Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Prevented the Accident during the Road or Jogging

Walk fast or jogging including cheap sport and was easy to be carried out. That must be paid attention to was the condition for the traffic when passing the highway or the busy road. Along with, several tips from New Jersey Division of Highway Safety:
  • Time crossed, did in the special sign to cross or zebracross.
  • Pay attention to signs of the road and signs of the car in and around you.
  • Don't considered the certain car will stop if must stop.
  • Follow traffic signs and should not cross if before emerging the sign might cross. If the road tonight, put on clear colour clothes that reflected the light.
  • Try to get should not the road personally.

Knew Signs of Poisoning Salmonella

Meat, the poultry, the raw egg and vegetables that were contaminated by the bacteria salmonella could make the person who ate or handled him to was sick. The handling method and pemasakan that was exact could prevent the infection salmonella. Simptom the infection including diarrhoea and kram the serious stomach in 12 to 72 hours after eating food that was contaminated. Certain people could also be feverish. In dasr him the infection salmonella did not need medical treatment and usually recovers personally in time 5 to 7 days. This infection sufferer must drink many liquids to prevent dehydration.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Prevented Eczema

Eczema was a kind of disturbance of skin that was marked by itchy skin, red and the irritation. His emergence could be triggered by the weather, stress, or used the certain product, including detergent. Along with, suggested the prevention from Princeton University Healt Services. Immediately
  • Put lotion after being finished bathed to maintain good humidity.
  • Don't bathe too long and avoided hot water because of could drain skin.
  • Don't use soap or hard detergent that could mengiritasi skin.
  • Avoided became too hot or sweaty.
  • Avoided to stress.
  • Don't put on cloth that made itchy that was made from wool or synthetic fibre certain.
  • If was in the Country 4 seasons, covered skin well for the cold season.

The Oily Fish Helped Prevented Dementia

According to a study against 900 men and permpuan old, ate the fish 3 times a week could reduce the risk dementia until almost half him. The experts found, participants with the level of DHA highest in the beginning of the study berkemungkinan smaller 47 % got dementia and 39 % smaller got the Alzheimer illness for the study compared to the other group. Results of the study were published in Archivas of edition Neurology in November. DHA, the abbreviation from docosahexaenoic, was a kind of fatty acid. Found in the fish like salmon, sardines, and herring. The team of the researcher found, DHA apparently important reduced the risk dementia. But the experts did not promise, DHA could prevent this condition because still necessary the repeated study. The study observed 900 men and the woman was 55 to 88 years old that did not have dementia in the beginning of the study. Participants equipped survey food and underwent the inspection the level of DHA blood. Then undertook the mental skills test every time 2 years and in general was researched for 9 tahun.Dalam this period, 99 people developed dementia,including 71 people who got the Alzheimer illness.
Participants with the level of DHA highest in the beginning of the test berkemungkinan smaller developed the two conditions. The person- oaring with the level of DHA highest reported makanikan 3 times a week. This study was pure observasional. The experts not directly checked DHA to prevent dementia. This study was first proof direct relations between the inspection of the level of blood and penuruna the Alzheimer risk. DHA was often met in the healthy human brain. The fish was the source of main food from DHA. Minyak vegetables, soybean peanuts, walnut, wheat germ, and HEED also contained DHA. Selain Itu, DHA could be also obtained from the supplement.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Política de Privacidad del blog

Política de Privacidad del blog Esperamos que su visita a nuestro blog sea de mucha utilidad para ustedes y por lo tanto nos preocupamos que su visita al blog sea divertida, Segura y amena, aquí los temas que debes conocer:

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  1. www.construyendoredes.com, está alojado en Blogger.com el cual pertenece a la empresa Google, a ellos no les importa guardar tu información y datos personales, por que son medios de comunicación y participación masiva.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The exercise To overcome the Tired Eyes

To overcome the tired eyes after for a long time gazed at the layer computer, tried the exercise along with: Rentangkan the two arms in the future. The index finger indicated above. Pulled one arm inside so as the index finger was in 4 inch from the face. The focus to this index finger for 2 seconds. Blink the eyes. Then focus to the index finger that was far for 2 seconds. This exercise strengthened the muscle rectus in the eyes, calmed the feeling of being sick that throbbed.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Knew the Melanoma Risk Factor

Melanoma was a kind of most serious skin cancer. Could be treated if being found early, but could spread and cause the death. Important to examine skin carefully and was arranged for the cheque whether having freckles or spotty coloured. According to Skin Cancer Foundation, the risk melanoma became bigger if had factor the risk along with:
  • Often flattest the sun rays or ultraviolet rays and for a long time, especially if did not use sunscreen.
  • Have many freckles.
  • Had white skin.
  • Have the story of the family with melanoma.
  • Beforehand had been diagnosed with melanoma.
  • The immune system weakened because chemotherapy, just transplantation of the organ, the HIV/AIDS, or lymphoma

Monday, May 18, 2009

Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier from Work Out Warehouse.com

Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier from Work Out Warehouse.com - Consumer: Those concerned with getting in good physical shape, those who are concerned with cardio-vascular strength and health and dieters who are seeking intense physical exercise for weight control.

The purpose of the Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier is to provide a total body workout and burn calories at an extremely increased rate.

