Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Diabetes Can be Cured by Dr. Hulda Clark

All diabetics have a common fluke parasite, Eurytrema pancreaticum, the pancreatic fluke of cattle, in their own pancreas. It seems likely that we get it from cattle, repeatedly, by eating their meat or dairy products in a raw state. It is not hard to kill with a zapper but because of its infective stages in our food supply we can immediately be reinfected.

Eurytrema will not settle and multiply in our pancreas without the presence of wood alcohol (methanol). Methanol pollution pervades our food supply -- it is found in processed food including bottled water, artificial sweetener, soda pop, baby formula and powdered drinks of all kinds including health food varieties. I presume wood alcohol is used to wash equipment used in manufacturing. If your child has diabetes, use nothing out of a can, package or bottle except regular milk, and no processed foods.

By killing this parasite and removing wood alcohol from the diet, the need for insulin can be cut in half in three weeks (or sooner!).

Be vigilant with your blood sugar checks. The pancreas with its tiny islets that produce insulin recovers very quickly. Even if 90% of them were destroyed, requiring daily insulin shots, half of them can recover or regenerate so insulin is no longer necessary. The insulin shot itself may be polluted with wood alcohol (this is an especially cruel irony -- the treatment itself is worsening the condition). Test it yourself, using the wood alcohol in automotive fluids (windshield washer) or from a a pint store, as a test substance. Try different brands of insulin until you find one that is free of methanol.

Artificial sweeteners are polluted with wood alcohol! Instead of helping you cope with your diabetes, they are actually promoting it! Do not use them.

Drugs that stimulate the pancreas to make more insulin may also carry solvent pollution; test them for wood alcohol and switch brands and bottles until you find a pure one. You may not need them much longer, so the extra expense now may soon reward you.

Many persons can detoxify the amount of wood alcohol that pollutes our foods. They do not have a mold, Kojic acid, built up in their bodies as diabetics do. I have found Kojic acid in coffee, and potatoes with gray areas inside. Do not eat discolored potatoes or peels, even if cooked or baked. Being able to detoxify a poisonous substance like wood alcohol should not give us the justification for consuming it. All poisons are bad for us. Do not consume them.

All diabetic persons also carry a virus, HA virus in the pancreas. This virus is grown in the skin as a wart but is spread quite widely in the body such as in the spleen or liver besides pancreas. It is not necessary to kill the virus since it disappears when the pancreatic fluke is gone. The HA virus undoubtedly belongs to the pancreatic fluke. The question can be asked: Does the fluke or its virus cause diabetes? There might even be a bacterium, so far missed in our observations, that is the real perpetrator.

While recovering from diabetes it is very important to check your blood sugar every day. Improvement is so rapid, you may suddenly be over-insulinized by your next shot. Cut down your dose to suit your actual need.

Excerpted from the book "The Cure for all Diseases" by Hulda Regehr Clark

Mike Adams Cured his own diabetes and is now a vigorous health advocate

Mike Adams Cured his own diabetes
People call me the Health Ranger. I used to be chronically diseased with borderline obesity, diabetes, depression and severe back pain. I used to visit doctors and follow their advice, and I used to eat anything I wanted: sodas, pizza, donuts, milk, hamburgers... you name it.

And that's how I came to be overweight, depressed and diseased by the age of 30.

But a few years ago, I "woke up," and in a process of regaining true clarity, I realized that practically everything we are taught about health, disease, food and medicine is utterly false. Everything I had ever been told about health -- by my doctors, schools and even my own government -- was a lie. And those lies explain why we are all so diseased today, burdened with cancer, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and many other diseases that are entirely preventable, as you'll soon see.

See Mike Adams as the Health Ranger.

See Mike Adams' Book How to halt type-2 diabetes in 25 days, guaranteed.

