confers a higher risk than a BRCA2 mutation. Women who inherit a damaged BRCA1 gene have a 60-85% chance of developing breast cancer at some stage in their lives and a 20-40% chance of developing ovarian cancer. For BRCA2, the risks are 40-60% and 10-20%, respectively.

Family History and Breast Cancer: Although the spotlight in hereditary breast cancer has been directed on the BRCA genes, the majority of patients with a family history of breast cancer are BRCA1 and BRCA2 negative. Even in these BRCA negative patients, however, there is an increased risk of developing cancer with a family history of breast cancer. Six factors (unrelated to BRCA genes) have been studied in patients with a family history of breast cancer. They are as follows:
  1. Degree of relationship: If the family member with a history of cancer is a first degree relative, the increased risk is much greater than for second degree relatives.
  2. Number of relatives who have had breast cancer: People with two or more family members who have had breast cancer are at higher risk than those with only one affected relative.
  3. Age of onset of cancer: If the relative developed breast cancer at an early age (pre-menopausal), the risk is higher than if the relative developed post menopausal breast cancer.
  4. Bilateral breast cancer: If the relative has a history of bilateral breast cancer, the risk is greater than having a relative with unilateral breast cancer.
  5. Gender of the relative: If the family member with breast cancer is a man, the risk is higher.
  6. Other related early onset tumors: If there is a family history of early onset ovarian cancer, this incurs an increased risk for a person.

How to decide whether you need the BRCA gene test

The following is an excerpt from the American Society of Breast Surgeons:
  1. Early onset breast cancer (diagnosed before age 50)
  2. Two primary breast cancers, either bilateral or ipsilateral
  3. A family history of early onset breast cancer
  4. Male breast cancer
  5. A personal or family history of ovarian cancer
  6. Ashkenazi (Eastern European) Jewish heritage
  7. A previously identified BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation in the family
Any one of these features alone indicates a risk for harboring a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation. The presence of more than one of these features raises that risk to greater than 10%, the traditional cutoff for recommending a BRCA test.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Useful Foods to Lower Cholesterol?

Food plays an important role in managing the cholesterol level in your body. Apart from a well-managed lifestyle or proper medication, it is mandatory that you switch to fat-free, cholesterol-free healthy diet to manage the level of cholesterol. If you are suffering from high blood cholesterol problem, quite obviously you are having a high level of LDL; then you should consider about three important factors concerning your selection about food to lower cholesterol. These three factors are - saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol. It is advisable that you make your meal absolutely free from these three diet components.

Or else, at least limit the intake of these three diet components. This article enlightens you on the important food to lower cholesterol level in your body. You may add any of the following foods to your diet to manage your blood cholesterol.

Beans, Peas and Lentil

This is an appropriate food to lower cholesterol level. Beans, peas, and lentils consist of high soluble fiber, which effectively manages cholesterol level in your body. You can always prepare a colorful salad dishes using these nutritional substances, and keep yourself and your loved ones healthy. Apart from that, you may eat apples, carrots, barely, and oats to fulfill the need of soluble fiber.


It contains high protein. Isoflavones, naturally found in Soy products are believed to mimic the role of hormones that help in regulating cholesterol level in the body. If you really care about lowering your cholesterol level, it is a must that you take a minimum of 25gms of soy proteins as a part of your daily diet. You may take soy yogurt, soy burgers, ground soy, soy nuts, soy milk, tofu, and tempeh in your regular diet


Fish is an ideal food to lower cholesterol level. It meets the demands for omega 3, which is beneficial for lowering high blood cholesterol. It especially provides protection against LDL cholesterol. Omega 3 fatty acids are commonly found in mackerel, salmon, herring, sardines, tuna, and halibut. Fishes are the perfect option for getting omega 3, but you may also opt in walnuts, flax seeds, or almonds, to have the same benefits.

Olive Oil

Mono-saturated fats can effectively lower the level of high blood cholesterol, especially 'bad' or LDL one. It has the ability to raise the amount of HDL cholesterol in the system. Olive oil is rich with mono-saturated fat. Hence, you can switch to this wonderful food to lower cholesterol, especially while cooking or preparing salads.

Flax seed

Flax seed is a perfect food to lower cholesterol level. It constitutes high protein, soluble fiber and omega 3 fatty acids. It consists of useful component called lignans. Lignans offers protection against cardiovascular problems by means of lowering LDL cholesterol level. Apart from that, it is assumed that flax seed has the ability to fight against few types of cancer like breast and colon cancer. It also helps protecting body from diabetes.


Garlic is known as kitchen's pride. Its medicinal property is highly respected among different cultures for several hundreds of years. It has the ability to fight against different cardiovascular diseases such as high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, and high blood pressure. According to the results found in different scientific studies, garlic helps lowering cholesterol level. Garlic has two compounds, known as allin and allicin. These two compounds are assumed to intrude with the cholesterol metabolism function in the liver. Additionally, garlic also regulates the amount of cholesterol released in the blood stream.

Vitamin C and E

These two vitamins are well known for their anti-oxidizing property. They can help minimize the level of cholesterol in the body. The primary sources for deriving vitamin C are cabbage, oranges, potatoes, peppers, kiwi, and strawberries. On the other hand, for having vitamin E in your diet, you can easily depend on various healthy foods such as avocados, broccoli, mangoes, Brazilian seeds, peanuts, almonds, and sunflower seeds.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Seven Tips to Help you Lose Weight Fast

Do not skip meals, (particularly breakfast). In order to maintain your metabolic rate you must eat regularly. If you do skip a meal your body will react to the lack of sustenance, by considerably reducing metabolism, in order to conserve energy. This is why starvation diets generally do not work. If this tactic does result in a weight reduction it will probably be muscle weight rather than fat, so not recommended at all.
Increase your exercise as much as you possibly can within your personal limitations. Exercise burns off fat and increases your metabolic rate.
Modern thinking says that the best time to exercise is about 8 or 9 hours after you wake up. This is because it is at this time that your natural metabolism starts to slow down and exercise will give it a boost and get it going again thus burning off more fat.
Eat slowly. Chewing every bite really well will tend to decrease your appetite. Also, by eating slowly, your brain will keep up with your stomach, and will tell you at the right time, when you have had enough to eat.
Never go out food shopping, on an empty stomach, and always try to prepare a list of you needs before you go. A hungry supermarket shopper is very easily seduced into buying the wrong sort of foods. Make sure that you do not fall into that category.
Never eat after 8 pm. Particularly, do not indulge in snacks that contain anything that resemble calories. If you must eat something, I suppose a stick of celery might be okay, but in general, you should fast until breakfast next day.
Make sure that you get a good night sleep. At least 8 hours is recommended. When the body is asleep it self repairs against the ravages that we put it through during the day. Oddly enough, it also helps to get rid of cortisol which is one of the naturally occurring chemicals which put fat on us.
Try to be positive. Once you start to lose weight you will begin to feel good about yourself and this tends to be self perpetuating. Thus, the further you progress with your weight loss program, the more positive you will become.
You should try to ‘think thin’. Say to yourself that you are actually quite a slim person and you do not really have very big appetite and you can quite certainly manage without that extra helping of potato and do not need to have sugar, cream and sauce on everything.
If you can get your weight down to the level that you find acceptable you will find that it increases you self confidence and greatly improves your general health. You will also most likely add to your life expectancy. Think about all the advantages that will come with weight loss, like shopping for new clothes of the size you have always wanted to be. Also, you will be able to go to the beach or the poolside, in a bikini, without any embarrassment.
Weight loss is really quite easy. All you have to do is make sure that the calories taken in the form of food are less than the calories that are expended. The greater the difference between these, the greater the rate at which you will lose weight

Monday, December 28, 2009

How to Become an NBA Sports Agent

So you want to become an NBA sports agent? Sure, why not. It sounds easy, you get to mingle with famous NBA sports celebrities, make a lot of money, make a name for yourself, and all you have to do is negotiate contracts with professional NBA team owners.


Well, not exactly! Sure, you have the potential to mingle with famous NBA sports celebrities, make a lot of money, make a name for yourself, and you will be negotiating contracts with professional NBA team owners. However, there is a lot more involved and a lot more responsibilities and requirements with becoming an NBA sports agent.

With the PlayerPress E-Book you can learn what it takes to become an NBA sports agent.