Pros: The Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier simulates snow skiing without the cold or the need for warm clothing. It provides a total body workout while shaping the legs, hips, thighs and buttocks as well as the upper-body muscles. The Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier provides an excellent cardio-vascular workout.

The adjustable flywheel allows for seven resistance levels as strength increases, as well.

Cons: There are no particular cons associated with the Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier. I do find the $99.00 shipping charge a bit high - but then again, it is a large product.

Guarantee: Work Out Warehouse offers a 30-day money back guarantee less shipping both ways. The price of the equipment plus the tax will be refunded after the customer gets a return authorization from the Work Out Warehouse and the equipment has been returned. Most of the equipment sold by Work Out Ware House carries a manufacturer's guarantee that is at least 90 days and most are longer.

Value for money: The Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier is an excellent value for those concerned with physical and cardio-vascular strength. The sale price of the Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier makes it an exceptional value.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Knew the Usefulness of Antidote Medicine to be Sick

Apart from medicine of the doctor's recipe, at this time the circulating market of various antidote medicine was sick that the ray was bought free (OTC) without needing the doctor's recipe. There were 4 big groups. Each one had the usefulness and was used for the different requirement.

  • Used to treat:
the Feeling was sick, the fever, inflamasi during 4 to 6 hours as being needed. Good was used to overcome kram menstruation.
  • The possibility of the side-effect:
the Stomach Upset, gas or inflated, constipation, had a headache. The use could in a long time cause kidney damage and the liver, ulcer, increased hypertension or in the rare case, the heart attack or stroke.
  • Konsultasikan with the pharmacist:
If you had the heart disease or the kidney illness, took medicine diuretic, or had hypertension, diabetes, the problem of the bleeding or ulcer.

  • Used to treat:
was sick and the fever for 4 to 6 appropriate hours was needed. Good for was sick collided and pain.
  • The possibility of the side-effect:
In the high dose, if you drank alcohol (more than 7 glasses per the week) could cause problems of the liver.
  • Consultation with apoteker :
If you had the liver illness, consumed several drink kinds alcohol or drank alcohol in an orderly fashion
  • Used to treat:
was sick, the fever, and inflamasi for 8 to 12 hours. The possibility of medicine was good for the easing all day. The possibility of the effect samping Be The Same As ibuprofen
  • Consultation with apoteker :
If you too must avoid ibuprofen

  • Used to treat:
was sick, the fever and inflamasi. Also was gotten by proof, the small dose every day (80 mg) could prevent the heart attack and stroke
  • Possibility of the side-effect:
the Stomach Upset, constipation, had a headache. The use to long-term could cause ulcer, kidney damage and the liver.
  • Consultation with the pharmacist if:
had diabetes, the bleeding illness like hemophilia, gout, or the liver illness or the stomach. Or if you drank corticosteroids (like prednisone) or blood pressure medicine.



Friday, May 15, 2009

The strategy So that the Stomach becomes Sexy

Must be acknowledged, merampingkan the stomach or eliminated the stomach fat was not easy. Along with, suggested the experts to overcome him:
Overcome STRESS
Your possibility has known, this could result in the risk of diabetes, the heart disease, stroke, and hypertension. But this fat stomach the possibility of the reaction to stress. When being pressed, we produced hormone stress cortisol that was our long method of preparing ourselves for the opponent or running, explained Dr. Marlyn Glenville, in the Fat Around The Middle book. If the energy explosion extra this was not used, fat and glucose that the issuing did not have the place for energy and was stockpiled again as fat to the stomach, the place of the body kept supli the opponent or ran the emergency. Confirm you got the adequacy of vitamin B by drinking the supplement to help you overcame stress. As usual, before drinking the supplement anything, konsultasikan more previously with your doctor. Moreover, looked for the method of reducing the burden of the work.
Know your HORMONE
Your one entered menopause, the body will hesitate to release fat in and around the middle body because the body needed fat to produce oestrogen (that descended at the time of like this) to protect bones from osteoporosis. Knew the enemy to be the first step to overcome him. Used the tip of the diet and sport below this to help memenagkan the war.
Check the CYCLE
If you not yet menopause, the fat stomach could be symptom from the H PMS type that caused swollen, the weight rose, pain breasts resulting from the accumulation of the liquid. Some women until needed clothes that his measurement was bigger at the time of like this in one month. Record the measurement of your stomach in the diary to know whether this condition coincided your menstruation cycle. If you could find definitely, that was symptom PMS. Dr. Glenville recommended used the herbal tonic that was acknowledged as Agnus Castus Plus, if you did not use the pill or medicine hormonal other. This herbal tonic brkerja apda the gland pituitary to balance the level of hormone. Konsultasikan with your doctor.
Pay attention to the DIET
From the method of eating, we in a manner did not realise informed the body, that he (the body) while stress. For example, if you reduced calorie to reduce the weight, the body would panic and thought about the hunger disaster happening. To rescue the life, the previous body reduced metabolism and maintained fat. Eat healthily and don't the hard diet. Although you wanted to reduce the weight, got at least 1.500 calorie a day.
Avoided ate salty and flattered. Don't add salt or sugar in cooking. Food flattered (including index food glikemik high like white bread, the pizza, the potato baker) could trigger the change in the level of blood sugar that caused the body to take off more hormone stress that increased stomach fat. Salt had problems because of increasing the accumulation of the liquid and inflated. If eating something that was salty, overcame by drinking more water to spend him.
Sport kardiovaskular could help burnt fat. First stomach fat was burnt because here the body kept the supply of the emergency. You will reduce the weight beginning with the part on the stomach terlrbih beforehand, then descended down dank e the back. MUlai by walking every day 40 minutes to lower ½ pound stomach fat in a week. After that, added jogging light every time 4 minutes
Bad posture made the urgent stomach outside. Correct him could merampingkan in an instant. Guard the shoulder relaxed and the chest was open. Pull tail bones and deflated the stomach so as the neutral hip. You will be more slender and higher. Yoga, Pilates all of them were good for posture.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Colour therapy for the Health

