
The best ways to lower cholesterol safely involve lifestyle and dietary changes. For instance, science has shown that there are two very effective natural substances found in plants such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits and nuts, that have a powerful effect on lowering cholesterol levels.
In the same way,

The two powerful substances found in plants that I mentioned earlier are soluble fiber (which is only found in plants, not meats) and plant sterols. Many of us are familiar with fiber, but plant sterols may be new to you. Sterols are natural substances found in all plants that have a very similar molecular makeup to that of cholesterol.
It is believed that,

Soluble fiber → on the other hand, is essential because cholesterol attaches itself to the fiber in the intestines so that it is eliminated from the body.
Cholesterol lowering supplements that contain high amounts of plant sterols, when combined with a high fiber diet, provide one of the most effective natural ways to lower cholesterol that you can find.