Thursday, December 16, 2010

Balanced Vegetarian Diet Plan Benefits

A Balanced Vegetarian Diet Plan Can Reduce Risk of Alzheimer Disease
Did you know that a balanced diet of nuts, tomatoes, vegetables, fruits and lower intake of high fat dairy products, red meat, and butter can help lower your risks for Alzheimer disease?
Alzheimer's disease the most common form of dementia - a very serious loss of cognitive ability in a person, beyond what might be expected from normal aging. Alzheimer disease is an incurable, degenerative, and terminal disease that's named after the German psychiatrist who first described it in 1906. In general, this is diagnosed in people over the age of 65, but earlier onset of Alzheimer disease can also occur.
In early stages of Alzheimer's, the most common symptom is the inability to acquire new memories. As Alzheimer disease progresses, other symptoms include confusion, mood swings, language problems, and memory loss. Eventually, the disease will lead to death, with the average life expectancy lasting about 7 years from diagnosis. Alzheimer disease is not only devastating for the sufferer, but also for the families of the affected person.