Who does not crave a healthy body and the fragrant? All people crave certain body fragrant fragrant flower vessel. This also applies to women's intimate area.
Intimate areas of a healthy and fragrant beatify not only partners, but can also stand up a sense of the time.
How many made to make the area remains in intimate prime condition. There are a hundred to do, wash with water or betel diligent membasuhnya with antiseptic fluid. Is that step?
Whoa. Teryata the water stew betel leaf or liquid antiseptic for intimate areas of women is not recommended. Why? Section of both the bakterisid aka kill all microbes, regardless of the good bacteria (normal vagina flora) or pathogenic bacteria (disadvantageous). If this progress continues, the condition is not healthy that we get intimate area, but even otherwise, infection can occur. Ugh, do I want?
According to Dr. Junita Indarti SpOG, medical specialist obstetrics and diseases of the uterus Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital / FKUI the vagina infection terganggunya occurred because the balance of ecosystems in the area.
Ecosystem vagina itself, go off. Junita, is the circle of life in the vagina, is influenced by two main elements, namely estrogen and bacteria Lactobacillus (good bacteria). "If the balance of ecosystem is disrupted, the bacteria Lactobacillus akan mati and pathogenic bacteria to grow. Mechanism of natural delayed so that the body becomes vulnerable to infection," said dr. Junita.
Many factors caused the imbalance of ecosystems vagina, the oral contraceptive, disease diabetes mellitus (diabetes), use of antibiotics, blood, menstruation, seminal fluid, spraying liquid into the vagina (douching) and hormonal disturbances (pubertas, menopause or pregnancy).
Thus, maintaining the balance of ecosystem vagina is the way most natural and effective in treating health vagina and prevent the occurrence of infection. How? You should see this: A clinical test conducted in the RSCM policlinic Sitologi susu extract benefits for the health vagina. Susu? Do it terlintas in your mind?
In fact, milk contains active substances that diesktrak clabber laktat and laktoserum clinically proven that the complaint itch, burn and taste keputihan in the vagina. "Our research on 71 cases of fluoride albus (keputihan) complaint with itchiness, and burned keputihan itchiness indicates a reduction of 86.1%, a reduction in taste burnt and 87.5% reduction keputihan 81.1% patients after treatment with the acid solution laktat and laktoserum twice a day for two weeks, "said dr. Junita.
From the results of the test concluded that the clinical laktat acid and reduce the useful laktoserum complaint because keputihan and prevent the growth of fungi (kandida) and dermatofit (kapang).
So how to get the form of acid extracts susu laktat and laktoserum, what should do first fermentation? wah, need not be seribet it. If you want the 'so' and live life Lactacyd who have already sold freely in the market.
According to dr. Diana Komara, Medical Advisor Lactacyd, liquid cleaning solvents with different Lactacyd femininity that is, not the usual antibiotics, so it does not kill normal vagina flora, and thus increase growth because providing food for the bacteria is good.