Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Healthy - Winter Breakfasts

Why is it that we eat more food in the winter? Maybe we decide that it’s okay to have a little more girth to keep us warm. Bears do it so why can’t we? Unfortunately, eating more and moving less doesn’t equal a healthy lifestyle.

Stay warm this winter with a few healthy breakfast items on the menu. We can eat and feel full without ruining our diet and adding to our waistline. We’ve worked hard to maintain or lose weight when the weather was warm. We don’t want to ruin it all during the winter chill.

1. Oatmeal – Oatmeal has changed from the pasty gray stuff that was served to us as kids. Now, oatmeal comes in instant flavors like strawberries and cream, maple and brown sugar, and cinnamon and apples. The oats provide soluble and insoluble fiber. Fiber helps to stabilize blood sugar so we don’t overeat during the day. The slow release of energy by our body keeps us going at a steady pace. Oatmeal can be made with water or milk. Using skim milk provides vitamin D as well as fiber.

2. Fruit filled breads – We are always in a hurry. This may mean leaving behind a warm breakfast but not a nutritious one. The same mix recipes that can be used for muffins can be used to make sweet breads like banana nut, cranberry-raisin, and blueberry bread. Fresh or dried fruits can be used in the bread. In combination with other whole grains, the bread is a healthy winter breakfast that can be fixed and eaten fast.

3. Eggs, cheese, and sausage – A good breakfast is a mixture of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Eggs provide protein and some fat. Cheese provides the same. It is okay to use low fat cheeses. Fat free cheese doesn’t melt as well. Turkey sausage or bacon provides protein and that meat we so often crave. Weekend mornings are a perfect time for family to enjoy a hearty, healthy warm breakfast.

4. Unsweetened cereals – Cereal is still a part of a balanced breakfast. This doesn’t change in the winter time. Try a cereal that gets its sweetness from cinnamon or honey. It is better for you and fortified with vitamins and minerals we need every day. Supplement that bowl of cereal with a glass of orange juice or coffee and a slice of wheat toast for a quick and healthy breakfast before work or school.

What are you having for breakfast? During the winter, we naturally eat more food because we crave carbohydrates. It is the hibernation instinct in our bodies. To keep from looking oversized in the spring, continuing to watch what we eat in winter is essential. Try these breakfast alternatives to do just that.


Healthy - Breakfast Ideas

It is always surrounded by silly excuse of lack of time. And still no one denies that fact that “breakfast” is the most important meal of the day.

Why such a hullabaloo about this early morning meal? Well, for starters, this meal comes after a break of 8 – 10 hours; hence your blood sugar level will be low. Since your body has gone with out food for such a long time, it needs nourishment to kick-start its day. Therefore “breakfast” is considered to be an important and essential meal of the day.

Breakfast benefits both, young and old. It is the key to jump start your muscles and your day. People who eat breakfast (healthy) daily are more likely to

- Consume more vitamins, minerals and less of fat and cholesterol.
- Increased strength and endurance.
- Better concentration and productivity all day long.
- Control over weight
- Low cholesterol = no risk or little risk of heart disease

Children who eat breakfast are likely to have better concentration, problem-solving skills and eye-hand coordination. They will be alert, creative, and less likely to miss days of school.

If you think skipping this meal, will help you lose weight, think again. By passing over this meal, your body will go in the starvation mode and make you crave for snacks especially sweets. Impulsive snacking on unhealthy foods can lead to weight gain. So you motive of losing weight by skipping breakfast stays unachieved.

Try to choose healthy foods from at least two food groups each morning

- Fruits & Vegetables
- Grains
- Dairy
- Proteins

A glass of pure fruit juice, bananas, yoghurt, low-calorie muesli with semi skimmed or skimmed milk, fresh fruit salad with few spoonfuls of low fat yoghurt, fresh and raw veggies mixed with flavoured yoghurt, a slice of toast or plain bread with eggs, boiled or poached are some of the options for breakfast. Kids can enjoy a Smoothie with their favourite fruits; add dash of yoghurt or honey to make it more delicious.

If you look forward to eating different kinds of healthy foods for breakfast, you are less like to skip this meal. If time is your hurdle, think about packing your breakfast or eating on the ‘run’, its better than skipping it altogether.

News-Your Daily Bread

News-Your Daily Bread

Bread is a constant in Western diet, no matter how much the way we do business and communicate has changed. We have dedicated this issue to explore the possibilities of homemade bread, how to use the bread machine and tips to use day old bread, so nothing goes to waste.

heathy eating - Facts about tomatoes

heathy eating - Facts about tomatoes

Tomato, fruit or vegetable? The tomato is a popular vegetable. Even though technically it is a fruit because of the seeds, it has been considered and treated as a vegetable for most of its history as cooking ingredient. Tomatoes are considered vegetables, from the legal point of view, in most countries.

heathy eating - Facts about collard greens

heathy eating - Facts about collard greens

All greens are not created equal. At any farmer’s market, you can find collard greens along with other varieties of greens most times of the year. Some people see kale or mustard greens and mistake them for collards. Mustard greens are darker than collards. Kale has about the same coloring but the leaves are curly. The leaves of collard greens are ribbed like cabbage with a good portion of the stem sticking out from the bottom.
All Greens are Not Created Equal. At any farmer’s market, you can find collard greens along with other varieties of greens most times of the year. Some people see kale or mustard greens and mistake them for collards. Mustard greens are darker than collards. Kale has about the same coloring but the leaves are curly. The leaves of collard greens are ribbed like cabbage with a good portion of the stem sticking out from the bottom.

heathy eating - Eat well to avoid cold and flu

When the weather turns cool, influenza and the common cold increase. Winter is notorious for bring with it higher incidents of cold and flu. Both are caused by a virus so there are no cures to speak of. Instead, the best way to prevent it is to take care of yourself beforehand. Learn about ways to avoid cold and flu.

How we feel is linked to what we eat. Eating makes us feel good. Eating the wrong foods can make us look not so good in the long run also. But, eating certain foods can fight infections and other nasty things that attack the body.

We know that colds and flu are more likely to find us if we are rundown and tired. One way that we get tired is from stress. Stress does change how our body reacts. Our immune system defenses are less able to fight against any infection.

Stress causes us to make poor eating choices. We are on the run from sunup to sundown and we don’t have time to eat a proper diet. At first it may seem that chips and soda from the vending machine isn’t doing any harm but over time, the effects of a poor diet take effect.

What we eat is important. It is our food that provides the nutrients to sustain our body’s metabolism, cellular function, and defenses. A lack of those nutrients and the body starts to feel ill inside. Lack of calcium in the food we eat results in losing it from the bones. Lack of protein means the muscles are robbed for it.

Certain foods can help with that. Eating fruits and vegetables bring us plenty of vitamins and nutrients. Citrus fruits provide vitamin C. This is an antioxidant responsible for cellular repair and preventing disease processes like cancer, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

They also provide folic acid. Folic acid is given to expectant mothers to aid in the formation of the neural development of their unborn children. Folic acid can be found in oranges and orange juice.

Vegetables provide, vitamins A, C. D, E. and K. These vitamins improve the skin, hair, and nails (vitamin E). They also improve heart health, elasticity of blood vessels, increase serotonin levels to improve mood, and provide potassium. Many vegetables provide more than one vitamin or mineral.

Omega-3 fatty acids are instrumental in heart health. It can be found in salmon, mackerel, herring, and nuts like walnuts and flaxseed. Eating fish twice a week boosts the amount of omega-3s in the body.

Zinc strengthens the immune system. Meats like beef and lamb contain this helpful mineral. Eating lean cuts of beef twice a week along with chicken, lamb, and pork is healthy for the body and the immune system.

Watch what you eat. It not only tastes good on the outside but does a body good on the inside.

heathy eating - Facts about potatoes

heathy eating - Facts about potatoes
Potatoes were introduced by the Mayan civilization about 3000 years ago. They were grown for food among other uses. Potatoes are full of starch and carbohydrates to fuel a hard day in the field as it was with the early days of this country.
Potatoes grow in the dirt. When choosing a good one, look for any types of spots, blemishes, or nicks. Spots or blemishes indicate that there may be a problem with the potato. Nicks can introduce bacteria and bugs into the flesh of the vegetable.