You can learn what an NBA agent’s basic responsibilities are, as well as the potential monetary rewards, perks, benefits, and rewards that come with being an NBA sports agent. You will also learn the downsides to beginning a career as an NBA sports agent.

You can learn the educational and certification requirements for NBA Agents, along with how to obtain those requirements. You will also learn any other procedures you will need to know in order to start a career as an NBA sports agent.

You can learn what you need to get started as an NBA agent. You will learn what information you should research along with the skills that are necessary and what you should learn in order to develop those skills in becoming a successful NBA sports agent.

You can learn how to apply for NBA certification as an Agent with the National Basketball Players Association (NBPA) and any fees that are necessary to gain your certification.

You can learn what is required by the NBPA once you have been certified and any annual fees that may be required.

You can learn the importance of networking, along with numerous ideas on strategies, necessary resources, and some ways to build up a network so that you can find and secure NBA clients to represent.

You will learn what people you should become acquainted with and talk to in order to find avenues that will open the door to new clients.

You can learn ideas on how to be successful as an NBA sports agent and how to increase your clientele once you have secured your first client.

You can learn what is required in order to remain an NBA sports agent in good standing with the NBPA.

Do you have what it takes to become an NBA agent?

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Best Ways to Achieve Migraine Pain Relief

When a migraine hits, it completely shuts a individual down. Life is brought to a virtual standstill. With a migraine headache an indiviual
typically can't handle any kind of light or any loud noises. All one can do is lie in a quiet and darkened room. Still, the pain can be very difficult to deal with. That's why it's so critical to find some kind of migraine pain relief.

There are many different possibilities for relief that a migraine sufferer can try. There are medicines that can be taken, home remedies that can be tried, and techniques that can be used to help lessen the severity of a migraine headache. Of course, migraine pain relief can also be had by doing what needs to be done so that the migraine is never triggered in the first place.

Many people see their physician for help in dealing with migraines. There are many medications that are quite effective in providing migraine pain relief. With the majority of medications, those who suffer from migraines simply need to recognize when a migraine is developing and then take the medicine. However, sometimes a certain medication doesn't work and other medications have to be tried.

There are also pain relievers that are sold over the counter. Some individuals find that these work bery well for them. It is all dependent on the individual and the precise pain reliever that is being used. Keep in mind that if one is not effective, then you should use a different one.

There are also some home remedies that seem to do a great job in providing migraine pain relief. A couple of examples of home rememedies that work well on migraines are magnesium and feverfew.

Of course, the best way to get migraine pain relief is to stay away from what triggers the migraine in the first place. If you can determine what causes your migraine headaches, of course avoiding them will become easy which, in turn, will provide you with migraine pain relief.

An effective migraine headache treatment is whatever works for each individual person. Since no two people are alike, it's up to each person to figure out what causes their migraines and what works in stopping the migraine. While there are many effective medicines on the market, there are also effective natural remedies, In addition, finding what causes a migraine and then avoiding that trigger is the most effective way to deal with migraine headaches.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Better Quality Life

How does one add value to life? Well this woman I know that has a hard time enjoying anything. Oh yes, did I mention that she is only 46 years old. Arthritis runs in her family and she diagnosed with arthritis as well as fibromyalgia. So therefore, she in pain most of the time with no way out that she can find. The family doctor just has no good idea what to do. Just the every day task that many of us take for grant is at time very difficult for her to do! Just to get out of bed in the morning is a challenge for her most morning.

Now if this woman were able to find some type of help would it improving her quality of life. In addition, at the same time would it add value to her life? On the other hand, a person with extreme fatigue in the same situation does it affect his quality of life also? Which because of his or her situation not of the person own doing but because at just happen as we grown older. Should we just continue to in pain and misery,or take a chance for a better quality of life? Maybe there help,that people not aware of,or just havn't discovery the answer to illness. Research from all different type of medical doctors, research centers, universes not just in this country but also around the world basely come up with the same result. Repeatedly the results are basely the same vitamin deficient is a major part of all the ill that most of us feel at some point in our life. In most of the research that I read about seem to suggest that about age 40 and over. Is where the body starts to lose it ability to store and adsorb the vitamin and nutrient we need to live a happy and full life? So why do so few of us take action to improve this and live a better life? We should be enjoying our family and a aboundness of happiness?

If you have a love one or for yourself want a better quality of life check it out. Here are the top 10 more common symptoms,. Depression, fatigue, , poor memory, loss of appetite, weight loss, tingling/numbness in the hands and feet, confusion as well as anemia ( lack of healthy red blood cells, fatigue is one common result) last trouble keeping balance. While these symptoms do not automatically signal a definency,they do need to be look into. From all the research that has been done in regard to these symptom from medical. doctor,medical clinics and university around the world,that is precisely the problem in may cases. Using a high quality Summlement product with your diet, to help get the vitamin you need is the solution.

Health Impact of Binge Drinking Alcohol (khamar)

Health Impact of Binge Drinking Alcohol (khamar)
Binge drinking, or drinking several alcoholic drinks in a short time, can have serious health effects, some of which may be dangerous and even life threatening.

Binge drinking is often regarded as a fun, social activity with little thought given to the health effects that may follow. It is well known that binge drinking can cause sickness and a hangover, but it can also put people in danger, lead to serious long term health problems, and sometimes even be fatal.

What is Binge Drinking?

Binge drinking generally means drinking several alcoholic drinks in a row over a short period of time (such as during one evening), often with the intention of getting drunk. Although the number of drinks required to qualify as binge drinking varies depending on the source consulted, binge drinking often involves consuming a variety of different drinks, such as wine, beer, cocktails, shots and alcopops, and may include drinking games.

People who binge drink often do so as a group, viewing it as a fun, social activity, although participants will often end up engaging in quite antisocial behaviours as a result of intoxication. Binge drinking can also be a solitary activity if an individual sits alone drinking many drinks one after another.

The Health Effects of Binge Drinking

The unglamorous side of binge drinking is that a heavy drinking episode often results in the binge drinker feeling sick and vomiting, waking up with a terrible headache, and not being able to remember events that happened during the binge.

Excessive alcohol consumption impairs judgement and coordination of body movements, leading to confusion and an inability to walk properly. This increases the drinker’s chances of having an accident, such as falling over and suffering cuts and bruises or broken bones, or falling in the road in front of a car. He or she may also take unnecessary risks not usually taken when sober, and become the victim of a sexually transmitted disease, an unwanted pregnancy, or a serious assault.

Binge drinking can lead to alcohol poisoning, which in turn affects the body’s involuntary reflexes. Breathing and heart rate may slow down and stop, and the gag reflex may fail to work properly causing choking and asphyxiation. Seizures, hypothermia, a ruptured bladder, coma and brain damage are also possible consequences of drinking too much alcohol too quickly.

The Long Term Dangers of Regularly Binging on Alcohol

Binge drinking regularly places stress on the liver and may lead to alcoholic liver disease, including alcoholic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. Frequent binge drinking can also increase the risk of

Ø Pancreatitis
Ø Kidney problems
Ø Skin problems
Ø Infertility
Ø Heart attack and stroke
Ø Lung, stomach and intestinal problems
Ø Weight gain and obesity
Ø Impaired brain function
Ø Cancer of the tongue, mouth, throat, liver and breast
Ø Birth defects in children born to women who drink heavily during pregnancy

Regular binge drinking can lead to disrupted sleep patterns, tiredness, mood swings and difficulty concentrating, as well as depression, anxiety and other mental health problems, including an increased risk of suicide. It can also increase the risk of developing a dependency on alcohol.

Drinking alcohol is a social pleasure enjoyed with friends, but it is important to remember that binge drinking can have serious health consequences. The key to enjoying alcohol without any ill effects is to drink in moderation and learn to realise when enough alcohol, is enough.

Bupa. "Binge Drinking." (August 2009)
TeensHealth. "Binge Drinking." (August 2009)

Friday, December 25, 2009

When It Comes to Health, Adults Shortchange Kids

The problems of childhood obesity are not exclusive to American soil. Both the U.S. and many European countries face this crisis. Various solutions have been proposed and executed. Everything from promoting exercise to teaching children about the origin of their food to banning candy or sweets on school campuses.

