So the run was fantastic! In all I really honestly can't tell you gals how happy I am; I can't believe how far I've come in less than a year. I thought I was gonna to cry when I made it through the finish line....instead I ended up up-chucking the small amount of Gatorade I drank a km back.:-S No, really, I crossed the finish line and about 5 seconds later.... But I got my medal and that's all the matters :) My time was a tad slow b/c I haven't been running on pavement just the side of the road/subdivision. I completed the run in 41:24, which I'm fine with. I'm going to continue to train over the summer and hope to see an improvement for the Run For The Cure 5K in the fall.
I got to meet up with lovely
Angie and
Tash before hand! I felt a bit nervous earlier that morning but once we meet it was like we already knew each other. As most of you know this was both Angie's and my first run and I was so excited and giddy, the waiting was so slow too. But we DID it!!
Angie and I meeting for the first time!

Us again!

My bib (thanks Tash?! -pic)

Getting ready to line up for the start of the run!

Rounding the first corner ...(thanks Angie - pic)

Me after crossing the finish line

No actual pics of me crossing the finish line yet, but I should be able to buy them online soon! All in all an AWESOME day!!!