The flesh should be creamy and the skin light brown to red - there are potatoes with very dark, almost black skin - depending on the variety. The flesh turns green when potatoes are exposed to light. The green areas should not be eaten at all, as this greening indicates a higher presence of solanine, a toxic substance, that is good for health. toxic substances concentrate near the skin.

heathy eating - Eggplant facts

Don’t let the name fool you. Even if this vegetable has the funny name of eggplant. It doesn’t look like an egg or a plant. It is big and purple and doesn’t really even look like something you should eat. But, people seem to love the big purple vegetable.
Even if you have never thought about eating one, they are beautiful to look at. When picking out an eggplant, the outer skin is shiny. Any eggplant with a dull sheen should be passed over. Search for any nicks in the skin, wrinkles, or blemishes. Buying fresh from the farmer’s market, ask how long it has been off the vine so you can judge how old it is.

Eggplants can be small like eggs with a green cap but most are quite large. Eggplants we are used to seeing are purple but there are white varieties. In some places, eggplants have green skins.Be sure that the eggplant you choose is not soft but firm to the touch.

heathy eating - Facts about carrots

heathy eating - Facts about carrots
Carrots are more than good for your eyes. This humble vegetable plays a role in many dishes, present in nearly every sauce, used almost as often as parsley.
Carrots are root vegetables with attractive bright orange engorged roots and pretty green leaves, similar to ferns. They are supposed to be good for your eyes. Carrots are considered to be “rabbit food” probably because of one famous bunny but the label has stuck. Many humans like carrots too and they are good for more than just the eyes. Carrots can be bought all year around. If you get them from the farmer’s market, they will probably be bunched together by the green tops like they were just pulled out of the ground.

heathy eating - Facts about onions

heathy eating - Facts about onions
They can make you cry if you let them, but they really are not bad. In some settings they can be stinky beyond belief, but are a fine complement to steaks. See the pictures and learn more.

Bulb onions (most varieties) are good eaten raw. They are thick sliced to be put on burgers and other sandwiches. Onions are also found on tops of salads. Green onions are an ingredient in vegetable dips and on salads. White onions are common in Mexican cuisine. Onions are chopped up for Pico de Gallo and salsa.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

healthy food : Pomegranate Cancer Cure

healthy food : Pomegranate Cancer Cure

This reddish fruit that tastes sweet and juicy was used as a folk medicine during the ancient times. Pomegranates contain vitamins and an antioxidant that may cure cancer.

Pomegranate Nutritional Benefits
Pomegranate is a good source of vitamin B (riboflavin, thiamin and niacin), vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus. These combination and other minerals in pomegranates cause a powerful synergy that prevents and reverses many diseases.

healthy food : Kiwi Fights Cancer

healthy food : Kiwi Fights Cancer
The most common species of kiwifruit is Actinidia deliciosa, commonly known as Hayward kiwi. Kiwifruit is an excellent source of vitamin C and a very good source of dietary fiber. It is also a good source of the minerals potassium, magnesium, and copper. In addition, kiwifruit is a good source of the antioxidant vitamin E. In addition, a full array of nutrients includes carbohydrates, sugar, soluble and insoluble fiber, sodium, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids and more.

Research conducted at the University of Innsbruck in Austria suggests that as fruits fully ripen, almost to the point of spoilage, their antioxidant levels actually increase.

Key to the process is the change in color that occurs as fruits ripen, a similar process to that seen in the fall when leaves turn from green to red to yellow to brown- a color change caused by the breakdown and disappearance of chlorophyll, which gives leaves and fruits their green color.

Kiwi fruit is a fruit from China, where it was traditionally used for cancer treatment. It is an excellent source of the antioxidant vitamin C. It is also a good source of pectin, the soluble fiber, and phytochemicals – nutrients that are proven cancer fighters. Besides those cancer-fighting nutrients, kiwi fruit is a source for potassium, and zeaxanthin and lutein – antioxidants for eye health.

healthy food : Apple Anti-Oxidant

healthy food : Apple Anti-Oxidant
Apples are one of the most popular and important fruits that grow on trees. Apple trees are a member of the rose family. There are hundreds of different apple varieties with colors of the fruit ranging from various shades of red to green and yellow. The flavor of apples also varies from tart to sweet. Apples are about 85 percent water and contain vitamins A and C, potassium, pectin, and fiber.
Over half the apples grown (two billion bushels throughout the world) are eaten fresh. The remainder are baked into pies and other dishes and are used to make apple butter, apple juice, applesauce, jelly, and wine. Apple juice may be further processed into vinegar. Most apple products are canned or bottled, dried, or frozen.
Something as simple and natural as a daily apple may help in the fight against breast cancer. According to research scientist Rui Hai Liu, M.D., Ph.D., of Cornell University, the results are favorable. His research program at Cornell University focuses on diet and cancer, and the effect of functional foods on chronic disease, cardiovascular disease, and aging.
In an interview with the American Federation for Aging Research, Liu said he and his colleagues were able to show that phytochemicals in fresh apples could greatly inhibit the growth of liver and colon cancer cells. Specifically, his research showed that 50 mg of apple extracts taken from the skins, inhibited colon cancer cells by 43 percent. And apple flesh extracts inhibited the colon cancer cells by 29 percent. The same dosage of apple extracts with skins, he said,inhibited liver cancer cells by 57 percent, and the extracts inhibited liver cancer cells by 40 percent.

healthy food : Radish Cancer Cure

healthy food : Radish Cancer Cure

Radishes are an excellent source of vitamin C and are rich in minerals like sulphur, iron, and iodine. Radish shoots were estimated to have approximately 20 times the anti-cancer potential of roots.
Throughout history radishes have been effective when used as a medicinal food for liver disorders. They contain a variety of sulfur-based chemicals that increase the flow of bile. Therefore, they help to maintain a healthy gallbladder, liver, and improve digestion.
Radishes are known to help prevent the body from developing cancer due to the high amount of antioxidants that they contain. There is not a whole lot of research that has been done in regards to the specific types of cancer that radishes prevent the body from developing. However, it is believed that radishes mainly aid the prevention of colon, breast, and prostate cancer. It can also help cure many types of cancer, particularly those of colon, kidney, intestines, stomach, and oral cancer.
Numerous studies suggest that brassica vegetables (abbage, kale, broccolli, radish, and brussels sprouts) are protective against cancers of the lungs and alimentary tract. Brassica vegetables appear to reduce the risk of some cancers by preventing the formation of carcinogens in the body or by blocking cancer-causing substances from reaching or reacting with sensitive body tissues or by inhibiting the transformation of healthy cells to malignant ones.
The Daikon, oriental radish, is one of the most researched type of radish regarding cancer. The Spanish Black Radish, on the other hand, is grown for medical purposes rather than for food.

healthy food : Tomato Cancer Cure

healthy food : Tomato Cancer Cure
Based on the volume of consumption per person, tomato is the top source of Vitamin A and C in the western diet. It also contains a significant amount of dietary fiber, beta-carotene, iron, lycopene, magnesium, niacin, potassium, phosphorus, riboflavin and thiamine.

Tomato is low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. Unlike most foods, cooking or processing of tomato is beneficial to health because it increases its lycopene content (e.g. tomato paste, catsup, tomato soup, tomato sauce).

The tomato is not acid forming. It contains a great deal of citric acid but is alkaline forming when it enters the bloodstream. It increases the alkalinity of the blood and helps remove toxins, especially uric acid, from the system. As a liver cleanser, tomatoes are wonderful, especially when used with green vegetable juices.

Eating tomatoes regularly may reduce the risk of prostate and several other cancers. Published research from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard School of Public Health have shown that eating tomatoes and tomato products may help men reduce the risk of prostate cancer. It is also found that tomatoes are useful for those who are already diagnosed with prostate cancer. Increased tomato consumption was found to be associated with a much less aggressive prostate cancer in men who were diagnosed with the disease. Tomatoes may also reduce the risk for other types of cancers including lung, stomach, pancreatic, breast, cervical, colorectal, oral, and esophageal cancers.

Both red and green tomatoes have anti-cancer properties due to lycopene (red tomatoes) and tomatine (green tomatoes). However, in a review the FDA conducted regarding the cancer fighting potential of tomatoes in 2005, it was revealed that there was “very limited evidence” to support any association between tomato consumption and reduced risks of prostate, gastric, and pancreatic cancers. As for the believed cancer-fighting effects of lycopene the FDA said there was “no credible evidence” to suggest that the chhemical could reduce the risk of such cancers of the prostate, lung, colon, breast, ovaries or pancreas.

healthy food : Chayote Cancer Cure

healthy food : Chayote Cancer Cure
Other Names: Christophene, Vegetable Pear, Mirliton, Choko, Starpreciante, Citrayota, Citrayote, Chuchu, Chow Chow, Pear Squash, Sayote, Mango Squash, Chocho

Chayote is originally from Central America and has different names in different countries. It can be eaten either raw or cooked and aside from the fruit, the chayote leaves, stem, seeds, and the roots are also edible. The chayote fruit can be turned into juice and the chayote leaves can be turned into tea. Moreover, unlike other plants chayote doesn’t need special care to grow.