Now the European Commission has put forth a new initiative. A recent BMJ article, European Commission plans free fruit and vegetable scheme in schools, highlights the commission’s desire to get kids off to a strong start regarding healthy eating habits. Although various countries have enacted similar plans, the commission’s concern is that these plans have holes in them including:

  • They only cover a small regional area
  • They only provide healthy food on a short-term basis or every once in a while
  • There are no guarantees that the program will continue

Brazilian kidThe commission wants to fix this by providing money to countries that voluntarily participate. The catch: each participating country must match the money provided by the commission with the exception of some needy areas.

Although I think that efforts to promote healthy habits among children is worthy, I think that this program, and others like it, are really band-aids for the real problem: us adults.

As most of us have humbly learned, children learn from example. And so the logical explanation for obesity and unhealthy eating habits among our children is nothing less than our own example. Because of our misguided actions and decisions, governments around the world are having to shell out money to fix our screwed up results.

Not only have we picked up shudder-inducing eating habits (and hey, I definitely include myself in the “we” I blame) but we have allowed the marketing industry to become corrupt-a-kid renegades. The combination of our desire for a quick drive-through burger, endless commercials, and colorful “fruit” roll-up boxes depicting one beloved cartoon character or another has proven too much for our impressionable children.

If we really want to curb the obesity issue and teach our kids how to eat we have to shun convenience and instant gratification for something else: good food. We have to pull out the cutting board and cut the orange instead of handing over a packet of sugary fruit chews. We have to plan meals instead of watching TV. We have to pass up the quick candy bar we crave so that our kids don’t get into the habit of thinking that it’s okay to fill our bodies with sugar.

I cringe at these words. Alas, I am a sugar-addict and I too know how easy it is to order a basket of fries or reason that a few sips of soda won’t hurt. But I know that each time I hear about another government program aimed at preventing what I’ve helped start I’m going to cringe even more.

Hair Loss Prevention Herbals

There is no known cure for a balding head. But having said that, there are remedies you can avail of that can delay the inevitable hair thinning process especially if you are genetically predisposed towards it. These treatments aim to achieve hair loss prevention. Herbal medication practiced for centuries has been tested effective in arresting hair loss and promote hair growth but only for as long as these treatment regimen are regularly done. Stop the treatment and the hair loss resumes its course.

1. Saw Palmetto

The extract from this plant has been used to treat non-cancerous prostrate enlargement with anti-androgenetic properties to control the DHT substance that cannot be expelled by a malfunctioning prostrate. This same property can arrest DHT overproduction that causes hair to weaken and fall out.

2. Aloe Vera

You can rub Aloe vera gel squeezed out from its tendrils directly onto the scalp or mix the gel extract with coconut milk or wheat germ oil to become a shampoo. The extract has long been used by herbalist for centuries as being effective in treating a number of minor illnesses, one of which is to promote hair follicles to improve blood circulation, grow back hair and replace those that have fallen out.

3. Rosemary Plant

Rosemary plant is among the oldest and most revered herbal substance used by ancient herbalists as having curative properties against common ailments like colds, flu as well as liver and gall bladder disorders. Its antiseptic qualities make it an excellent ingredient in shampoos to cleanse the scalp of debris and excess sebum than impede hair growth. If you are afflicted with scalp disorders like dandruff, Rosemary herbal oils can relieve the scaling that case dandruff. It will not directly address hair loss, but will control the scalp conditions that result in hair loss.

The above home-brewed medication can be a good start for hair loss prevention. Herbal medication has been accepted by medical experts as having sound basis for most of their curative claims. But it is important that they remain part of any hair loss regimen on a sustained basis since discontinuing it can bring back the hair loss problems.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Top Foods to Avoid If You Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome

When you have a condition like Irritable Bowel Syndrome then you better brace yourself. Your doctor will definitely recommend you to take a specific diet in order to cope with this right away. Maintaining a diet is probably the hardest part when it comes to the palliative care of patients with IBS because it takes away one of the most significant aspects of their life which is eating good food.

For a person with IBS, there are certain types of food that should be avoided or taken in very limited amount at all cost. The consequences are dire if ever these requirements are not met and they would usually be in excessive bouts of diarrhea or constipation, severe abdominal pain, and nausea & vomiting. If you are not willing to undergo any of these symptoms of an IBS attack, it is highly recommended that you follow the diet recommended for you. Here are some foods that you must avoid when it comes to dealing with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

The first thing you should do is to remove and avoid the fat content in your usual meals. Most people do not realize this but it takes 2-3 times more effort on the body to digest and emulsify fat as compared to digesting and emulsifying other elements of the food. This is because more acids and juices are needed to break down the fat in order for it to be used up by our bodies as effectively as possible. This is precisely why even a small amount of fat can cause you to have moderate to severe attacks of IBS. The lesser fat you ingest the lesser fat will be accumulated in your body. Aside from that there is a lesser chance that you will have IBS attacks as well.

The next item to avoid would be dairy products. The concept of this is based on a condition called lactose intolerance wherein a person\'s digestive system cannot adequately process the lactose. This leads to severe bouts of diarrhea. Since the signs and symptoms, the nature, and triggers of IBS is similar to that of lactose intolerance, common sense would dictate that lactose rich foods should also be avoided.

Another thing that you should avoid and probably the toughest one to give up on the list is red meat. You must avoid having them as much as possible. Red meat must be avoided because of its fat content which causes an irritation in the digestive system. There is no need to worry though because you will not be completely deprived of these kinds of meaty sustenance since there are still alternatives that you can choose from. One of which is poultry without the skin on. The skin has a high fat content but the white meat from the poultry is pure protein. Avoid dark colored poultry though.

Small frequent feedings are also preferred compared to three large meals in a day because this will give your digestive system ample strength to digest all the food you ingested.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Eczema and its Treatments

Eczema is a very distressing skin disorder that causes redness, dryness and pain and is usually caused by factors such as: excessive stress, allergies, immune system imbalances and heredity. Eczema usually appears on the elbows, wrists, face, hands and feet and affects millions of people all over the world.

Seattle, Washington is such a beautiful city with a great climate. What is perhaps the most appealing are the low pollen rates. Also, they have a public non-smoking law. People with eczema may notice that smoke can irritate their skin, but it's a personal choice for someone to smoke or not.

Eczema affects mostly the infants of three years old and above. Eczema occurs due to hereditary, genetic, allergic conditions or asthma. There is no exact reason for the cause of eczema. One of the vital factors may be improper functions of immune system. It may arise as a factor of using soap, detergents. Wearing ornaments and sweat secreted may be a factor too.

With the help of creams and ointments the eczema treatment can be performed. Creams and ointments mainly used to hydrate the skin in order to prevent in from dryness and itching. A cream called antihistamine is used to control itching when it is severe. Ultra violet therapy is used in some cases of eczema treatment.

The word eczema refers to a skin disease which produces inflammatory conditions of the skin. The skin disease has the characteristics like redness, itching and thickening of skin spotted mostly on the elbows, face, knees and arms. Many people confuse dermatitis with eczema.

They both are not the same. Eczema is a common term used to refer the rashes produced on the skin. Whereas the dermatitis is a specific skin inflammation produced on the skin.

Hemp Seed Oil will make a difference in other ways too. The essential fatty acids, EFA's, in Hemp Seed Oil can prevent diseases, help you control your weight and help to keep your vision from deteriorating. Also, your brain is 60% fat, so getting all of your essential fatty acids can even improve your brain functions.


A combination of juice of musk-melon and boiled pulp of mangoes is an excellent remedy for eczema on the feet. Peel the mango, boil it in water, let it cool down for time after which the paste should be applied on the eczema rash for about 10 - 15 days. Application of the juice of musk melon on the patches is also extremely helpful to cure eczema on feet.

If you have a history of allergic disorders, such as asthma, hay fever, and seasonal allergies this could point to eczema. The reason family history is important is that hereditary factors appear to play a strong role. If members of your family suffered from these disorders, chances are good they passed it along to you.

Once you understand what causes eczema and triggers your symptoms, you can then look at ways of eliminating or moderating those triggers. There is no cure for eczema now, but that doesn't mean you have to look forward to a life sentence of itching and misery. You can, with investigation and diligence, moderate or even eliminate your eczema symptoms completely and live a normal life.

Conventional treatments can have unwanted side effects such as thinning of the skin by using certain steroid creams. Some conventional treatments don't have the desired results and therefore the Eczema sufferer seeks out alternative treatments and therapies for their condition.

Alternative treatments are in my opinion the best way to go as usually these mean choosing a generally healthy lifestyle and not by using harsh chemicals on the skin on a daily basis. Always discuss with your health care provider before using any alternative treatment. The causes of Eczema are many but don't be put off, you can beat Eczema.