Water Cure Recipe is a cure for diabetes

The water cure recipe comes 

Drink 1/2 your body weight of water in ounces, daily. Example: 180 lb = 90 oz. of water daily. Divide that into 8 or 10 oz. glasses and that's how many glasses you will need to drink, daily. Use 1/4 tsp. of salt for every quart of water you drink. Use salt liberally with food. As long as you drink the water, you can use the salt. Use only 50 to 80 mineral, no additive, unprocessed sea salt. Avoid table salt. It only has three minerals in it. While the best sea salts contain all minerals, you should eat a banana or two a day for potassium and take some magnesium, calcium and zinc to maximize your immune system.Avoid caffeinated or alcoholic drinks. These are diuretics and will dehydrate you. Every 6 oz. of caffeine or alcohol requires an additional 10 to 12 oz. of water to re-hydrate you.

Monitor your pH checking both urine and saliva with test strips. We buy ours from or 718-338-3168. We pay $2.50 per 100 for the strips that measure from 4.0 to 7.5. There are strips available with a broader range also. The best pH is 7.36. The lower the reading, the more acid your body is and the more difficult it is for it to repair itself because it is then in a degenerative state. You will find that in most cases, the people with cancer and other terrible health problems are very acid. Water & sea salt are the best for neutralizing acid, but there are foods you need to select for proper pH. Read all about pH on or buy the book, "The pH Miracle." You will be amazed at how acid soda, coffee, tea and beer are if you check them with litmus paper. Likewise check the worst and best foods with litmus paper also so you understand how important it is to eat properly. Exercise must also be done regularly as nothing works without proper exercise. Walking is best. See exercise link.

Date: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 2:32 PM
From: John J. Kelly
To: Bob Butts


On February 12 my Doctor called me with the results of my blood test and informed me that I had Diabetes 2 as my Hemoglobin ALC was 7.3. and I weighed 348 lbs. The next day I started the water cure drinking 5 1/2 qts of water and adding 1 1/4 tsps of salt to my food. I just had my latest blood test on 7/2 here are the results.
2/12/2002 7/2/2002
Weight 348 296
Triglycerides 288 138
Cholesterol 247 189
Glucose 191 108
Hemoglobin ALC 7.3 5.4

I wasn't able to exercise during this time due to a bad back. So these results were achieved through water salt and diet. I eat all the normal foods. I am now starting to introduce an exercise routine using Dr. B's book for backs and can't wait to see the results. I would have never been able to get to this point without the water and salt and am eternally grateful to you and Dr B. I now tell everyone I know now about the water cure. Many thanks.

The Truth About Diabetes

The Truth About Diabetes

The Real Cause?
Nutritionless Chemicalized Foods!!

“This underlying disease is now known to be caused by specific poisons and inadequacies in our food supply. This disease began to appear shortly after nutritionless and poisonous food began to be introduced in the early 1900’s with the birth of the food processing industry”.
From “Insulin, the Silent Killer” by Thomas Smith

This food is sold to us for the purpose of making a profit and generating growth in the competitive companies that constitute the processed food industry. The food lacks essential nutrition because the nutritious substances in real food have a very short shelf life. Thus the nutrition is modified or removed. The food is then sold as "fortified", or as "new and improved" with the addition of isolated, synthetic and sometimes toxic vitamins and minerals.

As Dr. Bernard Jensen and Mark Anderson pointed out in their book, Empty Harvest, within a generation following World War I, the foods of commerce took over:

“The food supply became bleached, refined, chemically preserved, pasteurized, sterilized, homogenized, hydrogenated, artificially colored, defibered, highly sugared, highly salted, synthetically fortified (enriched), canned, and generally exposed to hundreds of new man-made chemicals.”
Empty Harvest, Dr. Bernard Jensen and Mark Anderson

The direct result of this lack of nutrition has never affected the sale of the food because these consequences are delayed by months or years. By that time the customer (victim?) has been trained to believe that it is innocuous. All of us, without exception, have been programmed by the intense advertising and marketing promotions to which we are subjected almost from birth.

