Pilates excersize fundamentals (for beginners) - commonly used as a warming up.
Necessary tools = mattress and your own body
1. Starting Position - Constructive Rest - Neutral Spine
* Lie on a mat, place your arms at your sides. Knees bent and feet parallel to each other, kai hip-width apart. * Inhale * Dispose of breath and use abdominal muscles to menakan spine to the floor. * Inhale and release. * Dispose of breath and pull the spine upward, forming a small bow at the back. * Inhale, and release
2. Head Nod
* Inhale to 'lengthen' the spine, and push your chin toward your chest. The position of the head remains on the floor. * Dispose of breath, and return to neutral position. * Pull nafasdan push the head back slightly. * Dispose of breath and return to neutral position.
3. Over Arms
From the start position (no. 1), take a deep breath and move the fingertips toward the ceiling. Waste of breath, and move the arm toward the floor breathing, and move your hands up again. Waste of breath, and release the arm back to the floor.
Tips: Hold your abs. Arm movements do not affect the alignment of your ribs.
4. Angel Arms
Movement: From the start position, breathing, and kepakkan your arms on the floor (see picture, if you do this in the sand, kira2 images like that that will be formed)
Waste of breath, and return the arms beside the body
Tips: Hold abs. Hold the rib below. Shoulders do not come to move along the arm and position your shoulders away from ears.
5. Knee Folds
Movement: From the start position, breathing, and feel you use abdominal muscles to lift one leg off the floor, making a crease at the hip.
Waste of breath, and return the foot to the floor. Make sure if you use your abdominal, thigh muscles instead.
Tip: Hip remains in its original position, do not come up. Coccyx attached to the mattress.
6. Pelvic Curl
7. Swan Prep
vincmeistersss not have a reputation Pilates Lesson 1: Flat Abs Series
1. Do Warming Up
2. The Hundred
1) Lie on floor with knees bent and your shins parallel to the floor. Put your hands behind your knee. The soles of your feet flat.
2) Remove the breath: Bow your head, bring your chin toward your chest and roll your spine (as if to do the crunch). Make sure your shoulders straight.
Hold and inhale.
3) Dispose of breath: At the same time, activate your abdominal muscles and straighten your legs toward the wall in front of you. Straighten your arm forward, in a position slightly above the floor. The lower your legs toward the floor, the better and make sure the bottom of the spine still attached to the floor.
4) Take a breath and throw short of breath as much as 5 times alternately, while your hands are moved up and down like he was pumping. Make sure the shoulders stay relaxed.
5) To finish: Bend your knees back to chest and lay the back of the spine to the floor comfortably. Take a deep breath and waste of breath a few times.
Tip: If you are new beginner and have trouble doing this exercise, you can do with the knee still bent.
3. The Roll Up
1) Lie on the floor, lift your arms above your head, your rib cage down.
2) Inhale: Make sure your shoulders flat on the floor, lift your arms up, nod your chin and start is "roll" your upper body forward.
3) Dispose of breath: Continue to roll your body, abs tap, and move the hand to the tip of your fingers touching the tip of the foot.
4) Inhale: Press the deeper abs, upper body and return you back to the floor.
5) Remove the breath: back in position 1)
Tip: do these movements with the movements flowing and flexible for maximum results. Do 5-10 times.
3. Single Straight Leg Stretch
1) Lie on the floor and stretch your legs toward the ceiling, stick your foot and heel.
2) bend your body up (as do the crunch), pull your abdominal muscles inward.
3) Hold the left leg, and lower your right leg toward the floor in a straight position. The more your lower legs parallel to the floor, the weight of your abdominal muscles working.
4) Inhale, pulling your left leg into as much as 2 times, while enlarging the power of the stretch in your right foot.
Do the same movement with the opposite leg.
5) Dispose of breath and breathing alternately.
Do as much as 60-10 times
Tip: in this exercise, note that if your feet 'flat' to the abdominal muscle impact will be greater than if your feet 'point'
To proceed to the next exercise, do stretching first so that your spine is not injured. A good choice is the swan movements (basic movement no 7)
6) Criss Cross
1. lying on the floor.
2. Place your hands under the head, elbows open wide.
3. Pelvis in a neutral position, bend your chin, and lift your shoulders off the mat.
4. Waste of breath: Extend your left leg, kira2 membantuk 45 degree angle with the floor. Make sure the elbow and the chest remained open, while the swivel your torso so that your left foot touches your right knee.
5. Inhale: Bend your knees, return to the middle position of the body.
6. Waste of breath: Do the opposite, turn your body so your right foot touches the left lutu ..
Perform 60-10 reps times.
Tip: Make sure your body remains stable, neutral pelvis as you rotate the spine andaYou must keep a stable, neutral pelvis as you rotate the spine. Do it like a flowing movement.
7. Double Straight Leg Lowers
1) Lie on the floor, legs straight up toward the ceiling. Place your hands under the head, shoulders, chest and elbows wide open.
2) Inhale Waste of breath: Pull into your abdominal muscles. Meanwhile, lower back pressed to the floor, while Roll over your torso upward, away from the floor.
3) Inhale: the number 2 position, lower your legs (while thinking that you are being pulled to be more elongated). The lower and parallel to the floor the greater the pressure will feel your abdominal muscles. Make sure the shoulders, head and neck remain relaxed and keep your back against the floor.
4) Remove the breath: Pull the abdominal muscles getting into, while you lift your legs back up.
Lesson 2: Side Kick Series (Thigh, Hips, Abdominals)
1. Perform warm-up
2. Preparation: Position your body as shown below, make sure your body is stable, focus your strength in the stomach, lift your legs a bit, take a deep breath and wasting breath several times.
3. Side Kick Front: Swing your legs forward slowly (once again, focus your strength in the abdomen, and your body is stable / not wobble). Lift your legs up to approximately 90-degree angle and do small kicks.
Return the leg to its original position, pull the leg slightly as if his muscles lengthen. Perform 50-10 reps times.
4. Side Kick Up / Down
* At its number one position (2), recheck the position of your body. Shoulder stick parallel to the floor. Shoulders and hips in alignment with the knee. breathing and wasting breath several times, focus your strength in abdominal muscles.
* Lift the leg slowly toward the ceiling, as if the muscles lengthen your legs. Hold briefly, and lower back into position. Perform 50-10 reps times.
5. Side Leg Lifts
Inhale: While long, your spine.
Waste of breath: Use the abdominal muscles to lift both legs just above the floor. Focus supaka the inside of the foot remain flat, ranging from sit to heel bone
Inhale: Return the leg to its original position on the floor. Use the controls.
Perform 50-10 reps
6. Inner Thigh Lift
Inhale: lower leg straight, use the thigh muscles to lift it slightly above the floor.
Waste of breath: With control, return the leg to the starting position.
Perform 50-10 reps

Video below can help pilates exercises that concentrated on the thighs and legs