Start Weight: 286.5
Lost This Week: -3.4
Dow 3.4lbs.... where is this coming from??? WOW, what an awesome way to star

All I can say is that lately I've been all about the veggies - pumpkin in my morning oatmeal, greek salad every day for lunch, grilled veggies and a salad of some type for supper. I'm defiantly stocking up for next week if this is the result.
Anywho.... made it over to get up my race kit (which includes my chip, paper bib thingy w/ my number and name, a BRIGHT yellow shirt - unsure if I'm going to wear it tomorrow or not, and loads of other swag) and view the Active Living Expo. Took the ferry both ways and had a chance to enjoy the sunshine and harbour. Was great, I picked up a few things: new h20 bottle w/ the Bluenose logo, a pair of red laces for the YMCA Strong Kids Campaign (for every pair that crosses the finish line Scotiabank donates $ to the cause,) Running Room socks & a hat. Plus I got all kinda of info on Team Diabetes, which is something that I've been seriously considering for awhile... since its a cause close to me - both my Dad and I have diabetes so it only makes sense. The problem is the fund raising amounts are so high and I'm not sure I have the time right now for that type of commitment. Maybe once work settles down.
I will update after the run tomorrow, hopefully w/ pics!!! Hope everyone has a wonderful looooooooooooong weekend!!!!