Iyengar Yoga Method.
Basic FAQs about Iyengar Yoga ( Method ).

What is defined as Iyengar yoga ? What are the distinguishing qualities of Iyengar Yoga ? What would you say to someone who asks you to explain what is it ?
In Iyengar Yoga, asanas are thought based on a triad of :
• Precision.
• Timing.
• Sequencing.
Precision, timing and sequencing are not a rigid set of rule. Each of the three depends on various factors like age, time of the day, mental state. Scheduale, environtmental, condition, etc.

When an asana is done correctly, the body movements are smooth, there is lightness in the body and freedom in the mind “ When each cell exists in clarity, it is precision. Precision is an entry point to the deeper layers of the body.
Guruji emphasizes the aspects of maintaining an asana to built it up, develop and surface the effects and reaps its benefits.
As the endurance, power and the confidence grows the timing should be
Timing is important from the point of view of creating and developing a circulation in the body which is pecullar to that asana.
Timing is not mere calculation of seconds and minutes one remain in an asana. It is a “time requisition” made by asana for its evolutions when one matures in sadhanan.
“When each cell is sensitive to being in the present, it is timing”
Sequencing is important for getting collective and cumulative benefits of asanas. In a sequence, one asana is not done after the other but a set of asanas follow a set of asanas.
There is no standard sequence.
Guruji’s module of sequencing can be compared to Indian classical music. There are basic known as “Vadi-Samvadi” and ascending-descending patterens known as “aroha-avaroha” .
Internal ambiance created by the earlier set of asanas should not be disturbed, but enhanced by the following set of asanas. At the end of the sequence, a state of quietude ( ketenangan, kesunyian, keheningan ) and equanimity ( ketenangan hati )is expected to be created.
“When each cell can flow harmoniously into the next moment, it is sequencing.”
Iyengar discovery of the intricacies ( liku2, kerumitan ) of each asanas took him beyond the body’s muscular and skeletal systems. He used his own body as a laboratory to discover the effects of each asanas on the internal and nervous system. From his studies, he systemized over 200 classical yoga asanas and 14 different types of pranayama with many variations. This detailed program enables the beginners to progress safely from basic to more advanced asanas as they gain flexibility and strength.
Salutation to Lord Patanjali who give us Yoga and our Guru-ji Sri B.K.S Iyengar, who teaches us His method of Iyengar Yoga.
