Considering that more than five million Americans have hepatitis B or C, both illnesses that can destroy the liver and which kill thousands of people each year, it's clear that the little discussed organ's time in the public spotlight has arrived.
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is a blood-borne disease, which means that it can be contracted through contact with the blHepatitis-C and alcohol use are the major contributors to this disease. The relationship betweood of an infected person. en drinking alcohol and developing alcoholic hepatitis is not necessarily linear. In some cases, hepatitis becomes chronic and may lead to cirrhosis, (a condition of progressive scarring), which is usually associated with excessive intake of alcohol.
Each day we are exposed to many different toxins (alcohol consumption, sunlight, gas fumes, exercise, performance enhancing drugs, medications, over-the-counter drugs, etc. Chemicals and preservatives in our food, crop spraying, large amounts of caffeine and tannic acids in our drinks,prescription drugs and alcoholic beverages have increased the demand on theliver to detoxify the body.
What are the signs and symptoms of the liver disease alcohol. Signs and symptoms that are common to a number of different alcoholic liver disease types include:
1.Jaundice (yellowing of the skin)
2.Generalized itching
3.Abdominal pain in the upper right part of the stomach
4.Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
5.Muscle aches and pains
6.Darkened urine.
When the liver is chronically irritated by alcohol, the body often tries to heal or protect itself by telling specialized cells, called fibroblasts, to produce a tough fiber known as collagen. Make sure your are eating a diet of pure and natural foods while staying away from tobacco, alcohol, coffee, black tea, soda, and fast food. Supplements of B vitamins can support recovery from alcoholism by supporting liver detoxification, which also reduces cravings.
Because the safe level of alcohol consumption is not known, it seems prudent to advise abstinence in the face of chronic liver diseases with the information we now have available. When moderate to heavy alcohol use is present in the face of chronic liver disease, abstinence is likely to be the most important intervention made in prolonging the course and delaying the progression towards cirrhosis. Examples of effective support include Alcoholics Anonymous, in- and out-patient rehabilitation programs and individual counselors.
Liver Detoxification
The liver can become overburdened because it plays important roles in detoxification, hormonal balance, fat regulation, nutrient and enzyme activation, digestion and circulation. Supplements of B vitamins can also help with recovery from alcoholism by supporting liver detoxification and reducing cravings. Deep for Liver, an effective natural liver cleanser, is a part of the a liver detoxification diet that features a balance approach of world-renowned natural liver cleansing herbs such as Milk Thistle extract and Artichoke extract. And drinking plenty of water is essential to detoxification.
Silymarin, the crucial ingredient in the milk thistle plant, strengthens the liver and stimulates new cell growth. Silymarin has been shown to have clinical applications to support various applications of liver health. It acts as a powerful antioxidant to counteract detrimental toxins and free radicals that can potentially harm the liver. Silymarin helps protect liver cells by stabilizing cell membranes while maintaining antioxidant glutathione levels, thereby preventing damaging factors such as leukotrienes and free-radicals from penetrating and adversely affecting liver function. Another benefit of herbal silymarin includes reducing toxin damage from long term exposure to industrial contaminants also appears to be decreased as determined from improved liver functioning of affected patients. For this reason, milk thistle is usually found in a standardized extract form with minimum 80% Silymarin.
The liver is vital in metabolizing fats, eliminating toxins from the body, regulating blood glucose, and many other functions, so good liver health is vital to good overall health. A holistic approach to liver health is your best chance of keeping this vital organ healthy and functioning well into old age. As there is no separation between physical and emotional health, the association between emotions and liver health is a primary principle of TCM as a holistic practice. However, it has recently become clear that liver health is seriously threatened by two other significant, often ignored problems: excessive use of the popular pain reliever acetaminophen (Tylenol and others) and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which is closely associated with diabetes and obesity.
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Information about the Author:
There are a number of issues raising awareness of liver health, including the increase in hepatitis. Unlike its cousins hepatitis A and hepatitis B, hepatitis C cannot be prevented by a vaccine. The Silent Killer Hepatitis C is a viral infection that causes damage to the liver cells. Find out more about Hepatitis-C And Alcohol Abuse
Paul Rodgers specializes in marketing natural health and beauty products
photo source: http://www.allhealthsite.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/lver_cirrhosis_jpg-1.jpg