Death to Diabetes

There is a book by DeWayne McCully:
Reverse the curse . . . reverse, cure, beat your Type 2 diabetes!
Type 2 diabetes is curable!

Engineer Overcomes Diabetic Coma, 4 Insulin Shots a Day and a 1337 Blood Sugar Level!

Note: You can make copies of excerpts from the book/presentations to improve your health almost immediately!

Author's Schedule: for diabetes workshops, lectures, book signings, etc.

If you are overweight, a Type 2 diabetic, or concerned about becoming

diabetic, this book will help you beat diabetes by learning how to:
-- Use the 10 Steps to Wellness to reverse, cure, beat Type 2 diabetes, obesity, etc. [Chapters 6-13]
-- Program your body to burn fat and lose weight (fat) permanently. [Chapters 7-10]
-- Retrain your body to increase its glucose uptake and utilization of insulin. [Chapters 7-11, 13]
-- Save time and money in preparing nutritious meals (recipes) that lower glucose levels. [Pages 335-352]
-- Avoid the 7 most common mistakes that diabetics make. [Pages 45-47]
-- Eat super foods /whole food supplements that help to reduce insulin resistance [Pages 120,144,152,243]
-- Enjoy exercise in less time while increasing glucose uptake and energy level. [Pages 166-182]
-- Track your progress through each stage of recovery from Stage 1 to Stage 6. [Pages 247-271]
-- Use your blood glucose test results to reduce your insulin resistance. [Pages 199-205]
-- Enjoy your favorite foods without increasing your glucose level. [Pages 86-90, 124-126, 354, 355]
-- Select quality nutritional supplements based on 7 key criteria. [Pages 129-137]
-- Use the wellness protocols to reverse your diabetes, prevent/reverse diseases of the eyes, kidneys,
nerves, and heart; and to lower blood pressure, cholesterol, homocysteine. [Pages 272-285]
-- Control appetite and eliminate food cravings. [Pages 107-110]
-- Use your inner spirit to reduce your stress and improve your mental health. [Pages 227-240]
-- Work with your doctor and safely wean yourself off the drugs. [Pages 194-199, 219, 220]
-- Book Specifications: paperback, 400 pages, ISBN 0-9773607-4-1, Retail Price: $24.95
-- Note: Send check/money order to author for free shipping/handling costs.
-- If you're having trouble losing weight, try one of the super foods (fat burners, cleanse/detoxifiers).

"My people perish for lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6

Go buy the book Death to Diabetes.
At only $16.50, get it now.
Read it from cover to cover, word for word.

FDA moves to ban the most effective diabetes supplements in the US Market

Unluckily for the ignorant Americans, their US FDA has moved to almost try to ban the most effective diabetes supplements in the US Market. Kevin Trudeau, Mike Adams, Dr Mercola and others are absolutely correct when they say that the US FDA's job is to protect the monopoly of the pharmaceutical industry. In this case, the diabetes industry.

This move means that alternative medicine against diabetes is effective and making big dents in the profit margins of the big pharmaceutical companies.

Check out the the US FDA diabetic supplements sweep announcement made last October 19, 2006.

The list of companies the FDA sent their warnings are here.
This means that these are the effective supplements against diabetes.

Of course people in my country think your US FDA is a bunch of lunatics. For example, one of the companies warned was merely selling bitter melon dried as tea or in capsules. Maybe your USFDA will start banning the growing and farming of bitter melons (mormordica charantia). Ridiculous!

Our doctors and healers here use bitter melons for many things:
- bitter melon leaves are juiced to disinfect wounds and infections
- bitter melon fruit is juiced for blood cleansing
- bitter melon fruit tea is wildly popular as a substitute expensive and cumbersome insulin

Other diabetes supplements are blends of other items: bitter melon, banaba, cinammon, zinc, etc. All natural, unpatentable stuff. Unprofitable for big multinationals. But good enough for efficient marketers where the efficacy is kept potent.

Ignorant US diabetics lose again. Poor people.