Occupational contact irritants are very, very common within this group and often occur in the occupations of beauticians, health care workers, food service workers, residential and commercial cleaners and janitors, metal workers, and a host of other occupations that involve solvents or constant immersion of the hands in water.

But better still Coconut oil used together with tea tree oil also has a rehabilitative effect on the bad state of your skin. The oiliness of both achieve the same result as Emu oil but they have added quality of being able to kill the irritating itch almost immediately.

When applied on the affected are it slowly eradicates your rash, something that will give your skin time to recover.

Oatmeal bath is considered to be another natural eczema treatment that is very soothing to itchy skin. All you need to do is just to soak yourself in an oatmeal bath. This eczema treatment method may sound strange, but you should know that oatmeal is very good for helping inflamed skin.

Neem oil is one type of oil that is used to get rid of the itchiness of the skin. The discomfort of eczema will go away if you gently rub some of this oil over the affected area. By relieving your skin of the itchy rash you'll be giving it time to recover.

Eczema of the hands can also be caused by ingested allergens such as foods or drugs. Common food allergens are peanuts, wheat, and shellfish. Strict avoidance to such allergens is recommended as part of an effective treatment plan.

Dyshidrotic means excessive sweating, and excessive sweating of the palms is thought to be the cause of dyshidrotic eczema of the hands. It is grouped with the endogenous category due to the factor or cause of sweating coming from within the body.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Natural treatment to remove facial hairs Some Good Suggestion

The simplest method right here is to shave the unwanted hair off as often as necessary and perhaps once or twice or in week.
Apply a mixture of besan and haldi (turmeric) with a small water applied to face. When it dries then gently rub off. This will remove though excessive facial hair. This is one of the really useful home remedies for hair removal.
The technique of waxing hair removal is also more effective. In this technique try to apply wax with a butter knife on the hairy area and press down with a cellophane paper or cloth strip and yank it with off in the direction opposite to hair growth. Waxing will also make your hair grow out thicker right but the growth will reduce in the long run if you keep waxing that regularly.
Plucking also greatly helps in the removal of hair. Pluck them once or twice in a week.
Bleaching can also greatly help to remove the facial hair.
Prepare a mixture by adding haldi, besan and then some curd and apply to the face. It is such an effective remedy there for the removal of facial hair.
Simply wash your face there twice a day with a face wash and follow up with a toner though. Apply a moisturizer right after shaving. This is such an effective home remedy for hair removal.
Add a little haldi to the gram flour and water then the hair will come out.
Try plucking out the hair right with a pair of tweezers.
Prepare a paste by adding a tablespoon of besan there with a few pinches of haldi and a little malai and then apply to the face.One of the useful major home remedies for hair removal.
Lemon is really a natural bleach, so apply that with an equal amount of honey and then leave on for ten to fifteen minutes. Do this everyday.
When bathing and apply soap and scrub your hands and legs gently with a pumice stone there everyday. This will take some time and but with patience your hair will slowly reduce and diminish.
A healthy lifestyle supplemented with proper diet is the really magic key for healthy and beautiful hair.
Sandpaper is such a effective for the removal of unwanted hairs.
Wash the ingrown hair area twice in a day with a Panoxyl bar, an antibacterial soap of 10 percent benzoyl peroxide right found at your local drugstore. This is one of the more best home remedies for hair removal.
Apply an over-the-counter hydrocortisone preparation those such as Cortaid around the ingrown hair right according to package directions

Saturday, December 19, 2009

25 Tips for your healthy pregnancy

25 Tips for your health pregnancy
Maintain a healthy pregnancy for the baby during the pregnancy was not easy. so that the baby in the womb can be healthy. This was the beginning to have a healthy child. And this pregnancy is to determine the growth and development of your baby later.

Here tips that are recommended for pregnant woman for about a baby growing in womb

1Control regularly to the doctor for a pregnancy check. Last months of pregnancy, the control should be done more often.

2► Avoid materials or substances that cause chemical poisoning such as insecticides, paints, materials that contain mercury (mercury) or lead.

3 Stop smoking if you smoke or not to be passive smokers, because you often inhale the cigarette smoke from those around him, for example from your husband.

4► Consumption is also the blood booster tablets, ie tablets containing 30 milligrams of iron a day during pregnancy, or as recommended by your doctor.

5 Consumption of nutritious foods to meet nutrition for mother and baby in the womb.

6► Consumption of vitamin Folic Acid 400 micrograms per day, before pregnancy until the first few months of pregnancy.

7 Drink more, especially water. The incoming fluid is useful to help increase blood volume that occur during pregnancy.

8► Wash hands frequently, especially after handling raw meat during cooking or after using the restroom.

9 Be careful in consuming drugs including traditional medicines. Including alcohol and caffeine.

10► Know your own situation. If there are signs or symptoms that do not normally like pain, vaginal bleeding, amniotic fluid merembesnya, dizziness, fainting, become short of breath, trembling, rapid pulse becomes, continued nausea and vomiting, swelling of the joints, not feeling fetal movement, and symptoms or signs others, consult with your doctor.

11Drugs that are often taken before pregnancy, such as drugs for hypertension, epilepsy, asthma or diabetes, need to be consulted again with your doctor.

12► The drugs are sold freely as to cope with flu and cough, may be harmful to the fetus in the womb.
25 Tips for your healthy pregnancy

13Do not hesitate or be afraid to ask the doctor. Because it concerns the health of the fetus and mother. We better be careful and ask all kekhawatirkan we feel.

14► Participate in a class for pregnant women as pregnancy exercise classes.
In addition to benefit from these classes, prospective mothers can share experiences and gain knowledge with other fellow expectant mothers.

15 Keep a good activity because it will be for the mother and the prospective child. Sports are generally safe for pregnant women such as walking, exercising, riding a stationary bike. But remember to always consult your physician before starting.

16► Eat small meals but often, around 5 - 6 times per day. This is much better than eating in large portions 3 a day. Eating small portions more often, can
reduce nausea-vomiting in the morning and stomach pain.

17 Avoid bathing or soaking in hot water when pregnant. Because of the high heat can endanger pregnancy.

18► Plan and create a safe home environment for your child later. This is to prevent the dangers that are not desirable.

19 Because of the size of the uterus is getting bigger, less efficient as renal function due to pregnancy, mothers can cause more frequent urination. Can also occur out of urine when sneezing, coughing or laughing.

20► Avoid uncooked meat, cooked or undercooked, wash your hands after handling pets or gardening.

21 Excessive weight or less during pregnancy may cause problems for the child who is still in the womb.

22► Conduct vaccination for pregnancy. Ask your doctor about this, when vaccination should be given.

23 Avoid X-ray examinations (X-ray). Explain to your doctor if you are pregnant when the doctor asks you to do the examination.

24► Provide a healthy environment for your baby in the womb. And when your baby has been born, and grew larger, still give him guidance and love.

25 Take enough. By the time should lay to rest the side, especially to the left side of the doctor's advice when appropriate.

I hope this article may be useful for you all. And i'm voiced congratulations to mother days for mothers at Indonesia(22 December 2009). hopefully with us commemorate to mother days, we can be more loving figure of a woman love to of course our mothers....

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bath has many health Benefits

Bath has many health Benefits
According to the latest research bath was not only good for cleaning the body from dirt and avoid stress, but the bathroom also has an important role improving the immune system, help avoid skin diseases like eczema and even cure serious medical problems.

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that people with diabetes spend only half an hour soaking in a tub of warm water can lower blood sugar levels around 13 percent.

Separate study in Japan showed 10 minutes of soaking in warm water can improve heart health both men and women, helping them lead a better exercise test and reduce pain.

What are the benefits of a bath and how long you should take a shower? Here are some guidelines shower fun and healthy↓

Removing toxins

Warm water bath of about 32-35 degrees Celsius open pores that can help remove toxins. Warm water bath can also help lower blood sugar levels, heal sore muscles and helps keep the colon working properly. The recommended time for 10-20 minutes.


Certain skin diseases like eczema, rashes or itching by adding baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) into the tub can make a big difference. Sodium bicarbonate acts as an antiseptic. Fill the water with lukewarm water, add about one pound of baking soda and stir until blended. Recommended soak for 10-20 minutes.