Since thousands last year, the experts Feng Shui in China used the colour in the design technique. The certain colour it was said caused the certain influence. Currently the experts found, the colour not only could influence the feeling, but also the health and thinking. According to the expert American Institute for Biosocial Research in Washington, colour energy that entered our body stimulated the gland pituitary and pineal, that was previous caused various changes in our body. That was the reason, the colour influenced thinking and our feeling.
This influence was also felt by the tuna netra.Diduga they felt the colour from the energy vibration that the creation in their body. The choice of the colour of the fashion, the house, the office, the car and the environment around could be directly influential to us. The colour could calm stress, increased energy, and alleviated the feeling of being sick. When choosing the colour, paid attention to energy and feelings that were generated by him. Along with, the public's escort :
Red was the colour that stimulated, heated all the body but also the colour of the passion. Therefore, red was good for the sexual illness. Red also increased the heartbeat, the activity of the wave of the brain, and breathing. Red also berkhasiat for people who suffered anaemia, the bladder infection, the irritation of skin, and hypotension. But people with the bad condition and hypertension must avoid space with the red decoration.

Stimulated appetite and lowered symptom tired. Orange also the good choice was imposed during tired. People that the allergy also was helped if imposing the orange colour. If children had difficulty eating, used the table tablecloth or placement orange. But if you wanted to reduce the weight, the substitute or closed the orange table tablecloth with the other colour.

Stimulated the memory. If wanting to remember something that was important, wrote in yellow paper. Yellow had the effect generated energy like the sun rays. Therefore, kining could help alleviated depression, calmed the muscle that kram, alleviated hypoglycemia, thyroid too active, and the gallstone. Yellow could also menungkatkan blood pressure and the pulse, but kadsar him was lower compared to red.

Calmed, merilekskan the body and thoughts. The person that suffered concerned that was abundant or depression will be better after was in green space. Also berkhasiat to penyaki nerves, was tired, the problem of the heart and cancer. Please sit in the hill or in the green meadow and focus in the body part that wanted to be cured. The green colour was also good for helped maintained the diet program. If feeling tense when would the work interview, imposed the green colour to calm nerves.

Merilaekskan and calmed. A study against active children found, after was in blue space, the children became far more calmer. Blue berkhasiat reduced blood pressure, the heartbeat and oernapasan. Made you be felt cooler in the middle of the hot and humid weather. Blue could be used to calm was sick ulcer, the problem of the back, rheumatism and the illness inflammatory. To make use of the usefulness of the health from the blue colour, used the blue colour round you. Focus thoughts on the part that wanted to be cured. The exercise outside the room, under blue sky or near the ocean. Put on blue clothes to the workplace during stress could help you to feel calm the next day.

Created the feeling of peace and harmonious with the environment, pressed appetite, and was good for problems of the kidney and migraine. Use the purple colour if the diet and must avoid food junk.

The colour that calmed. Also merilekskan the muscle. Had the usefulness penenangan to angry people or hard people, Therefore, often was used in the prison, the hospital, and the centre of rehabilitation of the medicine addict. Also berkhasiat for very concerned people or symptom withdrew. Pink also the choice was good for the bedroom because of increasing the romantic feeling without stimulated excessively like the red colour.

The colour of the strength. Impose the black colour if must feel strong and the self-confidence. Black also pressed appetite. If was the diet, tried to use the black table tablecloth.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The measurement Bra could show the Potential for Type diabetes 2

A latest study showed, the woman that wore bra cup D while 20 years were risky higher 60 % dobanding the woman that wore bra the measurement cup A in the same age. From 92,000 women that diobsevasi in athun 1989, 1,844 including developing diabetes. According to the researchers, these findings without being affected the index of the body mass or factor heavy other.
According to the study, the accumulation of fat to female breasts was factor in addition that increased the risk of developing this condition. The risk increased according to the increase in the measurement cup bra.
The experts also found, obesity in decisive adolescence the measurement of breasts in the mature period. The study was said by only studies of the introduction.
Results of the study were published in Canadian Medical Association Journal.

The Zone Weight Loss Diet from Zone Living.com

The purpose of The Zone Weight Loss Diet is to help dieters lose weight according to their own specific requirements.

Pros: Dr. Sears designed all of the various Zone diets. He says about weight loss, “To achieve long term weight loss, you must reduce inflammation in your cells. To do this, you need not deprive yourself. On the Zone diet all you have to do is eat the right combination if food, nourish your body with the Omega-3 fatty acids it needs and exercise moderately. The result? Burn fat faster, lose excess weight, boost your energy, keep hunger at bay and even help reduce the risk of chronic disorders.”