Chayote is very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. It is also a good source of Niacin, Vitamin B6, Pantothenic Acid, Magnesium and Potassium, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Folate, Zinc, Copper and Manganese.

The cancer fighting nutrient of chayote is Vitamin C. It is a very strong antioxidant and may protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Studies suggest that antioxidants may slow or possibly prevent cancer development. Furthermore, chayote provides 17% of the RDI (Recommended Daily Intake).

healthy food : Pear Cancer Cure

healthy food : Pear Cancer Cure
Consumption of pears has been found to be associated with lower risks of head and neck, esophageal, lung, gastric and colorectal cancer in epidemiological studies.

Pears are rich in vitamin C and copper which protect cells in the body from oxygen-related damage due to free radicals. Vitamin C stimulates white cells to fight infection, directly kills many bacteria and viruses, and regenerates Vitamin E (an antioxidant that protects fat-soluble areas of the body) after it has been inactivated by disarming free radicals. Vitamin C functions as an antioxidant in all water-soluble areas of the body, and in addition to its antioxidant activity, is critical for good immune function.

Copper, on the other hand, helps protect the body from free radical damage as a necessary component of superoxide dismutase (SOD), a copper-dependent enzyme that eliminates superoxide radicals. Superoxide radicals are a type of free radical generated during normal metabolism, as well as when white blood cells attack invading bacteria and viruses. If not eliminated quickly, superoxide radicals damage cell membranes.

Pears are also high in fiber which is associated in reduced risk of colon cancer. Results of a prospective study involving 51,823 postmenopausal women for an average of 8.3 years showed a 34% reduction in breast cancer risk for those consuming the most fruit fiber compared to those consuming the least. Another research by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) indicates that the phytochemicals in pears, and consequently the high level of antioxidants in pears, are especially helpful in the battle against brain-depleting diseases.

healthy food : Bitter Melon Cancer Cure

healthy food : Bitter Melon Cancer Cure
Bitter melon also called bitter gourd or wild cucumber was used as folk medicines from many decades for healing diabetes and infections. Also, it is helpful in people with sluggish digestion,dyspepsia and constipation.

Bitter melon contains vitamin C, cartenoids, flavonoids, and polyphenols that helps prevent cancer.

Vitamin C behaves not only as an antioxidant but also as a pro-oxidant. Pro-oxidants are chemicals that induce oxidative stress produced by these chemicals can damage cells and tissues/Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine. The North American Dietary Reference Intake recommends 90 milligrams per day and no more than 2 grams (2,000 milligrams) per day.

Polyphenols are known for their anti-cancer properties. The polyphenols trigger apoptosis, which causes death of the cancer cells. Polyphenols also act as antioxidants to fight against the free radicals and tissue damage that cancer can cause.

Carotenoids are powerful antioxidants, protecting the cells of the body from damage caused by free radicals. Carotenoids, and specifically beta-carotene, are also believed to enhance the function of the immune system. Carotenoids have shown the ability to stimulate cell to cell communication. Researchers now believe that poor communication between cells may be one of the causes of the overgrowth of cells, a condition which eventually leads to cancer. By promoting proper communication between cells, carotenoids may play a role in cancer prevention.

Flavonoids (both flavonols and flavanols) are most commonly known for their antioxidant activity in vitro. Flavonoids could also induce mechanisms that may kill cancer cells and inhibit tumor invasion.

Scientists found extracts from bitter melon that can cure breast cancer. Tests showed ingredients in the spiky green fruit prevent division of human breast cancer cells also triggered cell death. Bitter melon extract has use an anticancer agent.

Researchers found a significant decrease in cell proliferation (increase in the number of cells) as a result of cell growth and cell division and induced apoptotic cell death (often referred to as cell suicide) after Bitter melon extract (BME) treatment of breast cancer cells. Studies showed that bitter melon extracts blocked the growth of cancer developing cells.

healthy food : Strawberry Anti-Cancer

healthy food : Strawberry Anti-Cancer
The fragrantly sweet juiciness and deep red color of strawberries can brighten up both the taste and aesthetics of any meal. There are more than 600 varieties of strawberries that differ in flavor, size and texture.

Strawberries are very high in quercetin–one of the flavonoids which is important in heart health. Quercetin has also been studied for its potential cancer-fighting abilities. Strawberries and other berries contain high levels of the phytochemicals that are believed to be responsible for the protective effects of diets high in fruits and vegetables against chronic illnesses such as cancer, inflammation, heart disease and neurodegenerative diseases.

UCLA Center for Human Nutrition tested extracts of six berries — strawberries, raspberries, black raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and cranberries to determine their ability to induce apoptosis, a process that enhances the death of cancer cells.

In one phase of the study, all of the berry extracts exhibited anti-proliferative effects and did so in a dose-dependent manner. The strongest strawberry effects were seen against two types of oral cancer cells and one type of colon cancer cells. A second phase of the experiment measured their ability to induce programmed cell death (apoptosis) against a cyclooxygenase (COX)-II expressing enzyme colon cancer cell. The results showed that the berries were potent inducers of apoptosis in the human colon cancer cells.

Researchers credit the anthocyanins in the strawberry samples for suppressing proliferation of colon, prostate, and oral cancer cell cultures. Anthocyanins are the antioxidant compounds which lend vivid vermillion and violet hues to berries, grapes and even red cabbage. Anthocyanins are believed responsible for the heart and brain-health benefits of red wine and blueberries respectively.

Furthermore, strawberries are known as excellent sources of vitamin C which can lower risk of developing polyarthritis, an inflammation of the joints. Vitamin C works as antioxidant which attract and neutralize highly reactive molecules called free radicals that could otherwise damage body cells in ways that initiate cancer development, heart disease and age-related eye damage.

Vitamin C can prevent the decline of motor and cognitive skills related to Alzheimer’s disease, lower the occurrence of gout, stabilize blood glucose, protect against muscular degeneration, improve wound healing, reduce wrinkles, alleviate varicose veins, strengthen the gums, and melt gallstones.

Strawberry contained ellagic acid which is found also in raspberries and pomegranates. Extracts from red raspberry leaves or seeds, pomegranates, or other sources are said to contain high levels of ellagic acid and are available as dietary supplements in capsule, powder, or liquid form. The best dose of these preparations is not known.

Ellagic acid seems to have some anti-cancer properties. It can act as an anti-oxidant, and has been found to cause cell death in cancer cells in the laboratory. In other laboratory studies, ellagic acid seems to reduce the effect of estrogen in promoting growth of breast cancer cells in tissue cultures. There are also reports that it may help the liver to break down or remove some cancer-causing substances from the blood.

healthy food : Malunggay (Moringa) Anti-Cancer

healthy food : Malunggay (Moringa) Anti-Cancer 
Malunggay has highly source of protein, Vitamin A, B and C, Calcium, Iron and carotenoids. The root bark has alkaloids, moringine which is quite similar to benzylamine. Best anti-oxidant (removing unstable free radicals) and source of amino acids and omega oil that is high in HDL ( high density lipoproteins).

Malunggay is the only herb which us a potential source of anti-cancer compounds that helps cure female reproductive disorders called the epithelial ovarian cancer.

Findings οf a study mаdе іn India, whісh wеrе used аѕ thе basis οf many news reports οn malunggay аѕ a marvel plant, states thаt malunggay contains anti-cancer compounds (phytochemicals) thаt hеƖр ѕtοр thе growth οf cancer cells.

healthy food : Mangosteen Cancer Cure

healthy food : Mangosteen Cancer Cure
This tropical fruit which is sweet has health and medicinal benefits. Mangosteen has antioxidant that may have a potential effect on cancer.

Mangosteen as Herbal Medicine
Initial results reveals that mangosteen have anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory medicinal properties. The active therapeutic compound found in mangosteen is called “Xanthones”. It provides many times more anti-oxidants than Vitamin C & E. Xanthones have been receiving much attention lately from researchers and scientist for its medicinal value. It appears to benefit every organ of the body. The whole mangosteen fruit is the single, best source of Xanthones.The strong anti-oxidant properties of the mangosteen fruit fights free radicals in the body. This helps strengthen the immune system, promote joint and cartilage function, helps support a strong respiratory system and helps maintain good health. 

