Since thousands last year, the experts Feng Shui in China used the colour in the design technique. The certain colour it was said caused the certain influence. Currently the experts found, the colour not only could influence the feeling, but also the health and thinking. According to the expert American Institute for Biosocial Research in Washington, colour energy that entered our body stimulated the gland pituitary and pineal, that was previous caused various changes in our body. That was the reason, the colour influenced thinking and our feeling.
This influence was also felt by the tuna netra.Diduga they felt the colour from the energy vibration that the creation in their body. The choice of the colour of the fashion, the house, the office, the car and the environment around could be directly influential to us. The colour could calm stress, increased energy, and alleviated the feeling of being sick. When choosing the colour, paid attention to energy and feelings that were generated by him. Along with, the public's escort :

Red was the colour that stimulated, heated all the body but also the colour of the passion. Therefore, red was good for the sexual illness. Red also increased the heartbeat, the activity of the wave of the brain, and breathing. Red also berkhasiat for people who suffered anaemia, the bladder infection, the irritation of skin, and hypotension. But people with the bad condition and hypertension must avoid space with the red decoration.

Stimulated appetite and lowered symptom tired. Orange also the good choice was imposed during tired. People that the allergy also was helped if imposing the orange colour. If children had difficulty eating, used the table tablecloth or placement orange. But if you wanted to reduce the weight, the substitute or closed the orange table tablecloth with the other colour.

Stimulated the memory. If wanting to remember something that was important, wrote in yellow paper. Yellow had the effect generated energy like the sun rays. Therefore, kining could help alleviated depression, calmed the muscle that kram, alleviated hypoglycemia, thyroid too active, and the gallstone. Yellow could also menungkatkan blood pressure and the pulse, but kadsar him was lower compared to red.

Calmed, merilekskan the body and thoughts. The person that suffered concerned that was abundant or depression will be better after was in green space. Also berkhasiat to penyaki nerves, was tired, the problem of the heart and cancer. Please sit in the hill or in the green meadow and focus in the body part that wanted to be cured. The green colour was also good for helped maintained the diet program. If feeling tense when would the work interview, imposed the green colour to calm nerves.

Merilaekskan and calmed. A study against active children found, after was in blue space, the children became far more calmer. Blue berkhasiat reduced blood pressure, the heartbeat and oernapasan. Made you be felt cooler in the middle of the hot and humid weather. Blue could be used to calm was sick ulcer, the problem of the back, rheumatism and the illness inflammatory. To make use of the usefulness of the health from the blue colour, used the blue colour round you. Focus thoughts on the part that wanted to be cured. The exercise outside the room, under blue sky or near the ocean. Put on blue clothes to the workplace during stress could help you to feel calm the next day.

Created the feeling of peace and harmonious with the environment, pressed appetite, and was good for problems of the kidney and migraine. Use the purple colour if the diet and must avoid food junk.

The colour that calmed. Also merilekskan the muscle. Had the usefulness penenangan to angry people or hard people, Therefore, often was used in the prison, the hospital, and the centre of rehabilitation of the medicine addict. Also berkhasiat for very concerned people or symptom withdrew. Pink also the choice was good for the bedroom because of increasing the romantic feeling without stimulated excessively like the red colour.

The colour of the strength. Impose the black colour if must feel strong and the self-confidence. Black also pressed appetite. If was the diet, tried to use the black table tablecloth.