In the day-to-day life we should always put the health body and soul because we are healthy and delicious also have said that saying that someone will not appreciate in their own health when he was still healthy. Once the importance of health so that there are people willing to pay billions of rupiah for his health when he was in pain.
Tip following are examples of activities that we can Get in our daily life in the world. Activity or the activity into a pattern in the implementation of healthy living, namely:
1. Avoid / Stop from the disgusting habit Bodoh
Activities that for some stupid people presumed / considered as activities that are fun, and Macho gaul is like smoking, drinking, using drugs / drug addict / additif other substances that cause addicted.
Just imagine if it is exposed to one of the activities on the stupid someone can remove a lot of money to purchase opium, for the cost of treatment in the future, throw a lot of time to buy and consume goods is forbidden.
Using the ghoulish goods is, of course, add our sins ganda because of the impact / effect not only us who feel alone, but also others such as parents, friends, family, boyfriend, and so forth.
] 2. Do not Make Free Sex Relationships in Foreign Nikah
Sex It is indeed good for the people. But how respectable and terpujinya sex when the relationship is conducted with full responsibility and with the blessing of prayer from many people. Most ngeseks indeed disepelekan for couples who are used to do so or for people who are inflammable without a strong faith.

Due to the impact of free association to do the sex pranikah such as:
a. pregnant outside of marriage and the men run from responsibility.
b. exposed to infectious diseases such as AIDS that there is no medicine.
c. big sin to God
d. be excommunicated from the association and the community
e. digrebek police / Satpol pp / hansip
f. boyfriend killed himself, raped, etc..
g. akan orgasme addicted and develop to a dangerous stage.
h. the beginning of stupid number 1 above.
i. difficult to get a mate to want when serious marriage.
j. lie on the parents, family, relatives, friends, etc..
k. and many more due to bad.
The goal of sex to get the climax / orgasme many didewakan by many people astray, and they will find another victim for the tow and to be in the black valley. If berhbungan with the type of opponent and fellow species without marriage bond should not see the only easy way to do smth if ngesex, but see the negative side there are so many. You will be loathe to do so.
3. The Healthy Eating Food And Rules Available
Food will not necessarily good health. Many food and drink which is not healthy and dangerous if consumed. For example, such as the use of borax and formalin as a preservative of food and beverages that should digonakan to preserve corpses / bones / carcass.
If you do not jajan markets. Purchase food and beverages in a place that can be guaranteed hygiene / food higienitas drink it. Be careful and always be wary of any terhada we will enter in the mouth because we can just drink or food that we buy and ready disantap has been mixed with toxic substances such as harmful arsenik, sleeping pills, seangga poison, rat poison, pengewet not for food and drink, and so forth. The cleanliness of the place and the selection of raw materials and food / beverage.
Do not be tempted with a simple ad on TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, sales, and so forth. Sometimes the manufacturer is also a lie in order to benefit a great personality and work with the government in order to close the mouth.
Eating foods and nutritious beverages that are tailored to the body condition, activity, and we age. Eating before hunger and stop eating before satiety is a good habit. Never forget four healthy with a perfect five often we hear from the first epoch. Feed meals with balanced nutrition because what we eat will be representing us in the future.
4. Keeping Up Self Hygiene And Environment Around Us
Hygiene self needs to be guarded and well as related / associated closely with us in the general public. kerapihan and hygiene, such as body hair, nails, face, eyes, ears, skin, mouth, teeth, hands, feet, etc. can give an effect on the body's overall health. Avoid exchanging equipment bath, toilet, health, personal clothing with other people as they may transmit diseases that can be dangerous.
Just imagine if there are sick people can cause acute dental he does not enter the office many days because of the pain that is not checked. People who have the look and style of the slouchy akan dijauhi the association's day-to-day and will be difficult to get a friend, boyfriend, mate, work, faith, and others.
Maintain cleanliness of the waste and environmental disruption of the environment because the environment can affect our health. Waste pile that is able to decompose and remove the odor that is not tasteful / tasty, the dirty / dirty, the sound of a fly fly, the sound oath-curse people who are around, and so forth.
Waste also can be a carrier of disease, such as breeding mice penyekit Leptospirosis is spread through rat urine and tipes / typhus. Mosquitoes can also spread the seeds of plasmodium can berkibat melaria and dengue fever in someone. fly the menebar bacteria and viruses that cause digestive diseases such as beri-beri, diarrhea, diarrhea, and so forth.