Grapes Highly Recommended for Breast Cancer

 Grapes Highly Recommended for Breast Cancer
Through a latest study, it has been discovered that purple colored Concord
grape juice helps in preventing breast cancer. Due to the anti-inflammatory effect of resveratrol present in grapes,this fruit is effective in colorectal cancer and breast cancer. Anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins found in grapes have properties of an anti-proliferate and can inhibit the growth of cancer causing agents. Grape juice not just prevents the risk of cancer but also suppresses the growth and propagation of cancer cells. The pigments contained in grapes
enhance the overall immunity of the body.

Red grapes and grape seeds are a good source of resveratrol, which has the ability to suppress proliferation of breast cancer cells and promote cell death. Resveratrol also can inhibit aromatase(the synthesis of estrogen from androgens within the body), which is important for reducing growth-stimulatory effects in estrogen-dependent breast cancer. Resveratrol has also been shown to increase the effects of radiation treatment and the chemotherapy drug Taxol (paclitaxel) against breast cancer.

Moreover, grapes contain lupeol, which has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Green or white grapes have less
powerful anticancer properties than red grapes since they contain fewer
polyphenols. Grapes also contain flavonoids that are very powerful antioxidants, which can reduce the damage caused by free radicals and slacken ageing.

Flavonoids are a group of organic compounds that include numerous
water-soluble plant pigments responsible for colors. They are more abundant in red than in white grapes.

healthy food : Grapes Effective for Cancer

healthy food : Grapes Effective for Cancer
Grapes comes with different color and varieties. The crunchy, dry, sweet, and tart flavor has made grapes popular between meal snack as well as refreshing addition to both fruit and vegetable salads.

The purple (Concord) grapes (with their skin and seeds), and to a slightly lesser degree red and black grapes, contain several nutrients that are known to kill cancer cells. These kinds of grapes also contain nutrients to stop the spread of cancer. They also help detoxify the body.

Grapes (Concord) has bioflavonoid known as quercetin. This works as an antioxidant and operates with Vitamin C to stimulate the immune system to fight infection, cancer, and inflammation. The seeds in grapes contain a substance called pyenogenols. This substance has a high degree of antioxidant and fights arthritis, cardiovascular problems, stress, and allergies.

Grapes contain resveratrol. This chemical has been proven to impede prostate cancer growth, and stimulate apoptosis, the necessary death of unhealthy cells. Grape juice also contains anthocyanins and proauthocyanidins. These chemicals inhibit cancer of the breast by preventing DNA damage from carcinogens.

Furthermore, the resveratrol in grapes has been the aim of recent research. The University of Illinois says it slows down or stops the growth of tumors. Studies show it inhibits tumor growth at the initiation, promotion, and progression stages. France’s Liver Research Study Group says resveratrol helps prevent liver cancer by blocking the invasion of tumor cells. Science laboratories report findings that it stops the development of an enzyme linked to breast cancer.

The University of Wisconsin’s research shows that flavonoids in purple grape juice prevent the thickening of the arteries that hinder the flow of blood to the heart. Research continues to study the properties of grapes in the nation’s fight against cancer and heart disease. 

healthy food : Carrots Cancer Cure

healthy food : Carrots Cancer Cure
A crunchy texture and sweet taste of carrots is popular among both adults and children. Carrots has a lot of health benefits because of its nutritional value. Carrots are excellent source of antioxidant compounds, the richest vegetable source of the pro-Vitamin A carotenes that help protect against cardiovascular disease,cancer, and promote good vision especially night vision.

Carrot juice was found out that can stave off breast cancer as well as skin cancer due to the amount of beta carotene it has. Primarily beta carotene is an antioxidant and it eliminates free radicals totally from the body. It also takes care of preventing the cell degeneration which happens in our body. Consequently it also prevents the aging process. Apart from this, because of anti carcinogen properties in carrot juice, cancer is prevented.

Carrots help regulate intestines transit that helps us in case of diarrhea and the cellulose increase. This rich amount of fiber has a protective effect against colon cancer. This vegetable may boost your immune system and lower the risk of lung cancer and may lower blood cholesterol levels and increase the lactation.

Carrot juice has detoxifying and cleansing properties as well that is effective to acne. Carrots do contain a medium amount of sugar. Carrot juice can help increase the menstrual flow in women and improve their fertility. Being a rich source of alkaline elements, it also purifies and revitalizes the blood.

Carrots helps to nourish the system and maintains the acid-alkaline balance in our body. The juice of carrot eases alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Wounds and injuries are also healed faster on consumption of carrot juice. Carrot juice helps fight anemia. Some dietitians recommend drinking carrot juice for weight loss.

Too many carrots can make your skin turn yellow-orange due to the build up of beta carotene. It is a reversible condition. Within a few weeks your skin will return to normal if you stop eating carrots. Better to be a little orange tinged than die of cancer.

healthy food : Pineapple Anti-Cancer Fruit

healthy food : Pineapple Anti-Cancer Fruit
Pineapples have exceptional juiciness and a vibrant tropical flavor that balances the tastes of sweet and tart.

Pineapple has Bromelain, the key enzyme in pineapple, banishes inflammation as effectively as drugs. New research is even showing pineapple to be highly effective at cancer prevention and treatment.

Tumors often have a protective covering made of fibrin that can be dissolved by the fibronolytic action of bromelain, one reason it is so effective against cancer. Two clinical trials with heart patients have shown an elimination of thrombosis with bromelain. Therapeutic doses of dietary supplements of bromelain put a rapid halt to inflammation, and are able to reduce excessive coagulation of the bloo.

“Pineapple contains bromelain, which is a digestive enzyme having anti-inflammatory properties. Pineapple is rich in antioxidants, which are cancer fighting protective foods. Ulcer patients should avoid it as its natural acidity is high,” said Nutritionist Aruna Shyamsundar.

Pineapple is a good source of vitamin C and manganese and also contains some thiamin (vitamin B1), vitamin B6, copper and fiber. Pineapple contains phytochemicals, an antioxidant substances that fight against free radical cell damage.

Pineapple has been used to prevent ulcers, enhance fat excretion, burn debridement, reduce gingivitis & periodontal disease, helps in easy bowel movement, decrease severity of colds and infections, reduce swelling and bruising caused by surgery & injury, alleviate sinus inflammation, bronchitis, pneumonia; good for energy production & bone health; reduce soft tissue inflammation and irritation, cleansing digestive system of toxins; relieves sore throat, bronchitis, good for heart conditions (but not to be used by the people with haemophilia, with disease of the kidney & liver).

healthy food : Mango Cancer Cure

healthy food : Mango Cancer Cure
In an “unexpected and groundbreaking discovery,” scientists at the Texas A & M University have discovered that mango extracts can prevent, if not stop, the growth of breast and colon cancer cells. Susanne Talcott and her husband Steve conducted the trial and examinations.

It was found that polyphenols, (natural substances, anti-oxidants, that are free radical scavengers and promote health) present in mangoes were assessed in patients suffering from breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and leukemia. These polyphenols showed significant beneficial effects on breast and colon cancers, while they had a weaker effect on prostate cancer and leukemia.

Another research was conducted at Indian Toxicology Research Institute (ITRC), Based on experiments conducted in the USA scientists believe that mango inhibits pancreatic cancer and regulated a number of processes involved in cancer development.

Lupeol is the wonder anti-oxidant found in mangoes, which can prove highly beneficial in heart diseases, cancer and ageing. This anti-oxidant is formed in mangoes as a result of heat and water effect by nature.

Mangoes are very good for the entire digestive system. They contain a number of enzymes which improve and pep up digestion and assimilation, and aid in good bowel movement. It offers tremendous protection against the microbe giardia, which causes traveler’s diarrhea. The fruit is also a potent anti-viral.

Mangoes fight anemia (low levels of hemoglobin). They have a very high content of iron in them and are good blood builders. They are highly beneficial for women, especially, during the period of pregnancy and menstruation, when there is major blood loss.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Detox Diet

Detox diet plans can help you lose weight, and rejuvenate your body. In a world filled with toxins detox diets are becoming ever more important. A detox diet can cleans years of toxin build up in the cells resulting in clarity of mind, health, energy and a new beginning for people who are sick. I have no doubt in my mind that long fasts have the best results in chronic ailments. But not many people have the time or inclination nor the necessary grit and commitment to undertake such a fast. For those who want to detoxify themselves the following practical suggestions will go a long way in helping them to detoxify.