Many very famous people have had great success using The Zone diet. Among them are Jennifer Aniston, Cindy Crawford, Madonna, Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Lopez, Demi Moore and Winona Ryder.

Diet products are recommended for various diet goals. These products can be ordered on the Zone Diet website at a reasonable cost and there is also a lot of support offered on the website that is helpful to dieters.

Cons: The Zone Weight Loss Diet is either loved or hated. There has been some controversy surrounding it.

Guarantee: There is no guarantee of success offered on The Zone Weight Loss Diet website.

Value for money: The Zone Weight Loss Diet is a very good value.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Overcame Swollen Breast when Giving ASI

After giving birth, breasts could become big and swollen, that normally is mentioned engorged. As a result of congestion (the accumulation of excessive blood) blood vessels on breasts. If this happened, putting did not stand out went out so as not the ray was sucked by the baby. Berikut,daftar the remedy that was suggested by National Library of Medicine, America:
  • Tried to suckle the baby more often all along the day, at least 8 times in the period 24 hours. Give ASI at least 15 minutes to very much suckled.
  • If breasts hurt and you could not suckle the baby, the pump HEED by using the special pump.
  • Bathe warm water to alleviate was sick.
  • The cold compress to reduce the swelling and the feeling was sick.

Bob Greenes Best Life Diet

The purpose of Bob Greene’s Best Life Diet is to help people lose weight as well as to get into good physical condition overall.

Pros: Bob Greene’s Best Life Diet plan is much more than just another diet plan. Included with the diet are cardio workouts and strength training instructions. Oprah Winfrey, speaking about Bob Greene’s Best Life Diet said, “Every unwanted pound creates another layer of lies. It’s only when you peel back those layers that you will be set free: Free to work out, free to eat responsibly, free to live the life you want and deserve to live. Tell the truth and you’ll learn to eat to satisfy your physical hunger and stop burying your hopes and dreams beneath layers of fat”

Bob Greene’s Best Life Diet is actually a life plan rather than a diet and it is a life plan that is full of the promise of a good, healthy and long life if the plan is adopted and adhered to.

Cons: No diet should ever be undertaken without a doctor's consent. All weight problems are not caused by overeating.

Guarantee: There is no guarantee of success and none would apply.

Value for money: Since the total price could not be determined, the value of Bob Greene’s Best Life Diet cannot be determined.

South Beach Diet Membership

The purpose of the South Beach Diet is to help people lose weight in a healthy manner.

Pros: America as a whole is getting heavier and heavier. There is a myth that says fat people are happy….”fat and jolly”, “fat and happy”, etc. I’m not saying that those who are overweight are not happy at all but I am saying that they are not happy about being overweight or just plain FAT. Most people who are overweight have tried most every diet plan under the sun at one time or another and they haven’t found one yet that actually worked.

The South Beach Diet Membership is a way that those who are overweight can get the expert dieting advice that they need as well as a dieting plan that they can live with for the long term. There are no foods that are just off limits forever and ever. The diet is a well balanced eating plan that includes foods from all of the food groups so dieters are better able to stay satisfied and better able to stick to the plan to achieve the results that they desire.

Cons: The South Beach Diet does not really provide a balanced diet. Adhering to it for the long term will be difficult.

Guarantee: There is no guarantee offered for the South Beach Diet Membership and none would apply.

Value for money: The South Beach Diet Membership is an excellent value.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Don't use the Cellular Phone Before sleeping

A new study that was carried out by the researchers in Edinburgh Sleep Center said, that used the cellular phone before sleep could disrupt the health. Radiation from handset could cause insomnia, had a headache and even reduced sleep in that was needed by anyone because when this the body rejuvenated and improved all the broken cells during the day. The experts carried out the study against 36 women and 35 age men 18 to 45 years. Several were among them exposed radiation that copied that diterim,a someone when using the telephone selular at one hour before sleeping, now that was other was not exposed. The explanation of the telephone selular one hour before sleep caused the bad influence in sleep in. The experts concluded, the study showed, for the explanation of the laboratory against 884 MHz the signal wireless, the component slept that was expected important for restoration from everyday damage experienced the damaging influence. The study showed radiation disrupted the production hormone melatonin that controlled the internal rhythm of the body.Results of the research was published by Mass-chusetts Institute of Technology and didanai by Mobile Manufacturers Forum.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

BioFreeze fom 911Healthshop.com

Consumer: Back Pain Sufferers or Joint Pain Sufferers

The purpose of BioFreeze is to temporarily relieve pain

Pros: I can personally vouch for the effectiveness of Biofreeze. It actually works to relieve back pain as well as joint pain. BioFreeze was created by created by Dr. Danné King.

BioFreeze contains an herbal extract from a South American holly shrub called Ilex. Ilex is used around the world in a variety of health, wellness and pain relief formulas. There are no waxes, oils, aloe or petroleum in Biofreeze. It absorbs quickly into the body and provides very long-lasting pain relief. There is no lingering medicinal odor.

It is safe to use BioFreeze up to four times everyday but when BioFreeze is rubbed onto the aching places any wrap that is used should be very porous.

You will see Biofreeze used often in doctor’s offices and at treatment and testing facilities. Biofreeze is a fast-acting, deep penetrating, long lasting pain reliever.

Cons: There appears to be very little risk in trying BioFreeze. The product can be used not just on the back, but almost anywhere - even the feet.