Pollution such as waste and toilet waste household, factory waste, sound pollution, pollution and other needs to be completed with the sprightly and well coordinated and inter-community members in an environment that produces results lingungan clean comfortable and well
5. Health and exercise examined the doctor regularly
Berolah sport on a regular basis can stimulate the heart, respiratory and blood circulation becomes better. Biasakan berolah sport each day with activities such as light walking, acrobatics, fitness, joging, biking, or doing sports such as full play badminton, soccer, marathon running, tennis, basketball, and others.
In addition to the sports that have more not less important to the sports health check periodically to see a doctor regularly. Use terprogram medical examination is to ensure that the disease or a deviation relief can be detected more quickly so that treatment will not even eat a lot of cost, time and energy.
6. Avoid Stress By frustrating the way the Halal and Healthy
To avoid the stress required strategies for each individual. Find the best way to eliminate stress with your own way that is easy, can be done everywhere, rousing cheap, healthy, clean, and well done. Sample activities omission stress such as listening to music is a good time to be heard and the burden ngilangin have thought that, playing video games, music play music, sports, chat ama temen comrade confidant, foreverglo, maen card non gambling, healthy girls, eating, doing husband wife relationship / intimate with a pair of legitimate nongkrong in the toilet, walking to the mall, nyanyi, play toys children, gardening, MANCING, screaming in the quiet, bed / sleep, and so forth.
Basically in your life is aja nyantai with all the problems that exist. Make what difficult (stressful), so that unnecessary. Emotions do not come to you bad and your self-control, emotional karna not be restrained, and sometimes revenge, resentment, and so foolish that looks for other people. There are issues / problems that can make your depression cuek aja lah, nggak kayak laen only work there.
Enough sleep, dekatkan ourselves with God according to religion and beliefs of each origin is not evil, and implementing the program pattern of living healthy can prevent stress and depression, which when severe and chronic disruption can be a disease of the soul and spirit that makes you taste depression and shame on the people. Consult with a psychologist if you have psychiatric problems or other people you trust if you are ashamed. Open your heart to accept criticism, feedback and suggestions from other people and change your lifestyle if necessary for the health of the soul / mind you.
Tip following are examples of activities that we can Get in our daily life in the world. Activity or the activity into a pattern in the implementation of healthy living, namely:
1. Avoid / Stop from the disgusting habit Bodoh
Activities that for some stupid people presumed / considered as activities that are fun, and Macho gaul is like smoking, drinking, using drugs / drug addict / additif other substances that cause addicted.
Just imagine if it is exposed to one of the activities on the stupid someone can remove a lot of money to purchase opium, for the cost of treatment in the future, throw a lot of time to buy and consume goods is forbidden.
Using the ghoulish goods is, of course, add our sins ganda because of the impact / effect not only us who feel alone, but also others such as parents, friends, family, boyfriend, and so forth.
] 2. Do not Make Free Sex Relationships in Foreign Nikah
Sex It is indeed good for the people. But how respectable and terpujinya sex when the relationship is conducted with full responsibility and with the blessing of prayer from many people. Most ngeseks indeed disepelekan for couples who are used to do so or for people who are inflammable without a strong faith.

Due to the impact of free association to do the sex pranikah such as:
a. pregnant outside of marriage and the men run from responsibility.
b. exposed to infectious diseases such as AIDS that there is no medicine.
c. big sin to God
d. be excommunicated from the association and the community
e. digrebek police / Satpol pp / hansip
f. boyfriend killed himself, raped, etc..
g. akan orgasme addicted and develop to a dangerous stage.
h. the beginning of stupid number 1 above.
i. difficult to get a mate to want when serious marriage.
j. lie on the parents, family, relatives, friends, etc..
k. and many more due to bad.
The goal of sex to get the climax / orgasme many didewakan by many people astray, and they will find another victim for the tow and to be in the black valley. If berhbungan with the type of opponent and fellow species without marriage bond should not see the only easy way to do smth if ngesex, but see the negative side there are so many. You will be loathe to do so.
3. The Healthy Eating Food And Rules Available
Food will not necessarily good health. Many food and drink which is not healthy and dangerous if consumed. For example, such as the use of borax and formalin as a preservative of food and beverages that should digonakan to preserve corpses / bones / carcass.