Most people are quite capable of doing a three day water fast. Be sure to obtain purified water only. During these three days, slow down your daily activities – specially physical activities. Some may even find it is better to take to bed and keep warm if the weather is cold.

Note: from We don’t recommend doing a three day water fast. It’s best to drink plenty of freshly-made fruit and vegetables juices for three days as part of your detox diet plan.

Balanced Vegetarian Diet Plan Benefits

A Balanced Vegetarian Diet Plan Can Reduce Risk of Alzheimer Disease
Did you know that a balanced diet of nuts, tomatoes, vegetables, fruits and lower intake of high fat dairy products, red meat, and butter can help lower your risks for Alzheimer disease?
Alzheimer's disease the most common form of dementia - a very serious loss of cognitive ability in a person, beyond what might be expected from normal aging. Alzheimer disease is an incurable, degenerative, and terminal disease that's named after the German psychiatrist who first described it in 1906. In general, this is diagnosed in people over the age of 65, but earlier onset of Alzheimer disease can also occur.
In early stages of Alzheimer's, the most common symptom is the inability to acquire new memories. As Alzheimer disease progresses, other symptoms include confusion, mood swings, language problems, and memory loss. Eventually, the disease will lead to death, with the average life expectancy lasting about 7 years from diagnosis. Alzheimer disease is not only devastating for the sufferer, but also for the families of the affected person.

Healthy Fruit Protein Shake Recipes

It is amazing what you can do with a fridge full of fresh fruit and a blender. The difference between blender recipes and juicing is the added advantage of soft fibers.

This is wonderful for cleaning and maintaining a healthy colon. Blender recipes are an excellent addition to a healing and cleansing program.


Carrots are root vegetables with attractive bright orange engorged roots and pretty green leaves, similar to ferns. They are supposed to be good for your eyes. Carrots are considered to be “rabbit food” probably because of one famous bunny but the label has stuck. Many humans like carrots too and they are good for more than just the eyes. Carrots can be bought all year around. If you get them from the farmer’s market, they will probably be bunched together by the green tops like they were just pulled out of the ground.


Even if you have never thought about eating one, they are beautiful to look at. When picking out an eggplant, the outer skin is shiny. Any eggplant with a dull sheen should be passed over. Search for any nicks in the skin, wrinkles, or blemishes. Buying fresh from the farmer’s market, ask how long it has been off the vine so you can judge how old it is.

Eggplants can be small like eggs with a green cap but most are quite large. Eggplants we are used to seeing are purple but there are white varieties. In some places, eggplants have green skins.Be sure that the eggplant you choose is not soft but firm to the touch.

Collard greens

All Greens are Not Created Equal. At any farmer’s market, you can find collard greens along with other varieties of greens most times of the year. Some people see kale or mustard greens and mistake them for collards. Mustard greens are darker than collards. Kale has about the same coloring but the leaves are curly. The leaves of collard greens are ribbed like cabbage with a good portion of the stem sticking out from the bottom.

What to Look for When Buying Collard Greens

Choose leaves that don’t have obvious signs of bug problems. The leaves are green and not brown on the edges. They are strong and make a sound when snapped. Wilted leaves will not do for eating. 

French Beans

French beans are tender, slender beans with green, rounded pods, 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm) long. The pods are eaten whole, including the immature seeds, when they are still young, juicy and tender. They have a delicate texture and sweet flavor. The part eaten are the pods and the seeds. The seeds of the mature pod are knows as flageolets and can be eaten and used as you would do with peas.

They can be called green beans or pole beans. Green beans grow on a vine and are actually pods with little beans inside them. Green beans are a delicious side dish for any meal. They can be found Italian style, French style, and simply cut.


They can make you cry if you let them, but they really are not bad. In some settings they can be stinky beyond belief, but are a fine complement to steaks.

Bulb onions (most varieties) are okay eaten raw. They are thick sliced to be put on burgers and other sandwiches. Onions are also found on tops of salads. Green onions are an ingredient in vegetable dips and on salads. White onions are common in Mexican cuisine. Onions are chopped up for Pico de Gallo and salsa.

Onions can be purchased at all times of the year. If you can’t find them at your local farmer’s market, they can be found in grocery stores who buy onions from other countries. The most useful onion is the red onion. It can be diced up for use in salads like macaroni or pasta salad. This onion can also be grilled and friend.


Lettuce has been always a popular vegetable. Lettuces come in different shapes and, because there are so many varieties, there is lettuce all year round. Each lettuce is referred to as a head. Most round varieties look like small heads. Lettuce is grown in different areas of the country year round. You will be hard pressed to see a grocery store that didn’t have at least one type of lettuce available every time you go in.

There are lots of lettuce species you can pick up in your local market or farmer’s market, but iceberg lettuce is the most popular and the least expensive. It contains a lot of water which is good for you, but also has a blander flavor and fewer nutrients than a darker, leafier lettuce like Romaine or Green Leaf lettuce. 

Pea Variety

Have you tried to eat young peas just picked from the plant? Eat them raw. They are tender, extremely sweet and addictive. The taste of freshly picked peas does not have anything to do with that of peas bought in the shop, probably picked more than 20 hours before, and even less with the flavor of frozen peas.

Young peas cooked as soon as they are picked are also a completely different experience. Petit pois, with their tiny seeds, come close to this experience or the mange tout and sugar snap varieties, where the pods are so tender that you don’t need to shell the peas, just steam and eat them with a little butter.


Boiled potatoes can be mashed or placed into stews and soups. Fried potatoes are eaten for breakfast in some places and lunch all over. The popular French fries are the way most people prefer their potato even though it is not the healthiest of foods.

Picking the Right Potato

Potatoes grow in the dirt. When choosing a good one, look for any types of spots, blemishes, or nicks. Spots or blemishes indicate that there may be a problem with the potato. Nicks can introduce bacteria and bugs into the flesh of the vegetable.

The flesh should be creamy and the skin light brown to red - there are potatoes with very dark, almost black skin - depending on the variety. The flesh turns green when potatoes are exposed to light. The green areas should not be eaten at all, as this greening indicates a higher presence of solanine, a toxic substance, that is good for health. toxic substances concentrate near the skin.



The rutabaga is a large globular root with a light orange to yellow flesha and purple, white or yellow skin. Although it is known as yellow turnip, its flavor is completely different.
The rutabaga was first grown as animal fodder and only later became human food. It has been added to mutton stews and hotpots, and made into pasties.


Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes have a sweet flavor that has been compared to roast chestnut or a sweet squash. Sweet potatoes can be cooked in similar ways as common potatoes. There are two varieties of sweet potatoes, one is pale and the other is dark. The pale kind has a thin light skin and flesh, while the dark one has thicker light to dark brown skin and bright orange flesh.


Kabocha squash has green stripes and a smooth flavor that reminds or chestnuts. Try this one in a smooth risotto with pancetta, flavor with sage and top with grated Parmesan cheese.
Try sweet harlequin squash with its green and ivory color.
Acorn squash has a distinctive shape and dense, honeyed flesh.
Stuff the dark green gem squash with your favorite filling.



Fruit or vegetable? it does not matter. Tomatoes have been officially classified as a vegetables to avoid confusion with import duties on those coming from other countries. Whether they are on the fruit or vegetable side of the fence, one thing remains the same for those who love tomatoes: it doesn’t matter how you classify a tomato, the only thing of any real significance is how you eat it. There are so many ways!



Yams are perennial plants that grow in tropical zones. The part eaten is the root tuber, very much as a potato. A yam is long, with brown skin and white to orange-yellow flesh. The plants that produce several medium sized tubers are preferred - the yamshave a better, sweeter flavor - to those varieties that produce a single tuber.

On the off chance that one of the farmer’s in your area has decided to grow a true yam, then you can find them at your local farmer’s market. If not, you might find a true yam at a neighborhood grocery store or one that specializes in authentic ethnic foods. A true yam doesn’t look much like a sweet potato at all really. The skin is brown or much darker – not the typical orange or orange-brown of a sweet potato.



They are green like a cucumber, but they come in the yellow variety as well. Zucchini are great stir fried with onions or steamed with a complement of other vegetables. If picked when they are about 3 inches long and cooked at once, they have delicious, very special flavor missing in the fully grown marrow. This flavor disappears if the zucchini has been picked more than 2 hours before. It pays to grow zucchini in your kitchen garden.