Guarantee: There is a 30 day money back guarantee for unopened products. The company must be contacted before returns are sent.

Value for money: BioFreeze is an excellent value at any price because it actually works.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

First Pregnancy - Good News

Today, I was pleasantly surprised when my friend called me and said that she's 3 weeks pregnant. She had her pregnancy test last Tuesday and it was positive but then her husband told her not to get excited because it might be false alarm. Wednesday she had her blood test and the doctor called this morning and it was positive. I'm so happy and excited for her because I know this will be the best important moment of her life. This will be a great gifts that she received for her birthday. Now shes expecting around January or February Baby and for what I've read, three weeks of pregnancy as sperm meets egg, fertilization occurs and the baby to be takes form as tiny group of cell. So, she's 3 weeks pregnancy means she's conceived! Her baby soon to be a baby has started its miraculous transformation from single cell to baby boy or girl. Now I can't to wait to know if it's a boy or a girl he he... I hope her baby will be healthy and she have a blissful pregnancy. And to make it happen she will need a good nutrition during her pregnancy to improves her chances of having a healthy baby. I know having a baby is very exciting and yet frightening.

Signs that you might be pregnant:

Skipped period
Tender breasts
Spotting between periods
Stretch marks
Excess saliva
Darkening of the areolas, the skin around your nipples
Vaginal discharge
Stretching of pelvic ligaments
Food cravings
Bluish tinge to the vagina and cervix
Stretch marks
Increased need to urinate

Selecting the Right Exercise

Finding the right kind of fitness routine is a key to being able to stick with it and be healthy for life. I have tried many different types of exercise. I started out jogging but it is hard to jog when the weather is bad or if the smog alerts are out. A good hard body is really sexy so I needed to find something good to do and the first thing I found was treadmills. They are ok but they really didn’t make me feel like I was getting a full workout. I didn’t want too much of the same motion.

Next I did some checking and found that you can get a good workout from an elliptical and they are easier on your legs in terms of wear and tear. I tried one of my friend’s and I liked it a lot and felt like I had worked a lot of different muscle groups. I like to ride my bike but again it is sometimes difficult and the traffic can get really crazy where I live, so I looked into an exercise bike . I decided the best combination of equipment for me was the elliptical and the exercise bike. I like the bike for when I want to work on my legs but still have it quiet enough in the room to watch TV! I have to be entertained of course!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Controlled Asthma

Asthma was the chronic pulmonary disease that caused the respiratory tract to inflamasi and produced the layer mucus thick so as cause difficulties for breathed.
The cause
The asthma sufferer had the Natural Killer T cell (NTK) tang the amount 100 times more compared to people that did not suffer asma.Serangan happened when these cells reacted excessively to compounds that were not dangerous like dust and the smoke.
The other trigger was:

  • Allergen like the fungus or the waste of the animal.
  • The change in the weather.
  • The certain medicine.
  • Inveksi the sinuses or viral.
  • Sport.
  • Stress or the concerned feeling.
  • The illness gastroesophageal reflux.
The method Overcome
To help controlled the attack, your doctor would meresepkan:
  • Medicine anti-inflammatory that was drunk, injected or inhaled like corticosteroid.
  • Leukotriene modifiers that tied chemicals that the possibility caused the respiratory tract constriction and inflamasi in the lungs.
  • Bronchodilator that meninglatkan the air current was inhaled or pumped and is usually given during immediately must get medicine.
That must be known by the woman
The woman was more susceptible to asthma. A latest study in Journal of Asthma said, the woman also berkemungkinan bigger needed medical treatment immediately. Setisp the year, asthma killed more than 5,000 people, 65% dalah the woman.

Swine FLu - Go Away!!!

Hopefully this freaking swine flue will be gone before are anniversary. Grrrr...I'm so pissed bec we have so many plan for our up coming anniversary but seems like it's not gonna happen now because SWINE FLU is still around and esp that freakin flue is here now in Cali. Sigh** now we can't go to crowded places :( Hmmm...I really don't wanna get it...I'm kinda scared to go to crowded places and I guess all should be right? I just hope the swine flu will be gone any time soon. Some people probably not scared huh! until someone they know actually comes down with it then They'll worry.

I know it does the same thing like the regular flu, fever, head ache, sore throat, respiratory symptoms, cough, this one includes stomach upset and diarrhea. But still...I'm freaking out because we haven't seen it in humans and from what I've read, it is essentially a flu without a vaccination. You may not die or even get the swine, but it's still good to be on the safe side. So I guess now were not going somewhere until swine flu is totally gone. Ever since it started it is not getting better instead more people get affected day by day. I'm pretty sure everyone had heard about the deadly Flu and if you want to know more about this flue just visit wikipedia.org it has a lot of info about the swine flu.

Anyhow, here some tips on how to not get the swine flu

*stay out of crowds
*avoid physical contact
*Keep your distance from people who are sick
*make sure family members wash their hands often
*stay home when sick
*cover your mouth and nose when coughing
*avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
*keep in touch with the news
*Eating healthy, lots of fruits and vegetables
*cutting out sugar and processed junk foods will give our bodies what they need to stay healthy.
Sugar has been found to reduce our immune systems' capabilities to fight off viruses.
Also taking vitamin D and C and drinking lots of water will help!
*use hand sanitizer and Wash your hands frequently.