If you do not jajan markets. Purchase food and beverages in a place that can be guaranteed hygiene / food higienitas drink it. Be careful and always be wary of any terhada we will enter in the mouth because we can just drink or food that we buy and ready disantap has been mixed with toxic substances such as harmful arsenik, sleeping pills, seangga poison, rat poison, pengewet not for food and drink, and so forth. The cleanliness of the place and the selection of raw materials and food / beverage.

Do not be tempted with a simple ad on TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, sales, and so forth. Sometimes the manufacturer is also a lie in order to benefit a great personality and work with the government in order to close the mouth.
Eating foods and nutritious beverages that are tailored to the body condition, activity, and we age. Eating before hunger and stop eating before satiety is a good habit. Never forget four healthy with a perfect five often we hear from the first epoch. Feed meals with balanced nutrition because what we eat will be representing us in the future.
4. Keeping Up Self Hygiene And Environment Around Us
Hygiene self needs to be guarded and well as related / associated closely with us in the general public. kerapihan and hygiene, such as body hair, nails, face, eyes, ears, skin, mouth, teeth, hands, feet, etc. can give an effect on the body's overall health. Avoid exchanging equipment bath, toilet, health, personal clothing with other people as they may transmit diseases that can be dangerous.
Just imagine if there are sick people can cause acute dental he does not enter the office many days because of the pain that is not checked. People who have the look and style of the slouchy akan dijauhi the association's day-to-day and will be difficult to get a friend, boyfriend, mate, work, faith, and others.
Maintain cleanliness of the waste and environmental disruption of the environment because the environment can affect our health. Waste pile that is able to decompose and remove the odor that is not tasteful / tasty, the dirty / dirty, the sound of a fly fly, the sound oath-curse people who are around, and so forth.
Waste also can be a carrier of disease, such as breeding mice penyekit Leptospirosis is spread through rat urine and tipes / typhus. Mosquitoes can also spread the seeds of plasmodium can berkibat melaria and dengue fever in someone. fly the menebar bacteria and viruses that cause digestive diseases such as beri-beri, diarrhea, diarrhea, and so forth.
Pollution such as waste and toilet waste household, factory waste, sound pollution, pollution and other needs to be completed with the sprightly and well coordinated and inter-community members in an environment that produces results lingungan clean comfortable and well
5. Health and exercise examined the doctor regularly
Berolah sport on a regular basis can stimulate the heart, respiratory and blood circulation becomes better. Biasakan berolah sport each day with activities such as light walking, acrobatics, fitness, joging, biking, or doing sports such as full play badminton, soccer, marathon running, tennis, basketball, and others.
In addition to the sports that have more not less important to the sports health check periodically to see a doctor regularly. Use terprogram medical examination is to ensure that the disease or a deviation relief can be detected more quickly so that treatment will not even eat a lot of cost, time and energy.
6. Avoid Stress By frustrating the way the Halal and Healthy
To avoid the stress required strategies for each individual. Find the best way to eliminate stress with your own way that is easy, can be done everywhere, rousing cheap, healthy, clean, and well done. Sample activities omission stress such as listening to music is a good time to be heard and the burden ngilangin have thought that, playing video games, music play music, sports, chat ama temen comrade confidant, foreverglo, maen card non gambling, healthy girls, eating, doing husband wife relationship / intimate with a pair of legitimate nongkrong in the toilet, walking to the mall, nyanyi, play toys children, gardening, MANCING, screaming in the quiet, bed / sleep, and so forth.
Basically in your life is aja nyantai with all the problems that exist. Make what difficult (stressful), so that unnecessary. Emotions do not come to you bad and your self-control, emotional karna not be restrained, and sometimes revenge, resentment, and so foolish that looks for other people. There are issues / problems that can make your depression cuek aja lah, nggak kayak laen only work there.
Enough sleep, dekatkan ourselves with God according to religion and beliefs of each origin is not evil, and implementing the program pattern of living healthy can prevent stress and depression, which when severe and chronic disruption can be a disease of the soul and spirit that makes you taste depression and shame on the people. Consult with a psychologist if you have psychiatric problems or other people you trust if you are ashamed. Open your heart to accept criticism, feedback and suggestions from other people and change your lifestyle if necessary for the health of the soul / mind you.