1. I have set a new long-term goal - To lose another 40 lbs and be at 170 in time for my 26th birthday. December 6 - which is approx 6 months away. It is very possible!
2. I have a new addiction - PC Waffle Cones
I have been having having these w/ frozen yogurt every night. There's just something about spring and BBQ season that makes me crave ice cream! These are an awesome treat and not too harsh on the calorie budget either!

3. Exercise-wise I know my gym membership will not be used much this summer. My hectic work schedule makes it easier to just got dropped off here in the morning and walk home. I've accpeted that and have kept up w/ exercise 3-4 days/week - running/walking. Plus the yardwork keeps me active as well. I do miss the strength training/spin classes and will resume those when the time is right.