We all just have to have knowledge on our surroundings and especially when traveling.

If a family member has a flu like illness, call the doctor right away. The new swine flu can be treated with antiviral medicines, but those medicines work only if taken within a day or two after symptoms start.

What about you guys? How long do you think the swine flu will last?

My fav Lotion Ever

Last time I went to Walgreen's, I bought a bottle of Jergens Lotion since my old one is almost gone. I'm picky about lotions, because it has to be just right for me to make up my mind to use it. I have used Jergens Skin Smoothing lotion products for a while now and I love it. I bet that everyone wants their skin to feel good, healthy, and comfortable just like me rightt? Our skin protects our bodies from the elements, but what can we do to protect our skin from the elements? Moisturizer! This moisturizer makes your skin look, soft, smooth, sheen, healthy and radiant. It doesn't only get the top but it seems to make your skin look good deep down. My skin feels so much better after using this white, creamy lotion. The lotion is the exact right consistency too...not too thin or too thick. It doesn't feel greasy at all either and it absorbs quickly.

I highly recommend the Jergens lotion for anyone who wants healthier, happier, hydrated Skin. Jergens products has variety of lotions but my favorite one is the Skin Smoothing.

Love a Career

Living the healthy life can be enhanced by having a career that you love. Doing what you love will not always make you rich but it will make you happy and healthy! Sometimes rich too! Ha-ha! I have dreamed of becoming a chef and having my own restaurant. It would be so cool to prepare my own menu and use my creativity to design the restaurant. I would want to attend a good culinary arts school and fortunately there are a lot of them here in California. The great thing too is that we have a very diverse culture here so there are a lot of eateries that cater to a certain crowd that do well. Training is important and you want to select a good school. I found a site called allculinaryschools.com and it does a great job of locating schools in your area and giving an excellent summary of each. You can even send for information on tuition, curriculum and other things right through the site. So, I guess I am starting there! Wish me luck!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Mementoes of ovaries Cancer

Ovaries cancer evidently not the killer secretly as being expected uptil now. That was the reason, the woman must get the cavity inspection in the hip in an orderly fashion and paid close attention to the possibility symptom ovaries cancer, like that according to the team of University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center. Beforehand, ovaries cancer it was considered did not produce symptom in atahap earliest, the stage that most enabled recuperation. But the researchers recently reported a group symptom that could show ovaries cancer. This Simptom was:
  • Inflated.
  • Was difficult to eat or fast was full.
  • Often urinated.
Simptom remained continue to and symbolised the change from the normal health of the woman. The woman that experienced symptom this hamper every day during more than several weeks must check to gynecologist and the cancer expert. The inspection pelvic yearly must be carried out, especially in the female circle that his age further, that was risky higher ovaries cancer.
The possibility survived bigger if being diagnosed in the stage was earlier. Five years after was diagnosed, 95% female with cancer of the stage ovaries 1 was still living compared to 30% female with stage cancer of III atai IV. Baru- just this around 70% female that was diagnosed with ovaries cancer was in the further stage this illness. In America, more than 22,000 women will be diagnosed with this cancer of the year ovaries. More than 15,000 women will die resulting from this illness.

The usefulness of the Marriage during the Physical and Mental Health

The research found, the marriage gave the real benefit for the physical and mental health. Along with, several examples according to Hope College.
  • Public health that was better compared to people who did not marry and rarer sick
  • Case of the addict alcohol that more rendah
  • Case of the suicide more rendah Time treated inap in general shorter compared to people who married and the recovery rate more cepat the immune System more kuat
  • Risky lower depression, and lowered stress and the concern.

My Healty Dinner

I been craving for fish for couple days now so last night I decided to cook my fish. I'm just happy because I have plenty of fish in our freezer so anytime I want to eat fish I can always cook it as long as I'm not lazy he he...I fried lapu lapu and tortang talong (Stuffed Grilled Eggplant Omelet). =)) a filipino dish for egg plant...it's so simple and tasty.

I like all fish freshwater and saltwater, but my favorite would be fried lapu lapu or Escabeche lapu lapu. I been always love this fish even when I was in Philippines. It is an expensive fish in the Philippines, but people love it because it is delicious. Lapu-lapu is a local fish which in English is called commonly as "grouper".
tortang talong (Stuffed Grilled Eggplant Omelet)
Fried fish (Lapu Lapu)

What is Lapu-Lapu or Grouper?
-Lapu lapu is also the name of the grouper fish in the Philippines. For the city, see Lapu-Lapu City.
-is a high value fish with great potential in aquaculture.
-They are valued for their excellent texture and flavor.

Well...Fish is excellent sources of protein that are low in fat and it is a highly nutritious food commodity. Being an excellent protein food with fewer calories, it is better than other meat sources. It is rich in omega 3 fatty acids proven to be good for the heart. Eggplant is effective in the treatment of high blood cholesterol and is richer in nicotine than any other edible plant.

What about you peeps? what kind of fish do you like eating?

Resurgence - The Best Skin Care System

I'm only 25 y/o and I'm starting to notice the fine wrinkles on my forehead and a little bit wrinkled under my eye. I hate to think that I'm getting old and it starting to show. I just don't want to be grow old and be all wrinkled lol! Oh...well it's the circle of life. Just like me, everyone wants their skin to feel healthy and stay young. But what can we do to prevent our skin from aging? Resurgence! the best skin care to fight our skin from aging.