Choosing the Perfect Zucchini

Pick your zucchini wisely. They are all green, but a good zucchini is heavy. Now it may not always be long like a cucumber but it should be heavy like one. Depending on the farmer, some are smaller than others. Hold them in your hand and compare with others before choosing the ones you will buy. Select vegetables with a glossy, smooth skin. Reject those with soft spots or bruised.

Perfect for Summer Time

Zucchini is a popular vegetable in the summer. The taste is light and all you need to cook them is a bit of olive oil in a wok or large skillet and some salt and pepper to taste. I like to julienne or matchstick my zucchini, but others may want to slice it into nice round pieces. It is great as a starting veggie for kids because it doesn’t have an overpowering taste.


Friday, December 10, 2010

natural: Chocolate helps to defeat the winter blues

natural: Chocolate helps to defeat the winter blues
Ex-sinful chocolate helps you beat the winter blues. Experience the delectable taste of these chocolate treats with the peace of mind that comes from knowing chocolate has turned into all natural goodness, especially if it is dark, as long as you don't over do it.

info: More about fiber

info: More about fiber
Fiber facts explians how fiber plays a very important roll in a healthy diet. It helps to prevent serious problems and brings many health benefits. Fiber is found in plants, and dietary fiber –the kind of fiber we eat- comes to us inside the fruits, vegetables and grains we eat.

Dietary fiber adds bulk to our diet and no calories, as it cannot be digested. It helps to keep the system going. This country bean soup is a way to add fiber to your diet.

More than 5 gr fiber per serving.

tips: get into fat burning mode

tips: get into fat burning mode
Keeping lean is part of a healthy life and most of us make the resolution to get lean when a new year comes. Getting your body into fat burning will help you to lose weight.
To tell your body it is fat burning time eating proteins. The best way to rev up your metabolism is by creating more muscle –muscle tissue burns more calories- and the way to create muscle is by exercising. A sensible fat burning plan should follow a diet high in proteins, low in carbohydrates and get a good dose of short, strong exercise.

natural: blueberries are high in antioxidant

natural: blueberries are high in antioxidant
Yes, blueberries are high in antioxidants –substances that help to combat free radicals- especially those of the kind that keep eyes healthy. So add some blueberries to your pancakes or try this recipe for blueberry cake for a change, you can also have it for breakfast, dessert or snack.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

7 benefits of young coconut water for your health

7 benefits of young coconut water for your health
Coconut is a useful plant, as for example the coconut that can be used (root, stem, leaf, stem and fruit). Vasco da Gama named the Coconuts palm or in English, because the surface appearance of a brown, hairy coconuts reminded him of ghost or witch called Coco. Coconut water, especially young coconut water is the part that is often used as a tonic to relieve thirst. In addition to his usefulness as neutralizing poisons, then there are 7 other young coconut water benefits to health.

fresh young coconutEndosperm of coconut fruit in the form of liquid and sediment attached to the wall in the shell ("coconut meat") is a popular source of refreshment. Young fruit flesh is white and soft and usually presented as a young coconut ice or ice-degan. The content of minerals and electrolytes in coconut water is very diverse ranging from calcium, potassium to magnesium. During World War II, young coconut water is used to replace the plasma in blood transfusions. Here are some of the benefits of coconut water for health, as found in Healthmad.

1. Benefits of coconut water: Addressing urinary disorders

Various urinary tract disorders can be overcome with young coconut water, including polyuria (frequent urination), stranguria (difficulty urinating) and others. The effect on each individual can vary depending on the cause and severity.

2. Benefits of coconut water: Maintain electrolyte balance

Young coconut water is an isotonic fluid, which could replace the lost minerals and electrolytes along with body fluids. Even the world food organization or the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) has examined and tried to patent the young coconut water as an isotonic beverage.

3. Benefits of coconut water: Breaking kidney stones

In addition to taking drugs from doctors, patients often combine it with a kidney stone drink young coconut water. The effect of plaque or crust that formed in the kidney more easily softened and removed with urine.

4. Benefits of coconut water: blood plasma substitutes

The chemical composition of coconut water is almost identical to blood plasma so easy to be transfused. In emergency situations, especially during World War II, young coconut water frequently transfused on a dying soldier when blood plasma assistance is yet to come.

5. Benefits of coconut water: Kills intestinal worms

There is a myth that says if you eat too much fat can cause infection coconut pinworms, but can never be proven scientifically. Instead drink young coconut water mixed with 1 teaspoon olive oil 3 times a day can eradicate pinworms from the intestine.

6. Benefits of coconut water: Anti bacteria

Not many studies that prove this, but some experts believe a powerful young coconut water to get rid of viruses and other pathogenic microorganisms (disease-causing). The content of monolaurin in it are believed to eradicate potent flu virus, herpes and even HIV.

7. Benefits of coconut water: Overcoming nausea vomiting

Motion sickness and various diseases such as malaria, typhoid and dengue fever can trigger symptoms of nausea and vomiting. To resolve this, drink young coconut water can help neutralize the stomach, thereby reducing the symptoms.

Would you like to be treated by a drunk doctor?

Recently we received this complaint from a patient having gone to the government hospital for check-up in the neighboring city. The patient complained that the doctor on duty who checked her up was drunk. It was shocking news. Healthcare provider community is regarded as the god in our society.

So, we headed towards that hospital to find out the truth. When we visited the doctor in question, he insisted being normal. But the signs and symptoms of his face and body revealed the truth. The smell coming out of his mouth was proving it.

On talking to other staff members of the hospital revealed that the doctor in question is alcoholic. And it is not the first time any patient has felt un-comfortable with getting treatment from him. This doctor was found having some relatives in the health ministry and other influential post saving his carrier despite the hospital authority trying to take action against him.

After having known all the facts, we are discussing what action should be taken against this doctor? On the other hand, while researching to decide the suitable action for this doctor, we found a similar news article in the Wall Street Journal & the same new article was found here as well.

How To Effectively Take Care Of Your Teeth!

Whenever you have your photo taken, like most people, I am guessing you would show off a great big grin and exhibit your teeth for the world to bear witness. The state of your teeth exudes something about you. I believe that a healthy set of teeth can tell a bit about someone's personality and it sends a signal to those around them. People that don't bother to take the time to look after and manage their appearance more often than not possess stained teeth and have putrid breath. It is a truism that the kinds of people who make sure that their teeth are in stellar condition are those who succeed and soar in their chosen field. The level of personal oral care differs from one individual to the next, but it basically comes down to this: the healthier the condition your teeth are in, the better and more radiant your smile is.
Apart from the aesthetic value of healthy, good-looking teeth, they also help a person chew foods properly. If you don't chew foods properly it makes it difficult to digest them. A good set of teeth also enables a person to communicate clearly and confidently.

People who have a poor set of teeth are usually shy and hesitant to talk in public and seem to have difficulty in effectively communicating with others. Although the shape and structure of an individual's teeth may be genetic, with the expertise of a dentist or orthodontist, they can usually be reshaped and crooked, ugly teeth reformed.
The Importance Of Healthy Teeth

It is very important that individuals take care of their teeth because this will in turn prevent plaque formation. Plaque is a clear film that sticks to the surface of the teeth. You might think that having a clear film stuck to your teeth is harmless. However, you will think again when you discover that the film is very sticky and as a consequence attracts bacteria to stick to it like bees to honey.

Bacteria are also attracted to sugar stuck on your teeth like moths to a flame. The bacteria that are left in your mouth after you eat sweets or cake breaks down the sugar into acid. The acid is the culprit that is responsible for eroding your tooth enamel. It then leads to cavities (holes in the teeth). Too much plaque also causes a disease called gingivitis. It is a gum disease that makes gums red, sore and swollen.

The first symptom of gingivitis is when you notice that the gums bleed copiously, even if you do a basic brushing. Making sure you practise personal dental care is critical because if you don't take care of your teeth, you can face the onset of cavities and have to put up with unhealthy gums. Bear in mind that gums in this condition will feel sore and look unsightly.

Nagging toothaches can arise due to inadequate personal dental care. Toothaches and other oral ailments as a result of a poor oral hygiene will most certainly hamper eating, and make conversing with others a more burdensome activity. 
Make Sure You Brush Properly

If you are concerned about the bacteria inside your mouth, you shouldn't be! You can actually take on the bacteria in your mouth through employing two powerful allies: a toothbrush and toothpaste. If you can manage to brush your teeth twice a day, you can weaken the plaque and stop it from building up. By preventing plaque from getting out of control, you can ward off cavities and other tooth and mouth problems.

