Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Seven Tips to Help you Lose Weight Fast

Do not skip meals, (particularly breakfast). In order to maintain your metabolic rate you must eat regularly. If you do skip a meal your body will react to the lack of sustenance, by considerably reducing metabolism, in order to conserve energy. This is why starvation diets generally do not work. If this tactic does result in a weight reduction it will probably be muscle weight rather than fat, so not recommended at all.
Increase your exercise as much as you possibly can within your personal limitations. Exercise burns off fat and increases your metabolic rate.
Modern thinking says that the best time to exercise is about 8 or 9 hours after you wake up. This is because it is at this time that your natural metabolism starts to slow down and exercise will give it a boost and get it going again thus burning off more fat.
Eat slowly. Chewing every bite really well will tend to decrease your appetite. Also, by eating slowly, your brain will keep up with your stomach, and will tell you at the right time, when you have had enough to eat.
Never go out food shopping, on an empty stomach, and always try to prepare a list of you needs before you go. A hungry supermarket shopper is very easily seduced into buying the wrong sort of foods. Make sure that you do not fall into that category.
Never eat after 8 pm. Particularly, do not indulge in snacks that contain anything that resemble calories. If you must eat something, I suppose a stick of celery might be okay, but in general, you should fast until breakfast next day.
Make sure that you get a good night sleep. At least 8 hours is recommended. When the body is asleep it self repairs against the ravages that we put it through during the day. Oddly enough, it also helps to get rid of cortisol which is one of the naturally occurring chemicals which put fat on us.
Try to be positive. Once you start to lose weight you will begin to feel good about yourself and this tends to be self perpetuating. Thus, the further you progress with your weight loss program, the more positive you will become.
You should try to ‘think thin’. Say to yourself that you are actually quite a slim person and you do not really have very big appetite and you can quite certainly manage without that extra helping of potato and do not need to have sugar, cream and sauce on everything.
If you can get your weight down to the level that you find acceptable you will find that it increases you self confidence and greatly improves your general health. You will also most likely add to your life expectancy. Think about all the advantages that will come with weight loss, like shopping for new clothes of the size you have always wanted to be. Also, you will be able to go to the beach or the poolside, in a bikini, without any embarrassment.
Weight loss is really quite easy. All you have to do is make sure that the calories taken in the form of food are less than the calories that are expended. The greater the difference between these, the greater the rate at which you will lose weight