Well, its time for a hair style change. I have had the same style for as long as I can remember so I went to the convenient store to look for some hair style magazines and wow I couldn't believe how much they cost. I just couldn't see myself spending that much on a magazine when that money could go for my haircut so I went home and got online and found a wonderful
website called hairstyled.com they had everything I needed. I have very long straight hair and they had tons of examples for me but not just long hair they had curly short men's and even celebrity styles and just about any hair styles you can imagine.
This site had incredible selection of hair styles. It's easy to navigate and very informative. They also have this real cool feature its called virtual hairstyles you just load your picture and you can try any hairstyle you want. I really had so much fun with this. I think I spent over an hour with it Ha ha! and I found a style that I really like, It sure was a lot better than buying a bunch of magazine. There is even a question and answer categories so save yourself some money and have fun with this website.