Having and maintaining a cleaner smile is not beyond your reach. You just have to make sure you take responsibility for your own personal dental care even though you may have a busy career or lifestyle.

Tyler Simpson operates the website:
Our website provides extremely effective teeth whitening solutions and bad breath treatments for home use. Check out the blog:

Article Source: 

Secrets of Female Sexual Satisfaction

Many couples in their marriage did not have sex satisfaction for years. Many men who do not know the secret of her sex. And many women who do not know the location of their own sexual satisfaction. According to research, 80 percent of women around the world have never felt the satisfaction. They get a false satisfaction without ever knowing it. This book, as written on the back cover, reveals the woman's sexual satisfaction rasahasia. From the results of research on ribuah women, the authors describe a woman's sexual secrets. Then bluntly gives way to get a true sexual satisfaction. By reading this book, as if you enter the gates of a new understanding of women's sexual secrets.

One of the secrets it is fantasy. Researchers have long known that sexual fantasies as a booster, a fun and valuable, but recent research indicated that this fantasy may be more powerful than the previous assumption, the more essential to a healthy sexual life. Fantasy can help persuade women sexual arousal out. Various fantasy presented this book (pp 11-15), among others, fantasy sex acts new and wild, with the thought of having sex at the pool or try new techniques. Women dominate the next fantasy: "He was dressed in a sexy, although she was alone. He menggagahinya by forcing him to have sex. But eventually rather than against, the woman becomes sexually aroused by the courage, and he gave up. "

Art of kissing, especially special kiss, attention is also in the books published by Heritage Commerce Handal, 1999. First, electric kiss. The thrill of the kiss part is that you both become close and intimate without having mutually meyentuh. When your lips closer to her then what flowers will be mutually electrically jumping from your lips to her lips. Then there's a kiss to bite, which included one nan sophisticated sensual kiss, looking earnest and serious. There are four steps biting kiss this: 1) Jepitlah tongue your lover with your front teeth are slowly but steadily. 2) Make the distance with your lover's lips. 3) Remove the tongue and let it burst inside of your lips. 4) When you release the tongue, lips and jaws close again again. Ie, the next teaser kiss kiss for a refresher if any type of kiss has been done. Then there was a long kiss and kiss the opposite direction. Sex position do not forget even remotely described as missionary position, ie men over; the position of women crawling; the woman on top, and side by side-facing position. What is interesting in this book is how to make love under the stars. For example (p. 89) have sex with men Aries. "If you take your Aries man love, he needs to be convinced that he is a very manly man .... Aries glad to say everything from their sexual performance is the best of you will ever get. Aries pleased at the praise and admiration ...." This is different from the Cancer man. Cancer man's need guidance to reach her sexual desires. Initially they just wanted an intimacy. Use this to release the latent sexual desires.

Career Women Sexual Problems

Career woman spends most of his time to work. This condition may be good for the woman who is still single, but not so for those who have been married. Auto keluarganyalah the sacrificed. Smart career woman sued divide their time between work and family. If not there will be a gap between them and one must be a victim and did not rule out both of them will be destroyed as well.

Domestic disharmony particularly in the sexual life of husband and wife because memporsir time only to work can interfere with your sex life and the spouse, such as the decline in fertility, paving the way affair, and disruption of intimacy.  
To overcome this, it helps you follow the suggestions below.
- Consumption of at least eight glasses of water a day to meet the body's need for water.
- Arrange your diet with a balanced portion.
- Regular exercise can help you through the activity with a healthy body and fit
- Do not forget the rest enough. Your body also needs a break morale though you might not need a   break.

Benefits of Body Fluids for Very Important We 

Body fluids is a liquid contained in a human or animal body which has a specific physiological function. Water is the biggest part of the composition of the human body. Almost all reactions in the body needs fluids. If the consume very little water, then the reaction that occurs in the body will be disrupted. In order for the body's metabolism can take place normally, the body must obtain fluid intake each day to replace fluids lost.

The variety of outdoor activities causing fluid intake the body needs more than someone who is not much activity. Our bodies must get every day so that the fluid intake and metabolism of all organs functioning optimally.
Maintaining Skin
The water in the body needed to maintain moisture, softness and elasticity of the skin due to the influence of hot air from outside the body.

Recovering Disease
Adequate water intake while it is useful to relieve pain and fever, replace lost body fluids so that the recovery process can take place more quickly.

As a lifting fluid nutrients and oxygen through the blood immediately sent to the body's cells. Adequate water consumption will help the digestive system working in the large intestine thereby preventing constipation.

Adjust Temperature
Water shortages will cause the body temperature to rise which would disrupt the balance and health.

Throwing Food Poison and Time
Water helps remove toxins in the body through sweat, urine and breathing.

For you a lot of outdoor activity, fluid intake the body needs more than someone who is not a lot of motion. Active people and are outdoors for a long time especially in hot weather conditions are certainly needed the extra water to compensate for lost fluids. Additional fluid is needed depends on how much you sweat during the activity underway. Who needs extra fluids?
* Workers who are often under the blazing sun
* Those with an active life
* Those who lack a lot of fluids because of diarrhea, fasting
* Athletes who have plenty of practice
* Enthusiasts fitness (gymnastics, yoga, jogging, martial arts etc.)
* Those who are undergoing a strict diet so lacking essential nutrients

How Criteria The Ideal Breakfast?

In the morning before the move it would be nice to start with breakfast. All of the activities to be undertaken to support the energy coming from breakfast which is the fuel needed by the brain. Also breakfast is also a step to avoid excessive consumption of lunch. Type of food menu as a breakfast menu must meet the needs of the body that contains a variety of nutrients. Type of food could be called as an ideal breakfast if contains nutrients which consists of various groups of foods such as fruits, grains and low fat dairy products.

Protein is an element that must exist in the breakfast. Why? because the protein can be helpful limited caloric intake. Options source protein foods such as soy milk for breakfast, tofu, egg whites or other low-fat dairy products. Little fat must be included in the breakfast menu.

All activities will run more focused, full of passion and vitality starts from what the intake of food in the morning. With balanced nutrition the body will be grateful for the passion and energy he created.

Heart, Friendly Foods for Vegetarians

Nutritionist Naini Setalvad and Consultant Dietician Sunita Dube whip-up a list of 100% vegetarian foods that will keep your heart fit and fab.  

Berries like strawberries  and cranberries are rich in antioxidants.  “Antioxidants reduce the risk  of heart disease,” says Consultant  Dietician Sunita Dube. Antioxidants  also help in reducing stress and  thus prevents high blood pressure.
Other  sources of antioxidants are tomatoes, red bell peppers, prunes  and  green tea. “Fruits with high water content, like watermelon are  also  recommended as they contain lycopene (a powerful antioxidant),”  says  Naini.

Nuts like walnuts, almonds and  pistachios are a good source of protein,  fibre and are cholesterol-free.  “They provide your body with the  ‘good’ fat or monounsaturated fat that  increase HDL or the good  cholesterol which keeps your heart healthy,”  says Sunita.

“Include a good amount of seeds (up to 2 table spoons) like flax seeds (alsi), sunflower seeds (chironji) and pumpkin seeds (kaddu beej)   in your diet,” says Naini. These are a good source of vitamin E,   another powerful antioxidant. They also help lower cholesterol levels.They are a good source of minerals like magnesium, copper and selenium   that help calm you nerves.

Lentils like white chickpeas (kabuli chana) and red kidney beans (rajma)   are a healthy source of protein and dietary fibre. “Fibre helps in   reducing cholesterol, thus preventing heart-related problems,” says   Naini. “They are also a good source of iron, vitamin B1 and folate,” says Sunita.

Green Leafy Vegetables
Greens!  We can’t stop telling you how good they are for your health.  Vegetables  like spinach, fenugreek and broccoli are rich in iron and  “powerful  antioxidants that protect your heart against cholesterol,”  says  Nutritionist Naini Setalvad. They are also a good source of iron, magnesium and calcium.

Raw garlic is a  good source of antioxidants and “helps lower  cholesterol levels,” says  Naini. It also helps lower high blood  pressure.
Turmeric is a heart-friendly spice too. It improves blood circulation thus preventing clots and preventing heart attacks.