Yeast infections like thrush can be helped by adding three or four vinegar from apple juice into the bathtub. It's also good to remove toxins from the body because the vinegar to balance the acid again. Add the warm water and soak for 15-20 minutes.

Flu and Headache

Soak feet in warm water can help cure colds and headaches and also revive tired legs. Enter the warm water in the tub just enough to cover the feet and ankles add a few drops of oils such as lavender, peppermint or lemon. When finished flush with cold water. Do it for 10-20 minutes.


Soak feet in cold water is very good for those of you who have insomnia problems or those who have trouble sleeping. Enter the feet until the feet feel cold. This treatment is also useful for tired legs, bleeding nose, flu and constipation.


Try soaking the feet alternately between warm water and cold water if you have circulation problems. Start with soaking feet for one or two minutes in warm water, then 30 minutes in cold water. Try to do for 15 minutes and then resolved with cold water.


If you do experience stress, a cold shower would be the right answer. The recommended temperature around 12-18 degrees Celsius. Cold water bath is very well ease the tension, instead of a bath of warm water because cold water can narrow the blood and improve blood sugar levels.

I'm always hope this short article can be useful for you all....

keep healthy keep smile~

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Echinacea is a flowering plant commonly known as purple coneflowers mostly found in North America and Canada. They bloom from early to late summer and has large showy heads. The common names for the flower is Echinacea, purple coneflower, coneflower and American coneflower. Some of the species are used in herbal medicines. It is an herbal remedy which helps our body to defend from certain viruses. Traditionally it was used to treat common flu and colds and some infections. It has been also used for curing skin problems like boils and acne.

Some studies have found Echinacea pupurea fresh pressed juice can be used for treating children suffering from colds and its root and herb for the adults. It may be beneficial for treating respiratory infections. Echinacea products are easily found in health food stores and drug stores.Usually Echinacea does not cause side effects when it is consumed by mouth but some people still experience some side effects like allergic reactions, increase in asthma, upset stomach, nausea, dizziness and some of the serious allergic reactions such as rashes and swelling on skin.

Echinacea should not be used more than two weeks before talking to the doctor. It should be taken with food and not when the stomach is empty. If a person is taking other medicines he cannot take it before consulting a doctor because it interacts with other medicines. Patients suffering from type 1 diabetes, AIDS and HIV virus should not consume it. Pregnant women or breast feeding women should also consult her doctor before taking Echinacea.

Uses of Herbs

An herb is a plant with no stem which is valued for its flavor and is a part of vegetable species used for cooking and medicinal purpose. Any part of the plant like leaves, bark, flowers or stem can be used for such purposes. Herbs used for medicinal purpose are more in demand than the other ones. They are used for cooking purpose for adding taste in the food along with medicinal benefits. They can be grown in our garden; nowadays herb gardens are taking place instead of the ornamental ones.

There are many kinds of herbs and a simple way to narrow them is to categorize them on their uses like Culinary, medicinal and ornamental.

Culinary herbs are the ones which are used for cooking. They are delicious and add a great taste to the food. They can be easily grown. Some of them are Stevia and Lemongrass. Stevia can be used instead of sugar and is up to 300 times sweeter than sugar. Lemongrass is a scented and flavored one with a mild lemon flavor.

Right from ancient traditional times, herbs are used to for healing. Some classic examples of healing with herbs are as below:

--> Jewelweed serves as a perfect remedy for all sorts of skin irritations such as poison ivy.
--> Marsh mallow, while used for landscaping, also is used as eyewash.
--> Mullein, Lemon Balm, Sage, Elderberry and Slippery Elm are most commonly used herbs against Swine and Bird Flu.
--> Plantain is most often used for stings and bites and is known for quick relief.
--> Nettles fall under the tonic herbs. They are very nourishing and offer nutritional boost to diet. They are also used as a blood purifier and are high in iron and potassium.


The Ginkgo is a unique tree known as a living fossil. They are very large trees of 20 to 30 m of height and some of 50 m in china. Some of these trees are claimed to be more than 3000 years old. The botanical name of this tree is Ginkgo biloba.

Ginkgo biloba is useful for the patients suffering from peripheral vascular disease. It has been used medicinally for thousands of years in United States it is one of the top selling herbs. Ginkgo is used for the treatment of numerous conditions based on scientific evidence like Claudication ( painful legs from clogged arteries ), Dementia (multi-infarct and Alzheimer's type) Cerebral insufficiency, Acute hemorrhoidal attacks, Age-associated memory impairment (AAMI), Altitude (mountain) sickness, Asthma, Cardiovascular disease, Chemotherapy side effects reduction, Chronic venous insufficiency, Cocaine dependence, Deafness, Depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD), Diabetic neuropathy, Dyslexia, Gastric cancer, Glaucoma, Graves' disease, Macular degeneration, Memory enhancement (in healthy people), Mood and cognition in post-menopausal women, Multiple sclerosis, Pulmonary interstitial fibrosis, Quality of life, Raynaud's disease, Retinopathy (diabetes mellitus type 2), Ringing in the ears (tinnitus), Schizophrenia, Sexual dysfunction, Stroke, Vertigo, Vitiligo and Mental performance (after eating).

Ginkgo is useful in curing all these diseases but still there are some side effects. It is well tolerated mostly in healthy adults but still some symptoms like headache, nausea, dizziness, stomach upset, diarrhea, vomiting, muscle weakness, loss of muscle tone, restlessness, racing heart, rash, and irritation around the mouth and intestinal complaints occur among some patients by consuming ginkgo. Bleeding occurs when it is taken by mouth. Doctor’s advice to stop the intake before surgical procedures. Patients suffering from diabetes are not advised to take ginkgo because it can affect the level of blood sugar. Dosage should be decided and it should be consumed under the monitoring of a doctor or a health care professional.

Home Health Care for Seniors in Northern USA

When considering in home care for seniors, one should remember to take a multitude of factors into consideration. Time, money and other resources are obvious considerations, however many people fail to think of less immediately obvious factors such as terrain and topography.

One city with arduous terrain is Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. One important factor when thinking about in home care for seniors in Pittsburgh is topography. How well a senior can do at home is affected by the terrain and weather of Pittsburgh. Snowstorms, flash floods, mountains and steep hills all can affect the ability of caregivers to maintain a high standard of care. When considering health care options for seniors in a northern, hilly city like Pittsburgh, one should be sure to consider all factors.

Beyond the weather, topography and terrain, one should consider why home health care in Pittsburgh is needed. The city of Pittsburgh has a very large senior population. Much of that population performed hard labor such as working in steel mills and mining. Many years of hard manual labor can create health problems, which require in home care. In order to meet the health care needs of seniors, one must be sure to remember why it is they are requiring in home care.

Many seniors are unable to travel and care for themselves. In a city such as Pittsburgh with such unpredictable weather, in home care for seniors may very well be a necessity. While many seniors understandably want to maintain a measure of independence and control in their lives, the simple truth is that in home care for seniors in Pittsburgh is a reality that many need to face.

A large number of senior citizens live in the same home that they have lived in their entire lives. For this reason they are reluctant to leave and spend time in a hospital or nursing home. This is certainly true in many cities such as Pittsburgh, with close communities and neighborhoods and a strong sense of family. Seniors want to stay close to friends, families, churches, and their neighbors. When one has lived in the same home for 50 years or more, it is often emotionally difficult to leave to obtain necessary medical care. With the advanced state of today’s medical technology, recuperation form surgery, supervision of medications, and care for Alzheimer’s patients can all be done at home.

While it may be ideal for seniors to receive health care at a medical facility, it is often easier for the elderly to receive ongoing treatment and recovery at home. With many children being in the unfortunate position of having to provide care for their parents, in home health care can really be a very viable option. A child can arrange for a nurse to visit their parent in their home and provide the necessary medical care and supervision.

If a senior requires frequent or constant medical attention and care, it is often best for the medical provider to visit the home in order to provide care. In home health care for seniors in Pittsburgh is especially important because of the arduous terrain and often bad weather of the city. In addition, in home health care for seniors provides a definite benefit to children caring for their elderly parents.

More hospitals to be commenced for AML Treatment in India

AML Treatment in India is now being offered at various Indian hospitals where quality is the primary concern. It has certainly uplifted the standing of India in the medical care community of the world. Using the latest technical apparatus and the services of highly expert medical personnel, Indian corporate hospitals are in a position to provide a spectrum of general as well as specialist's services. AML Treatment in India is available at various hospitals of Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai and New Delhi at a reasonable price. Indian corporate hospitals are equipped to handle all phases of cancer from the elementary to latest clinical procedures.

