In a nutshell, here is my plan:
Start Weight: 194 lbs
Weigh In Day: Saturday morning
Challenge Goal: To lose 15 lbs, bringing my weight to 179 lbs. A one pound per week lose is easily attainable as long as I eat within my 1500 calories/day and maintain my exercise routine.
Reward: A challenge wouldn’t be very fun without a prize now would it?! I’m thinking an item or two from Lulu would be a fantastic reward!
I’m SO excited to kick butt and lose more weight. This is a perfect way to stay focused on my health and work towards achieving my goals this Summer!! Thanks again Amy!
As part of the challenge I’m also looking forward to participating in the “Workout Wednesdays” session and the Weekly Challenge! This week’s challenge is to recreate one of my favourite sinful recipes to make it figure friendly. So, this coming Friday, I will be re-vamping a yummy Date Square recipe. Mmm, I LOVE these babies and have a few ideas for making them healthier!
On to my eats:
I ramped up for the day with this yummy Green Monster! I love to have these things when I’m not feeling anything heavy/carby. They are perfect because they actually do hold you over for several hours.

This morning’s Monster Mix was a combo of Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Breeze, 3 cup organic baby spinach, 5 strawberries, 1/2 tbsp organic peanut butter, 1 very small frozen organic banana and 1/4 scoop of chocolate whey protein powder.
I packed pineapple for our lunches and munched on the last few pieces straight from the bowl. This was one of the best pineapples that I ever bought, so juicy and sweet!

I did have a coffee when I got to work but it’s so boring taking the same pic every day so I opted not to. Mid-morning I snacked on the chocolatey On The Glo bar. Mmm delicious!

For lunch I had a piece of the left over quiche. Note to self: freezing & re-heating quiche leaves it feeling like rubber. :( Still good but the texture was ewwy.

A simple salad on the side – baby spinach, cucumber, radish, mushrooms & red peppers. Drizzled with french dressing.

Pineapple & stewed rhubarb for dessert. Fun fact: Did you know that rhubarb is actually a vegetable? I was goggling it’s health benefits and read several different articles stating that most people (myself included) assume rhubarb is a fruit when it’s actually a veggie. Weird huh?! :)

Later on this afternoon indulged in this yummy bite of dark chocolate compliments of the Farmers Market.
I got home and was excited to finally be able to try a recipe from the new Clean Eating Magazine! On the menu - Balsamic-Marinated Pork Chops & Grilled Peaches. I only made a few tiny modifications to the recipe, 1) I halved it because I only took out 2 pieces of pork 2) I used a nectarine instead of a peach and 3) I added onions to the pan to caramelize.

Fancy Smancy!

Was really tasty, even J agreed! He’s been getting some pretty awesome meals lately if I do say so myself. ;)

Served with a side of vegetable fusilli mixed with pesto & shredded cheese.

And of course, my latest obsession – Beet Greens!! These are the epitome of Summer in my mind. Growing up we always used to have them with BBQ steak & corn on the cob. I’m all out already, going to have to hit up the Farmers Market again soon.

Dessert was a lovely froyo waffle cone.

That’s all I got for ya tonight. Off to catch up on a few blogs and relax with J.