Garlic, purwaceng, pegs the earth, and ginkgo biloba nutritious overcome Erectile Dysfunction. Erectile Dysfunction (DE), impotensi, and prostat cancer. The terms are familiar with the male reproductive health matters. If it is not cautious, people will be bothered to face Adam. In addition to psychological factors, the causes of problems are also associated with various diseases. Including diabetes mellitus (DM), renal disturbances or kidney failure, heart, and sexually transmitted infections (IMS). In the male reproductive organ network that is most problematic in prostat gland. Prostat is one of the male reproductive gland channel which is located between the urine bag and urine exit channel (uretra) and girth uretra channel. Prostat function is to produce fluid in the mix in the sperm. Prostat interference can even cause death to penderitanya.
Diseases in prostat, among others prostat inflammation (prostatitis), enlargement benign prostat (DSL), and cancer prostat. Prostat inflammation can befall a young male adults (30-45 years). Symptoms such as feeling uncomfortable in the bottom of the stomach or selangkangan. The bacteria, the food, to the psychological elements (thoughts). This inflammation can be chronic. According to Prof DR Dr Doddy Soebadi M SPB SpU Part of K-Urologi RSU Dr Soetomo Surabaya, from the age of 35 years in prostat akan slowly grow big (DSL). When the old man after prostat can turn into violence, such as karsinoma prostat (prostat-ca). ''All the complaints came from prostat usually referred to as the complaint chew the bottom of the channel, formerly known as the prostatisme. DSL occur as well as white hair,''Doddy clear.
Erectile Dysfunction
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as raised by the 1st International Consultation on ED in 1999 in Paris, yamh is Erectile Dysfunction (DE) is the inability of a man, either consistently or repeatedly, to achieve or maintain ereksi enough to be able to perform a satisfactory intimate relationship. Approximately 52 percent of men aged 40-70 years suffering DE, ranging from light to heavy. Once the report Massachusets Male Aging Study (MMAS).
Meanwhile, according to Dr Hady Syarif from Bayer Healthcare, DE actual cases is very much the case. Return revealed from the MMAS data, 152 million men in the world is estimated to suffer interference keperkasaannya (impotensi). That number will swell to 322 million in 2025 to become impotensi people. As many as 100 million among men in Asia. Although many people with DE, health experts estimate only 15-20 percent of men who are willing DE treatment. With the increasing number of people with diabetes each year, especially in developing countries, the number of DE will be increased. Therefore, the pattern of healthy living are highly recommended as a prevention efforts DE.
Many drugs are believed to be the DE community. Start from the sale or through the free black market. Ramu-traditional herb is one that is believed by the public can be used as medicine. Of course, traditional ingredients and how the test also requires that safe clinical use. However, the medical world only recognize medical treatment four lines DE.
Ie, with oral therapy, intra-uretral therapy, injection therapy intra-kavernosa, and the protesa penis. All therapy should receive special supervision of a doctor. The last few years in western countries there is a popular drug used. Oral drugs based on synthetic chemicals sildenafil citric this is widely used to overcome the interference DE throughout the world. Power to work directly on the nerve-nerve of male genital organs. Therefore, some time after consuming drugs that act as erektogenik this, people with direct experience akan DE results. Unfortunately, there are some side effects were reported. Among other things, headache, skin redness, vision disturbances, clogged nose, and sore muscles.
Meanwhile, the community has been using some plants to improve sexual function. Plants that have efikasi (potency) as the medicine on fitofarmaka. Now efikasi some plants that have been examined by several doctors in Indonesia. They are Prof Dr dr Wimpie Pangkahila Sp And Andrology FAACS experts from the University of Udayana Denpasar and from Prof. Dr. Arif dimoelja Sp And MSc, Andrology experts from the University of Hangtuah FKU / education Navy Hospital, Surabaya. According to Prof. Wimpie, how drugs work on the improvement of plant function ereksi different from chemical drugs.
Medicinal plants work to improve the body's immunity, and generate excitatory nerve center in the system that also improve blood circulation, and will generate a fresh body, and encourage sexual passion, and eventually function ereksi improved. Prof. Arif find some plants that have medicinal functions afrodisiaka of passion or erotic (or sex drugs erogenik agent arousal. In such garlic is classified as afrodisiaka is because the decrease in blood cholesterol level so that the bend can not direct blood vessel and improve blood vessel kelenturan . With so happens akan lenturan repair blood vessel function vaskuler, both in the brain, heart, and in the male genital organ. One of the plants that have the DE property, said Prof. Arif, is Pimpinella pruacen, many medicinal plant that grows in the mountains Dieng Central Java . Society, commonly called Java purwaceng. the active compound in this plant to give effect to provide warm feeling in the body and to increase emotional.
Next is the plant spindle earth (Eurycoma longifolia). This plant is usually found in Kalimantan, Sumatra, and Malaysia. Pegs are also earth afrodisiaka because of active eurycomanol the dikandungnya. There is also a ginkgo biloba, a plant found in many United States and contains material on 9-6ginkgobiloba flavanoid glycoside. This plant useful perifer improve blood circulation and blood circulation of the brain will create more erotic excitative bai. This will raise the order Libido through nerve centers and autonomous nerve penghantar so memroduksi (neurotransmitter) nitrit oxide (NO). NO is the main condition for the occurrence of smooth muscle relaxation in korpus kavernosum needed to generate ereksi.
No order for Erectile Dysfunction
People with diabetes mellitus (DM) risk of 2-5 times more vulnerable suffer Erectile Dysfunction (DE) or impotensi compared to healthy men. Men of this disease tend to DE 10-15 years faster than those not suffering from diabetes. Some 95 percent of male diabetics akan impotensi experience at the age of 70 years. According to Prof. Dr. Slamet Suyono SpPD dr-KEMD, from the sub Endokrinologi RSCM Jakarta, many people, especially men, do not realize the bad choices. Erectile Dysfunction can be an early symptom of diabetes. And, it appeared that about 30 percent of male patients also have a DE of diabetes.
In Indonesia the number of people with DM increased from year to year is estimated to reach seven million patients in the year 2020, or 1.5 percent to two percent of the community. DM diwaspadai need to be attacked because of all ages, all socio-economic level, and male and female, and not only the genetic factors. However, people in the city most likely affected by DM is greater than in rural areas. This is due to modern lifestyles, such as less movement or exercise, many mengonsumsi food berkolestrol and high-fat berkadar. As a result, body fat and so easily vulnerable suffer diabetes. In the chronic condition (lasts longer), the DM cause various complications. That often happens is the blood vessel complications. This complication is called angiopati diabetik, which cause constriction lumen (cavity) vein.
Angiopati which result in blood vessel constriction of blood vessel cavity akan terganggunya nutrition by causing blood vessel concerned. Reduction of nutrients in the nerve causes the nerves called neuropati. In the DM patients who have experienced complications neuropati, perangsangannya level is not enough to produce significant changes. As a result, the blood vessel network in the penis that erektil not sufficient to generate tension (ereksi) good enough to make sexual activity. In addition, diabetics also experience interference or vein angiopati akan that disrupt blood flow to the penis. That is why the disease diabetes causes Erectile Dysfunction.