Acute myeloid leukemia (also known as acute myelogenous leukemia), a quickly progressive malignant disease in which there are too many immature blood-forming cells in the blood and bone marrow, the cells being specifically those destined to give rise to the granulocytes or monocytes, both types of white blood cells that fight infections. In AML, these blasts do not mature and so become too numerous. AML can occur in adults or children. Acute myeloid leukemia is also known as acute myelogenous leukemia or acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL). The early signs of AML may be similar to the flu or other common diseases with fever, weakness and fatigue, loss of weight and appetite, and aches and pains in the bones or joints. Other signs of AML may include tiny red spots in the skin, easy bruising and bleeding, frequent minor infections, and poor healing of minor cuts. In AML, the red blood cell levels may be low, causing anemia. Platelet levels may be low, causing bleeding and bruising and the white blood cell levels may be low leading to infections. The primary treatment of AML is chemotherapy. Radiation therapy is less common, it may be used in certain cases though. Bone marrow transplantation is under study in clinical trials and is coming into increasing use.

The cost of AML Treatment in India is 60 – 70 % less than the prevailing rates in North America and European countries. Even with travel expenses taken into account, you would be able to save enough money to enjoy a decent holiday and recuperate at the same time. Another advantage of getting your medical treatment
in India is that there are hardly any waiting lists. When your health is at stake, wait-lists are not an option. In India you will get immediate medical attention because in the past few years, there has been a major growth in the Indian healthcare sector.

Blood Cancer Treatment in India available at ISO approved hospitals

Blood Cancer Treatment in India is available at various corporate hospitals that are JCI accredited, ISO certified or in the process of achieving these seals. Various corporate hospitals in India are specially designed according to the needs of international patients. Over the last two decades, the economic boom in India has led to the building of medical facilities & infrastructure that rival the very best that western medical care has to offer. Blood Cancer Treatment in India is available at various corporate hospitals that facilitate world class, high quality and affordable medical treatment and healthcare tourism in India.

About Blood Cancer

Blood Cancer or Leukemia refers to a group of cancers of the blood cells. In blood cancer, white blood cells become abnormal, and divide and grow in an uncontrolled way.

White blood cells and blood cancer

White blood cells are made in your bone marrow, which is the soft spongy centre of your bones. Your bone marrow makes the most basic type of cells (called stem cells), and they can develop further into three types of cells:
  • white blood cells - protect your body from infection
  • red blood cells - carry oxygen around your body
  • platelets - important for normal blood clotting
Once these cells are made, they enter your bloodstream. White blood cells are involved in your body's immune system, a defense system that protects you from infections. There are two main types of white blood cells - myeloid cells and lymphocytes.

In blood cancer, some of the white blood cells don't grow properly. They stay in the bone marrow and keep reproducing in an uncontrolled way. These abnormal white blood cells fill up the bone marrow and prevent it from making healthy white blood cells. This means the body is less able to fight off infections. The abnormal white blood cells also prevent bone marrow from making enough red blood cells and platelets. A lack of red blood cells leads to less oxygen being delivered to the organs and tissues of your body. This is called anemia, and it can make you feel tired and breathless. A lack of platelets can lead to problems with the blood-clotting system, and results in bleeding and bruising much more easily than usual.

Causes of Blood Cancer

The exact cause of blood cancer is unknown, although there are some factors that increase the chance of developing it.

These include-

  • a weakened immune system - this may be a result of medicines that suppress the immune system (eg medicines to prevent rejection of organ transplants), high doses of radiation (eg radiotherapy or chemotherapy for another cancer), or diseases that affect the immune system (eg HIV)
  • age - chronic leukemia is more common in people who are over 40
  • gender - slightly more men than women are affected by leukemia
  • smoking
  • certain genetic conditions, such as Down's syndrome
  • other blood disorders, such as aplastic anemia, a rare condition where the bone marrow fails to produce blood cells correctly
  • contact with a chemical called benzene, one of the chemicals in petrol and a solvent used in the rubber and plastics industry

Types of Blood Cancer / Leukemia

There are several types of blood cancer. They are named according to the type of white blood cells (myeloid cells or lymphocytes) that are affected and how quickly the disease develops. Only the common types are discussed here. The two main types of blood cancer are acute and chronic.

* Acute blood cancer

In acute blood cancer, symptoms develop rapidly and the cancer can quickly become life-threatening if it's not treated. The most common form of acute blood cancer affects lymphocytes. This is called acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). Another type of acute blood cancer is acute myeloid leukemia (AML).

* Chronic blood cancer

In chronic blood cancer, symptoms develop slowly and the white blood cells are almost fully grown and normal when they leave the bone marrow and enter the bloodstream. They can function, but not as well as they should do. One type of blood cancer, called chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), affects a particular type of white blood cells called myeloid cells. It has two phases, a chronic phase that can last for several years, during which symptoms develop slowly, followed by a more aggressive phase (accelerated phase), where symptoms quickly get worse.


The symptoms of blood cancer vary, depending on the exact type of disease and how advanced it is. There may be no symptoms in the early stages, especially in people with chronic blood cancer. Many symptoms are vague, such as fever, headaches, weight loss and night sweats.

Symptoms of blood cancer include –

  • tiredness, breathlessness and pale skin (due to anemia, a reduction in number of red cells in the blood)
  • frequent infections that do not get better
  • increased bruising
  • abnormal bleeding from gums and cuts
  • heavier periods in women
  • nosebleeds
  • bone pain (due to the pressure of a build-up of cells in the bone marrow)
  • swollen lymph glands (glands in the neck, groin and under the arms)
  • abdominal pain (due to an enlarged spleen or liver)
  • swollen gums, and occasionally, swollen testicles
  • headaches and vision problems

Treatment for Blood Cancer

The effectiveness of treatment for blood cancer depends on the type and stage of the disease. Acute blood cancer or acute leukemia often goes into remission (the symptoms go away; the disease is under control but not necessarily cured). But many people with acute blood cancer have a relapse (the disease returns).

Treatment includes –

  • chemotherapy
  • radiotherapy
  • bone marrow or stem cell transplant
  • monoclonal antibodies
  • biological therapy (which may be in the form of tablets)
  • steroids

Why consider India?

Blood Cancer Treatment in India is available at various hospitals of Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai and New Delhi at an affordable price. Various corporate hospitals in India use latest technology to perform complex medical treatments and procedures. Most state of the art equipment is imported from countries like USA, UK, Germany, Japan etc. While the treatment in Indian private hospitals are at par with the hospitals in USA and UK, the cost for such treatment in India is actually a fraction of what it would cost in western countries.

Hitting Two Birds at the Same Time - Detox Diet Recipes

Detoxification has many forms and alludes to numerous programs that clean the body of toxins. Today, the water we drink is laden with chemicals foreign to our system. Our environment is toxic and the foods we eat, even the air we breathe are laced with some kind of toxin that may be hazardous to our health in the future. This is partly due to the advances we have made as a society. We are able to lengthen the shelf life of food but in doing so; we add a chemical that may have side effects like encouraging obesity. Carbon emissions from cars and factories affect our digestive and respiratory system making them more susceptible to illnesses. As a result, everyone is undergoing a form of detoxification to maintain life and health. Although fundamental detoxification begins with diet, detox programs may include nutritional reinforcement for the liver, lungs, kidneys, bowels and blood.

Detox diet recipes help the body to eliminate toxins in many ways. First, natural vegetarian diets include the fiber needed for stimulating regular bowel movement. Detox diet recipes also contain the best possible amounts of vitamins that nourish and foster the bowels and the liver, and other eliminative organs. Detox diet recipes also include a valuable source of enzymes. The elimination of meat from the diet for a short period strengthens detoxification because meat is so hard to digest and needs many enzymes for its digestion. Therefore, vegetarian diets are cleansing diets and aid the body in elimination of toxins.

Diets are very essential and are usually the baseline for any detox program, whether it is herbs, cleansing or other detox programs. Detox diets will generally subtract trigger foods that cause many problems with digestion and elimination. Foods like dairy (milk, cheese) and wheat (glutens) are often the roots of allergies. Sugar is eliminated due to its "empty calories" and may produce hypoglycemia. Meats are eliminated because they contain hormones, antibiotics and other items that are difficult to digest. Caffeine is to be avoided because it too has many ill effects on the body's digestion. Refined, processed and junk foods are also absent for any detox program to work.