Include  a healthy amount of mustard oil and coconut oil in your diet.  “Mustard  oil has the same properties of olive oil and so can easily  replace it,”  says Naini. It contains monosaturated fats that lower the  amount of bad  cholesterol. “Limited use of coconut oil helps prevent  heart attacks as  it is a rich source of vitamin E, an antioxidant,”  says Naini. Ghee, if  used in moderation, helps lower cholesterol too.

“Combine a  healthy diet with 30 minutes of exercise like skipping,  running,  walking, or aerobics combined with meditation everyday to keep  heart  diseases at bay,” says Sunita.

(Disclaimer: These foods help  keep you heart healthy. However, have  them in moderation and please  consult your nutritionist, cardiologist  and general physician before  making any dietary changes.)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Diabetes Can be Cured by Dr. Hulda Clark

All diabetics have a common fluke parasite, Eurytrema pancreaticum, the pancreatic fluke of cattle, in their own pancreas. It seems likely that we get it from cattle, repeatedly, by eating their meat or dairy products in a raw state. It is not hard to kill with a zapper but because of its infective stages in our food supply we can immediately be reinfected.

Eurytrema will not settle and multiply in our pancreas without the presence of wood alcohol (methanol). Methanol pollution pervades our food supply -- it is found in processed food including bottled water, artificial sweetener, soda pop, baby formula and powdered drinks of all kinds including health food varieties. I presume wood alcohol is used to wash equipment used in manufacturing. If your child has diabetes, use nothing out of a can, package or bottle except regular milk, and no processed foods.

By killing this parasite and removing wood alcohol from the diet, the need for insulin can be cut in half in three weeks (or sooner!).

Be vigilant with your blood sugar checks. The pancreas with its tiny islets that produce insulin recovers very quickly. Even if 90% of them were destroyed, requiring daily insulin shots, half of them can recover or regenerate so insulin is no longer necessary. The insulin shot itself may be polluted with wood alcohol (this is an especially cruel irony -- the treatment itself is worsening the condition). Test it yourself, using the wood alcohol in automotive fluids (windshield washer) or from a a pint store, as a test substance. Try different brands of insulin until you find one that is free of methanol.

Artificial sweeteners are polluted with wood alcohol! Instead of helping you cope with your diabetes, they are actually promoting it! Do not use them.

Drugs that stimulate the pancreas to make more insulin may also carry solvent pollution; test them for wood alcohol and switch brands and bottles until you find a pure one. You may not need them much longer, so the extra expense now may soon reward you.

Many persons can detoxify the amount of wood alcohol that pollutes our foods. They do not have a mold, Kojic acid, built up in their bodies as diabetics do. I have found Kojic acid in coffee, and potatoes with gray areas inside. Do not eat discolored potatoes or peels, even if cooked or baked. Being able to detoxify a poisonous substance like wood alcohol should not give us the justification for consuming it. All poisons are bad for us. Do not consume them.

All diabetic persons also carry a virus, HA virus in the pancreas. This virus is grown in the skin as a wart but is spread quite widely in the body such as in the spleen or liver besides pancreas. It is not necessary to kill the virus since it disappears when the pancreatic fluke is gone. The HA virus undoubtedly belongs to the pancreatic fluke. The question can be asked: Does the fluke or its virus cause diabetes? There might even be a bacterium, so far missed in our observations, that is the real perpetrator.

While recovering from diabetes it is very important to check your blood sugar every day. Improvement is so rapid, you may suddenly be over-insulinized by your next shot. Cut down your dose to suit your actual need.

Excerpted from the book "The Cure for all Diseases" by Hulda Regehr Clark

Mike Adams Cured his own diabetes and is now a vigorous health advocate

Mike Adams Cured his own diabetes
People call me the Health Ranger. I used to be chronically diseased with borderline obesity, diabetes, depression and severe back pain. I used to visit doctors and follow their advice, and I used to eat anything I wanted: sodas, pizza, donuts, milk, hamburgers... you name it.

And that's how I came to be overweight, depressed and diseased by the age of 30.

But a few years ago, I "woke up," and in a process of regaining true clarity, I realized that practically everything we are taught about health, disease, food and medicine is utterly false. Everything I had ever been told about health -- by my doctors, schools and even my own government -- was a lie. And those lies explain why we are all so diseased today, burdened with cancer, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and many other diseases that are entirely preventable, as you'll soon see.

See Mike Adams as the Health Ranger.

See Mike Adams' Book How to halt type-2 diabetes in 25 days, guaranteed.

Water Cure Recipe is a cure for diabetes

The water cure recipe comes 

Drink 1/2 your body weight of water in ounces, daily. Example: 180 lb = 90 oz. of water daily. Divide that into 8 or 10 oz. glasses and that's how many glasses you will need to drink, daily. Use 1/4 tsp. of salt for every quart of water you drink. Use salt liberally with food. As long as you drink the water, you can use the salt. Use only 50 to 80 mineral, no additive, unprocessed sea salt. Avoid table salt. It only has three minerals in it. While the best sea salts contain all minerals, you should eat a banana or two a day for potassium and take some magnesium, calcium and zinc to maximize your immune system.Avoid caffeinated or alcoholic drinks. These are diuretics and will dehydrate you. Every 6 oz. of caffeine or alcohol requires an additional 10 to 12 oz. of water to re-hydrate you.

Monitor your pH checking both urine and saliva with test strips. We buy ours from or 718-338-3168. We pay $2.50 per 100 for the strips that measure from 4.0 to 7.5. There are strips available with a broader range also. The best pH is 7.36. The lower the reading, the more acid your body is and the more difficult it is for it to repair itself because it is then in a degenerative state. You will find that in most cases, the people with cancer and other terrible health problems are very acid. Water & sea salt are the best for neutralizing acid, but there are foods you need to select for proper pH. Read all about pH on or buy the book, "The pH Miracle." You will be amazed at how acid soda, coffee, tea and beer are if you check them with litmus paper. Likewise check the worst and best foods with litmus paper also so you understand how important it is to eat properly. Exercise must also be done regularly as nothing works without proper exercise. Walking is best. See exercise link.

Date: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 2:32 PM
From: John J. Kelly
To: Bob Butts


On February 12 my Doctor called me with the results of my blood test and informed me that I had Diabetes 2 as my Hemoglobin ALC was 7.3. and I weighed 348 lbs. The next day I started the water cure drinking 5 1/2 qts of water and adding 1 1/4 tsps of salt to my food. I just had my latest blood test on 7/2 here are the results.
2/12/2002 7/2/2002
Weight 348 296
Triglycerides 288 138
Cholesterol 247 189
Glucose 191 108
Hemoglobin ALC 7.3 5.4

I wasn't able to exercise during this time due to a bad back. So these results were achieved through water salt and diet. I eat all the normal foods. I am now starting to introduce an exercise routine using Dr. B's book for backs and can't wait to see the results. I would have never been able to get to this point without the water and salt and am eternally grateful to you and Dr B. I now tell everyone I know now about the water cure. Many thanks.

The Truth About Diabetes

The Truth About Diabetes

The Real Cause?
Nutritionless Chemicalized Foods!!

“This underlying disease is now known to be caused by specific poisons and inadequacies in our food supply. This disease began to appear shortly after nutritionless and poisonous food began to be introduced in the early 1900’s with the birth of the food processing industry”.
From “Insulin, the Silent Killer” by Thomas Smith

This food is sold to us for the purpose of making a profit and generating growth in the competitive companies that constitute the processed food industry. The food lacks essential nutrition because the nutritious substances in real food have a very short shelf life. Thus the nutrition is modified or removed. The food is then sold as "fortified", or as "new and improved" with the addition of isolated, synthetic and sometimes toxic vitamins and minerals.

As Dr. Bernard Jensen and Mark Anderson pointed out in their book, Empty Harvest, within a generation following World War I, the foods of commerce took over:

“The food supply became bleached, refined, chemically preserved, pasteurized, sterilized, homogenized, hydrogenated, artificially colored, defibered, highly sugared, highly salted, synthetically fortified (enriched), canned, and generally exposed to hundreds of new man-made chemicals.”
Empty Harvest, Dr. Bernard Jensen and Mark Anderson

The direct result of this lack of nutrition has never affected the sale of the food because these consequences are delayed by months or years. By that time the customer (victim?) has been trained to believe that it is innocuous. All of us, without exception, have been programmed by the intense advertising and marketing promotions to which we are subjected almost from birth.