Home remedies for Wrinkles:
- Take 2 apricots, after de-seeding them,
- finely chop and puree along with their skin
- Add 2 tablespoons of honey and the juice of one lime along with a little cold milk.
- Blend all these to form a smooth paste.
- Applv on the forehead, face and the neck.
- Leave it on for at least 30 minutes.
- Now take some lukewarm water in a basin and add to it the juice of one lemon.
- Wash your face with this water.
- Your face glows and radiates freshness.
The worry and furrow lines are minimized. The apricot nourishes while the lime juice tightens the skin.
- Take a cup of rice powder and to this add enough milk and rosewater to make a thick paste.
- Apply evenly all over the forehead, face and the neck area.
- Leave it on for at least 20 minutes.
- Try and relax and not move any facial muscles when this paste is applied on the face.
- After 20-30 minutes when it cakes up, splash cold water on your face, rinse and wash off.
The skin appears very taut and the wrinkles seem to have "straightened" out or wrinkles and lines disappeared altogether.