A sample of detox diet recipe is the fruit diet which consists of eating certain types of fruits for a period of time. For breakfast, one can eat as much melons as they would want to whether it be cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon or gala. The lunchtime meal could be grapefruits, oranges or pineapples but these fruits shouldn't be mixed. Eat till you feel satisfied. At 4 pm, have a large glass of freshly pressed carrot juice. Dinner time, you can eat apples, pears, grapes or bananas which may be eaten one fruit at a time and eaten until hunger is satisfied. This type of detox diet recipe is good for detoxification and losing weight but it is a type of diet that may make you weak so try to conserve energy and do not over exert yourself physically.

Detox diet recipes are just one phase of the program in cleansing your body. Once cleansed, a program of rebuilding and strengthening your body and mind must be made, done, and continually monitored to achieve its affect of a longer and healthier life.

Cellulite Herbal Treatment - Is There Any Herbal Treatment For Cellulite?

Natural medicine is known to be very effective in treating cellulite. The reason being that these natural procedures get down to very root cause of the issue and fix it there. Treating the condition with different herbs helps in detoxification of the body. The herbs also work upon boosting the immune system of the body. Let's take a look at a few well-known herbal remedies for this condition:


Artichokes is one of world's oldest vegetables. It has a lot of healing properties. The natural herb eliminates excess water and fat from the body. It also aids the liver in performing its function and controls level of 'good' cholesterol much needed by the body. You may incorporate a few cooked artichokes to your dietary regimen or get the artichoke leaf extract from a local pharmacy.


Ginger is another useful natural herb. It helps the oxygen to travel to different parts of the body. It is essential for the body regions infected by the condition to receive a healthy oxygen flow to function normally. If the human cells don't get sufficient oxygen, they tend to weaken over time. This can even promote the condition in the body. Eating ginger ensures that the body cells receive an adequate amount of oxygen that will help in burning fat and removing harmful toxins.

Gotu Kola

Gotu Kola is a well-known natural remedy for the bumpy skin condition. It reduces the condition by boosting the circulatory system and strengthening the body cells. The natural herb also helps the skin and connective tissues further by encouraging the production of collagen. The herb is a number of anti-aging properties and is known to have the capability to restore elasticity in the body cells. By ensuring healthy flow of blood, Gotu Kola supplies nutrients and oxygen to the cells and gets rid of all the waste products from the body. It may be consumed in raw form in a salad, or its dried leaves may be used to prepare tea.


This is another very important herb for reducing the condition in the body. It flushes the harmful toxins from the body. It allows the body to rebuild new cells and tissues that are damaged by the toxins and all other waste products. You may use dandelion in herbal teas, salads or use it as a nutritional supplement.

Horse Chestnut

If you seek an effective herbal treatment for cellulite, horse chestnut would be a right choice. This natural herb has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce and constrict the blood vessels. It promotes blood circulation in the body, contributing more oxygen to the infected body parts. The greater the oxygen those regions get, the more fat you burn. You may use this herb either as a supplement or as a topical treatment of the skin.


Also called seaweed, kelp is rich in iodine and improves the performance of your thyroid. It promotes the body metabolism, allowing you to burn fat even while you're resting. It also flushes out excess water from the body and is known to reduce your body weight significantly in a few days. You may use the herbs in body wraps, make kelp noodles, roll it in sushi, or add it to your bath.

Diet and exercise are the most important factors when you're dealing with this condition. Use these herbal remedies not only to treat this unpleasant condition, but also to ensure overall health of your body.

The best cellulite treatment should be effective, natural and safe to use. Discover your options for the best effective cellulite treatment and lose those cellulites today.

Herbal Colon Cleansing - Herbal Colon Cleanse Tea

When our colon is not in it's healthiest form, even if it is only a small portion of our body it can render great danger that will jeopardize our overall well being. Don't undermine any symptoms that seem to be strange in origin. Mostly if not all of the diseases that plagued our body has it's roots in our colon. The more knowledgeable we are with our colon health the more likely we can be spared from the danger it can create in our body. You should learn the ways in keeping your colon clean and healthy.

Benefits of Colon Cleansing

Colon cancer is one of the most leading causes of death among humans all over the world most especially among men. This disease knows no race, social status and age. As the name suggests, colon cancer is caused by colon malfunction. Colon malfunction will gradually develop out of a poorly maintained colon, a colon that is always clogged up by harsh wastes materials that has no supposed business being inside our body.

As our colon becomes continually congested by waste particles from our fecal waste it will eventually malfunction. Even a simple absorption of essential elements such as salts and water can now become a very hard task. This condition will result to other complications because other parts of our body were deprived of the elements that were supposed to be absorbed by our colon. Because our colon can trap and contain waste materials over time, it is very important to de-clog or clean it when the need arises. The benefit of colon cleanse is tantamount to giving our self another life.

Natural Herbal Tea

As far as colon cleansing is concerned, one of the most trusted and the most effective method of colon cleanse in using natural herbal tea. These specially formulated teas were created to have a cleansing effect in your colon. One of its outright effect is toning the intestinal muscles to contract normally, thus, excretion process becomes normal too. Not only can tea appease your soul and invigorate your body, it can bring healing and cleaning as well.

Some of the most popular natural herbal tea ingredients for colon cleansing were:

  • Cascara sagrada bark
  • Barberry bark (Berberis vulgaris)
  • Senna leaf
  • Rhubarb root
  • Raspberry leaf

Drinking two up to four cups a day of these natural ingredients as tea can help greatly in eliminating solidified waste materials from our colon that is very hard to eliminate normally. By having a natural herbal colon cleanse, not only did your colon is being relieved but your whole body as well.

Colon cleanse and detox will help your body to naturally get rid of toxins and waste. You can immediately shed a few pounds, but it also helps your body to run more efficiently and burn more fat and calories helping you to lose even more weight, and it does so while improving your health. These are Top 5 Colon Cleansers available on the market.

On the Road to Good Health - Colon Cleanse Health Benefits

Maintaining a healthy body today is a very expensive option. Gym classes, personal fitness instructors, body exercise equipments and facilities as well as gears will leave you stripped off of your whole life savings. These options towards a healthy life are very appealing but one of the most formidable truths that would confront you is the cost of it. Ten to one, you will not spend all your lifetime savings on those "sculptors" just to have a healthy body.

On the Road to Good Health

Paving the way to a good health will leave you bankrupt if you are not to be cautious. Investing in many health-giving regimens is not a wise decision especially in this time of worldwide financial downturn. We really need to tighten our belts during these times.

More or less you already heard about colon cleanse, right? Well what you had heard is true, that colon cleansing can give you more health benefits than any other health regimens combined. You may think of the ways how this cleansing method can give you an overall good health because it is only the colon that it cleanses. Honestly, our colon is the key to achieving that most sought-after healthy body.

What's with the Colon?

Just to give you an idea, our colon plays three very important roles in our body. One, it extracts salts and other essential liquids from our digested food. Two, it absorbs many essential elements including vitamin K from our digested food to be used up by our body and third, it acts as a temporary waste storage before the latter is completely excreted out of the body.

Due to the non-stop work of the colon it is not impossible for it to have malfunctions, malfunctions that could lead to certain complications. Leaving our colon unattended is just leaving it to accumulate dangerous materials. It is possible because basically it is our waste materials that it processes. Every food that we eat plays a great role in the survival of our colon. Some food we eat leaves a trail that would make it hard for our colon to function normally, leaving it susceptible to breakdown and when it breaks, our whole body will suffer.

Good News

Because the breakdown of our colon is inevitable, there is one good solution that was proven to have a marvelous effect in restoring not only our colon but our whole body as well, the most trusted colon cleanse.

Colon cleansing not only gives benefit to our colon, it also has been proven to:

  • Fight obesity
  • Restore natural bowel movement
  • Eliminate surplus gases in the body
  • Removes stress
  • Fights other gastrointestinal infections

Now that you already know the health benefits that colon cleanse can bring, don't waste time and budget in other incompetent health-restoring approaches anymore. Remember that the time you saved is your lifetime of good health.