Resurgence is the comprehensive skin care system with advanced age-fighting ingredients that are specifically designed to target the effects of hormonal aging by renowned dermatologist Dr. Howard Murad. Wrinkles are formed as a person grows older as the skin loses its elasticity. smoking, exposure to sunlight, stress, dehydration and poor skin care can accelerate wrinkle formation. Take good care of your skin by using Resurgence Products! It will help restore moisture, exfoliate dead skin cells, increase firmness, elasticity and will help to reduce hormonal breakouts. This is the best anti-aging products that work for any skin type. For more helpful information you can see Resurgence Reviews - it's a testimonial from satisfied Resurgence users.

Every woman deserves fabulous skin! Check out Resurgence website if your looking for the best fight aging skin product.

Love the Scent of My New Fav Soap

I recently purchased Basis soap. A friend of mine told me about Basis Sensitive Skin bar and she really adore this soap and I am so glad I tried the Basis Sensitive Skin bar. Basis sensitive skin bar is pure and chemical free, which will leave your skin feeling amazing. It just plain doesn't dry out the skin like so many other soaps and it doesn't melt away like other types of soaps.

Basis is a cleansing soap bar that dermatologists recommend because it is soothing, pure, and mild. It contains chamomile, glycerin, almond oil, and aloe Vera which soothe and comfort the skin. Basis contains no fragrances, dyes, or other harsh ingredients that may irritate skin or strip away its moisture. It just cleanses and comforts gently. Basis It provides a rich, creamy lather and doesn't have a strong odor to it. This is a very gentle and soothing product to use.

I highly recommend this soap to anyone suffering from chapped, cracked skin. It works so well and is very gentle on the skin.

Ingredients (from the packaging)

Sodium Tallowate, Sodium Cocoate, Sodium Palm Kernelate, Triple Purified Water, Glycerin, Petrolatum, Almond Oil, Titanium Dioxide, Sodium Thiosulfate, Chamomile Extract, Aloe Vera Extract, Cyclopentadecanolide, Pentasodium Pentetate, Tetrasodium Etidronate, Lanolin Alcohol, Beeswax.

Prescription Blues

It is really a conspiracy of the huge pharmaceutical firms in cahoots with governments internationally to make the industrial nations bear the burden of their desired profits. While we pay absurd prices here and in Europe the same drugs are sold in other countries for a fraction of the price. Many older people who are on fixed income have tried to import their prescriptions from Canada or other countries in order to be able to eat and have their medications. It is really an unfair and difficult situation for many people. Many people continue to search for an alternative method to order their prescriptions.

Some companies in the USA have made an attempt to lower the cost of prescriptions with generic branded replacements. Wal-Mart is one of the biggest to note. They do a good job of using the purchasing power they have to negotiate pricing and deliver the medicine at very low prices. We can complain all we want about them but they do good as well by lowering consumer costs. Somehow, this issue needs to be addressed and legislation written to protect the consumer without all the lobbying by the big pharmaceutical companies. I am hoping with the new administration pushing congress that some inroads can be made soon. In the mean time check out pharmacies on the web who can deliver your medicine right to your mailbox.

Electric Toothbrush - A Good Step to Take in Dental Care

Well...I grew up brushing with manual toothbrushes that's why I was glad when I received a Sonicare Electric Toothbrush as a gift last year. As I remember the toothbrush comes in a box with the electric toothbrush body; charging stand; one toothbrush head; a plastic stand for two toothbrush heads; and a plastic travel case. Also included was an instruction manual. I think the first time I used the toothbrush, I let it charge for several hours. The toothbrush also has a feature to ease you into using it. The first 14 times you use the toothbrush, it oscillates at a slower pace than its usual speed, and gradually becomes faster. This helps to acclimate sensitive gums to using an electric toothbrush. The toothbrush beeps twice when you turn it on to let you know this feature is activated. After the first 14 uses, the feature automatically de-activates. The clean from this brush is more like the clean from using a manual toothbrush. This brush definitely does the job, and I appreciate that it is gentle on my gums. I look forward to being able to travel with it, as well.

The best features of this toothbrush include:

  • It automatically shuts off after 2 minutes to encourage brushing for the correct length of time.
  • It is light and easy to travel with, especially with the included case. The brush also stays charged for at least 24 hours off its base.
  • It is attractive sitting on a sink or counter.

If your looking to purchase an electric toothbrush and don't know anything about them. I would highly recommend this Sonicare brush. It creates ultra sonic type vibrations which really removes debris around the teeth and under the gums.

Strawberry Smoothie

You Are a Strawberry Smoothie
You are a well rounded, complex person. You have many sides to you.
You are quite sweet, but you are not fake or sugary. You keep it real.

People appreciate your fresh and honest approach to life. You call things as you see them.
You are comfortable with who you are. You know you're well loved, and you love yourself.

Here are some easy & quick recipes if you want to make a healthy smoothie, with real strawberries.

6 large strawberries
1/2 cup of your favorite yogurt
1/2 cup of vanilla or strawberry ice cream
1/2 cup of whole milk

First Blend strawberries and milk together until straberries are well blended, than add ice cream and yogurt and whip for just a little bit so smoothie remians thick.

