What is Jojoba Oil?
1. It's an eye makeup remover.
2. It's a cleansing oil.
3. It's a lip conditioner.
4. It's a cuticle oil.
5. It's a hair conditioner and serum.
6. It's a body oil.
7. It's a is a humectant.
8. It's a a great protectant for skin.
Jojoba oil can be used for anything from soothing chapped skin to healing dry, overstressed hair. My sister in-law been using this product for a years and she absolutely love this stuff. After I saw her using this product and she told me Jojoba oil is really great and it will be good for my skin and then I finally decided to give it a shot. I didn't really think it was that great until tried it.
I like the consistency of this oil and the brand is good my skin looks all glowy when I use it. It has revitalized my dry sensitive skin that really makes me so happy. It absorbs quickly after applying, and leaves my skin smooth and soft. Jojoba oil is the closest oil to your skin's natural oil. It helps your body draw moisture to the upper layers of your skin. It's chemical structure is almost wax-like.
You can find it at any health food store just make sure it is 100% Jojoba and not a mix of oils. Trader Joe's has a good quality.