Must be acknowledged, merampingkan the stomach or eliminated the stomach fat was not easy. Along with, suggested the experts to overcome him:
Overcome STRESS
Your possibility has known, this could result in the risk of diabetes, the heart disease, stroke, and hypertension. But this fat stomach the possibility of the reaction to stress. When being pressed, we produced hormone stress cortisol that was our long method of preparing ourselves for the opponent or running, explained Dr. Marlyn Glenville, in the Fat Around The Middle book. If the energy explosion extra this was not used, fat and glucose that the issuing did not have the place for energy and was stockpiled again as fat to the stomach, the place of the body kept supli the opponent or ran the emergency. Confirm you got the adequacy of vitamin B by drinking the supplement to help you overcame stress. As usual, before drinking the supplement anything, konsultasikan more previously with your doctor. Moreover, looked for the method of reducing the burden of the work.
Know your HORMONE

Your one entered menopause, the body will hesitate to release fat in and around the middle body because the body needed fat to produce oestrogen (that descended at the time of like this) to protect bones from osteoporosis. Knew the enemy to be the first step to overcome him. Used the tip of the diet and sport below this to help memenagkan the war.
Check the CYCLE
If you not yet menopause, the fat stomach could be symptom from the H PMS type that caused swollen, the weight rose, pain breasts resulting from the accumulation of the liquid. Some women until needed clothes that his measurement was bigger at the time of like this in one month. Record the measurement of your stomach in the diary to know whether this condition coincided your menstruation cycle. If you could find definitely, that was symptom PMS. Dr. Glenville recommended used the herbal tonic that was acknowledged as Agnus Castus Plus, if you did not use the pill or medicine hormonal other. This herbal tonic brkerja apda the gland pituitary to balance the level of hormone. Konsultasikan with your doctor.

Pay attention to the DIET
From the method of eating, we in a manner did not realise informed the body, that he (the body) while stress. For example, if you reduced calorie to reduce the weight, the body would panic and thought about the hunger disaster happening. To rescue the life, the previous body reduced metabolism and maintained fat. Eat healthily and don't the hard diet. Although you wanted to reduce the weight, got at least 1.500 calorie a day.
Avoided ate salty and flattered. Don't add salt or sugar in cooking. Food flattered (including index food glikemik high like white bread, the pizza, the potato baker) could trigger the change in the level of blood sugar that caused the body to take off more hormone stress that increased stomach fat. Salt had problems because of increasing the accumulation of the liquid and inflated. If eating something that was salty, overcame by drinking more water to spend him.
Sport kardiovaskular could help burnt fat. First stomach fat was burnt because here the body kept the supply of the emergency. You will reduce the weight beginning with the part on the stomach terlrbih beforehand, then descended down dank e the back. MUlai by walking every day 40 minutes to lower ½ pound stomach fat in a week. After that, added jogging light every time 4 minutes
Bad posture made the urgent stomach outside. Correct him could merampingkan in an instant. Guard the shoulder relaxed and the chest was open. Pull tail bones and deflated the stomach so as the neutral hip. You will be more slender and higher. Yoga, Pilates all of them were good for posture.