Non Dairy/No Sugar Strawberry Smoothie Recipe
This recipe is for those people who would prefer no dairy products and no sugar.

6 large strawberries
1 cup Welch's Strawberry Breeze
1/2 cup ice cubes

Blend juice and with strawberries and add ice cubes until slushy consistency is formed. Soy milk may be used to replace juice for a thicker Straberry Smoothie Recipe.

Fresh Sun Sweetened Strawberries
Strawberry smoothies are the most popular fruit smoothie recipes. They are simple to make and are very abundant most seasons.

6 large strawberries
1/2 cup of your favorite yogurt
1 cup of whole milk


Just blend all three ingredients and you have a fresh fruit smoothie. Additional fruits maybe added like bananas.

Got Your Online Store?

I know you have your online business all worked out on paper and you are about ready to take pictures of all the cool and fashionable clothes, beauty and healthy products that you have designed. However, you have one more very important thing to accomplish. Find a good web host for your online store! You may not have considered webhosting but it is one of the key points for success. You need your store up and online 24x7 for today’s online market place. You don’t want that chic buyer in the United Kingdom to miss your new line just because your site was down for maintenance during primetime.

There are a ton of hosting services out there and anyone who puts a server in their basement and loads it with a Linux kernel and Apache is not necessarily the best choice. Don’t get me wrong a lot of them are really good and economical. I like to make sure I check people out on hosting blogs and on review sites before I trust my business to them though. You will work hard to get your traffic coming to your site and one day of down time can spoil all that hard work. Do your homework girls, hosting is almost as key as healthy fashion!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Washed and vegetables to Eliminate BAkteri and Pesticide

The experts stressed the importance ate and vegetables every day. That also did not lose important was to wash him before being eaten. Along with the escort from University of Maine Cooperative Extension.
  • Wash all or raw vegetables before being analysed, cut off, eaten or cooked.
  • Please the cleaner and vegetables that were drafted to eliminate the bacteria and pesticide.
  • Soaked and washed agricultural produce in the distilled water for 1 to 2 minute.
  • Use the hand of vegetables to menyikat all agricultural produce had thick skin.
  • Wash all agricultural produce that was buried personally, or was buried by someone who was other.
  • Wash the hands and all the surfaces to cut or prepared before being used.

Angry to continue to be able to endanger the Heart

The researchers in Medical university of South Carolina found, the man that often angry or angry chronic could be risky suffered the heart disease. This possibility also applied to the woman, but needed the further study to ascertain this. For the time being, not there is mistakenly to carry out anger healthily. The data came from 2,334 American adults, the age 48-67 years. They were followed for 4-8 years, from the year 1990an. Compared with the rarer man angry, the grumpy person's chronic man with prahipertensi berkemungkinan bigger developed hypertension and the heart disease for the study. For the man and the woman, stress psychological long-term was connected with the heart disease.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Safe, Natural Remedies for Eczema

What is Eczema? Eczema in is acute form is indicated by redness and swelling of the skin, the formation of minute vesicles and severe heat.

Some people had eczema and most of them had it since a baby. Which is totally normal. Actually my in-law had eczema and she put Bethamethasone or lotion. The lotion she use is Lubriderm with coco and shea butters, that really helps her.

Here some tips for home made eczema remedy...I hope it helps.

Apply Crisco 2-3 times a day is said to not only make you greasy, but eczema free.

Make the green tea as normal, but make it strong. Add 3-Tbsp Of Lemon Juice, 1-Tsp ground Rosemary, One Tsp Olive Oil to One Cup of Green Tea.Let this cool. (not cold, just room temp) Bath skin with this. (Reccomended 100% Cotton Wash Cloth)

Coconut Oil - Coconut oil may be applied to the portions with eczema. It will help the skin to stay soft.

Make a mixture of starch water after cooking rice mixed with turmeric powder. Apply this mixture to eczema affected areas.

If you eczema try not to itch it because it will get scabby. To stop the itch, have a bath with a cup of baking soda and half a cup of vinegar. Or use stuff called "pintaserol solution." You need to go to your doctor to get a prescription of a proper eczema cream

Acne Free Clear Skin System

The purpose of Acne Free Clear Skin System is to clear the skin during an acne outbreak and help to prevent future outbreaks.

Pros: Those who suffer with acne are well aware of the fact that just because an acne breakup clears up (eventually) that doesn’t mean that the acne is really gone. Treatment for skin that is acne prone is an ongoing procedure.

Of course, the main objective when an acne outbreak does occur is to clear it up as quickly and as efficiently as possible. The Acne Free Clear Skin System is a three-step system that is designed to clear up an acne outbreak and then, with regular treatment, prevent future outbreaks.

The three steps in the Acne Free Clear Skin System are; (1) Cleaning and purifying the skin, (2) Applying a renewing toner and (3) applying a repair lotion. The treatment instructions say that this complete three-step program needs to be every day and twice a day to help clear acne outbreaks as well as prevent future outbreaks.

Cons: This product, while an excellent value, may not be suitable for severe cases of acne. Because it is designed to help prevent breakouts, people with scarring or severe acne should not expect miracles.

Guarantee: There is a very generous guarantee policy that reads in part: “All items purchased through CosmeticMall.com have a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are not satisfied for any reason you may return the product for a full refund (even if you have tried the product).”

Value for money: The Acne Free Clear Skin System is an excellent value.