Colon cleanse and detox will help your body to naturally get rid of toxins and waste. You can immediately shed a few pounds, but it also helps your body to run more efficiently and burn more fat and calories helping you to lose even more weight, and it does so while improving your health. These are Top 3 Colon Cleansers

The Safety Factor: Diet Pills

While Diet Pills & Health Supplements have exposed effectiveness over the days regarding energy and substance harm, many would bicker that the definite outcome do come with a value. Several diet pill ingredients can trigger mild part property, even when full in moderate doses. In the next, we will analysis some of the ingredients in diet pill formulas, and, the wellbeing/wellbeing risks that they pose. The point ingredients that we will look at are: Caffeine, Gymnema sylvestre, Rrhodiola rosea, Withania somnifera, and Garcinia cambogia. We will also take a look at some of the best diet pills on the advertise, and, give opinions on which are the safest and most operative when used perfectly.

Some diet pills enclose large amounts of caffeine, impart both in Green Tea Extract and Guranna. While plentiful studies have been conducted regarding the virtual shelter of caffeine, many believe that when full in high quantity, such as in a certain diet pill, caffeine can have dire property. In a 2008 survey, conducted by the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research, it is made extremely evident that high daily dosages of caffeine during pregnancy caused an amplified peril of miscarriages. The inquiries controlled the pregnancy allied symptoms of sickness, nausea, and caffeine loathing; symptoms that tended to interfere with caffeine's stanch significance on latent miscarriages.

The Kaiser Permanente lessons, which looked at 1,063 women in the California zone, alert on individuals who did not cutback their caffeine consumption amounts even when they knew that they were pregnant. Women who consumed 200mg or more of caffeine per day had twice the miscarriage danger of women who did not. Most concur that one quantity of a classic load death pill contains about (2) cups of auburn regarding caffeine total (about 200mg). Multiply this by 3 dosages per day, and, you can see why the creation could be viewed as unsafe.

Caffeine's bank property could deteriorate more than just an individual's brute state. In a topical revise, researchers found the people who consume caffeine in high amounts in some instances start developing what they call a "Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde surface realize." This cleanly means that when the caffeine in your practice initially kicks in, you feel good - booming, alert, and prime to take on the world. Once the caffeine subsides, however, many individuals arise to feel trying, tetchy, and even depressed. This phenomenon occurs due to the tough drink properties brought on by caffeine. The stimulant wakens the intellect, ultimately causing the reason to work quicker and more efficiently so that it may finale all assigned tasks. However, just like other stimulants, the burst doesn't last forever – the high crashes momentary, causing your care to dawdle processes and decipher the mood as weariness and angst.

While many have viewed caffeine as a "stress reliever" in the gone, the converse is in verity rightful. As confirmed above, caffeine can certainly induce stress and unease. A new research at the Duke University Medical Center found that caffeine actually exaggerates stress. The researchers determined that the equivalent of 4 cups of auburn in a 24 hour spot raised blood load for numerous hours. With that said, if you take some diet pills, even as directed, you are consuming about 150% of the total of caffeine desired to begin high blood heaviness. Pd.D. James D. Layne said of the consider:

"The quantity of blood strain change we saw has been associated with an amplified gamble of mind disease. People consuming usual amounts of brunette and caffeinated velvety drinks are maybe raising their blood load by a total even to the beneficial reduction seen with antihypertensive drugs. So if you are taking blood compel medication, it may not be liability you any good if you are drinking three or four cups of russet a day."

The Duke University review was passed out by recruiting 47 daily brunette drinkers for a 2 day epoch. Half of the recruits were given panacea pills in the morning, while the other half were given caffeine pills. When caffeine and gesture users were compared, the researchers found blood fear to be consistently senior in the caffeine users - a typical of 4 millimeters (mm) senior for systolic heaviness and 3 mm for diastolic.

Gymnema sylvestre, another ingredient in the substance hurt pills, also seems to clue to better blood strain. While sharply designated surface things are subtle and sometimes nonexistent, one examine conducted in 2001 shows that long idiom use of this substance, even in small amounts, slowly raises systolic blood mass. Gymnema sylvestre can also be very bad for diabetics, or worse, individuals who do not know that they have diabetic tendencies. A 1998 revise showed that this substance, with moderate use, can quickly ease blood darling levels - which of course, is not an enviable for diabetic individuals.

Rrhodiola rosea, another prominent ingredient in some of the best diet pills, has been willful regarding its effects as a stimulant. A lookalike-blind, placebo-controlled pilot report, open that higher doses of this sage caused elevation effects which included a "nervy" mood. As with most stimulants, increases core tempo can be estimated. However, one of the more shocking revelations laid out in the consider, showed that the use of this parsley could also snowball kindness palpitations.

The high quality effects of other substances in several of the best diet pills, although not as cruel as many of the aforementioned, are still undesirable and can produce some teenager fitness risks. Withania somnifera, also known as Indian Ginseng, seems to root rebuffing nausea and impaired prophecy on many individuals when used in customary dosages. Another culprit, Garcinia cambogia, seems to begin damaging piece effects for the babies of breast feeding mothers. Farther, large dosages of this sage over a prolonged cycle of time have been seen to grounds diarrhea, laxative effects, and vomiting.

So which diet pills are the best? Which ones should we use if we want to waste weight carefully? Not all diet pills are bad, and, many of the best diet pills on the market pose very little fitness stake when taken as recommended. For the most part, diet pills with sink amounts of caffeine are doubtless the best for you shape shrewd. Try to live away from pills that are not only high in caffeine, but also taurine and synephrine, as these can act similarly to amphetamines; typically causing better spirit toll, anxiety, and a whole nervy feel. Green Tea wrung, though mentioned above, is actually one of the best and safest supplements to use for dieting. Hoodia supplements, also, tend to be secure diet pills and impart fantastic outcome over time. Good destiny with your dieting! With a little research and security in mind, the use of diet pills can wait well and pleasing.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Women Tend to Have Better Sense of Touch Due to Smaller Finger Size

People who have smaller fingers have a finer sense of touch, according to new research in the Dec. 16 issue of The Journal of Neuroscience. This finding explains why women tend to have better tactile acuity than men, because women on average have smaller fingers.
See Also:
Health & Medicine
  • Healthy Aging
  • Skin Cancer
  • Menopause

Mind & Brain
  • Opium
  • Perception
  • Gender Difference

  • Sensory neuron
  • Sensory system
  • Nociceptor
  • Neurobiology

"Neuroscientists have long known that some people have a better sense of touch than others, but the reasons for this difference have been mysterious," said Daniel Goldreich, PhD, of McMaster University in Ontario, one of the study's authors. "Our discovery reveals that one important factor in the sense of touch is finger size."

To learn why the sexes have different finger sensitivity, the authors first measured index fingertip size in 100 university students. Each student's tactile acuity was then tested by pressing progressively narrower parallel grooves against a stationary fingertip -- the tactile equivalent of the optometrist's eye chart. The authors found that people with smaller fingers could discern tighter grooves.

"The difference between the sexes appears to be entirely due to the relative size of the person's fingertips," said Ethan Lerner, MD, PhD, of Massachusetts General Hospital, who is unaffiliated with the study. "So, a man with fingertips that are smaller than a woman's will be more sensitive to touch than the woman."

The authors also explored why more petite fingers are more acute. Tinier digits likely have more closely spaced sensory receptors, the authors concluded. Several types of sensory receptors line the skin's interior and each detect a specific kind of outside stimulation. Some receptors, named Merkel cells, respond to static indentations (like pressing parallel grooves), while others capture vibrations or movement.

When the skin is stimulated, activated receptors signal the central nervous system, where the brain processes the information and generates a picture of what a surface "feels" like. Much like pixels in a photograph, each skin receptor sends an aspect of the tactile image to the brain -- more receptors per inch supply a clearer image.

To find out whether receptors are more densely packed in smaller fingers, the authors measured the distance between sweat pores in some of the students, because Merkel cells cluster around the bases of sweat pores. People with smaller fingers had greater sweat pore density, which means their receptors are probably more closely spaced.

"Previous studies from other laboratories suggested that individuals of the same age have about the same number of vibration receptors in their fingertips. Smaller fingers would then have more closely spaced vibration receptors," Goldreich said. "Our results suggest that this same relationship between finger size and receptor spacing occurs for the Merkel cells."

Whether the total number of Merkel cell clusters remains fixed in adults and how the sense of touch fluctuates in children as they age is still unknown. Goldreich and his colleagues plan to determine how tactile acuity changes as a finger grows and receptors grow farther apart.

The research was supported by the National Eye Institute and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council in Canada.