Andreas Moritz exposes what diabetes is and how to cure it

Andreas points out in plain and simple english what diabetes is and how to simply cure it by going vegan:

Just as there is a way to become diabetic, there is a way to reverse it. The notion that diabetis is a disease, which implies that the body is making a mistake or is doing a poor job, is fundamentally false. The body is not out to destroy itself, nor does it find any pleasure in making its host feel miserable. Instead, the body tries all that it can to protect itself from further harm than what has been caused by inadequate nourishment and a detrimental lifestyle.

If the body's cells are running out of major nutients (proteins, sugar, fats) because there is not enough insulin available to transport them to the cells, it would make sense to the layperson and his doctor alike to inject insulin into the blood so that the insulin can resume this essential task and remove the sugar, fat and protein molecules from the blood. However, without asking why the body is being put into this akward position, just feeding it with insulin is not getting rid of the imbalance, but quite to the contrary, increase the risk of other calamities. The higher risks for heart disease, cancer, stroke, blindness and Alzheimer's, etc. among diabetics, etc. are widely known.

One of the misleading directions that diabetics have been given for decades is to reduce carbohydrates (and instead eat mostly proteins), since the sugars they contain would raise the blood sugar and endanger their lives. It is obvious that refined, manufactured carbohydrates affect everyone's health, not just diabetics. What the patients are not being told is that the amount of insulin needed for a piece of steak is way more than the amount needed to process 1/2 pound of pure White Sugar . Since the pancreas cells are uanble to come up with that amount of insulin (even in a healthy body), the unused protein ends up becoming deposited in the connective tissues, from where it is taken up by the basal membranes of the blood capillary walls. Eventually, the basal membranes have accumulated so much protein that, even simple sugars cannot be pass through them. Hence, they remain trapped in the blood.

The pancreas realizes this through intricate feedback mechanisms and cell enzyme messages. Putting more insulin in the blood at his stage would be suicidal, because too much insulin in the body causes cancer, especially pancreatic cancer and colon cancer. Consequently, the pancreas has to destroy or put to sleep a large number of its insulin-producing cells.

It is obvious, that this act of cancer-preventive self-preservation means that there is not enough insulin around to transport the sugar out of the blood stream. Doctors call this miraculous feat of survival a disease, and they continue to give their patients the advice to eat lots of protein foods. I have had insulin-dependent patients become vegan, and within less than 6 weeks show no more signs of diabetes, for the first time in 20 years.

Chronic disease is only chronic as long as its causes are still intact. Insulin injection is the very thing that keeps the patient from recovering. It forces the pancreas to destroy even more insulin-producing cells. There a plenty of natural things that can replace injection with insulin. Just one teaspoon of ground cinnamon per day can balance blood sugar. Tumeric is an amazing herb/spice with a simialr effect. Broccoli, and other vegetables have, as well as regular full body exposure to sunlight (vitamin D-generating) have superior blood sugar-regulating effects than insulin injections have.

Abstaining from proteins foods, cleansing the liver of stones ( Gallstones are another leading cause of diabetis, see details in The Amazing Liver Cleanse,, eating a balanced diet and living a balanced lifestyle (see The Key to Health and Rejuvenation, are much more effective means of restoring normal functions in the body than just trying to fix one symptom of disease and still not become healthy.

By taking responsibility for his own health, and therefore his life, he has the opportunity to put the sweetness back into his life, which he has lost so long ago. I am glad that you are also gifting him with my book Freedom from Judgment. He will learn how important it is fro his healing process to let go of the need for judgment in his life. I wish him the very best.

Final cure for diabetes - Very Easy, Very Cheap

#1 Know what diabetes really is, the real facts, not the commercial crap. If it costs too much. They are just milking you for money.

#2 Just do what needs to be done. Straighten your diet. Get your sun and walking exercise.

Some resources for you guys. You can thank me later when you are well.

To get you started on your way to the truth in health, I have found the following resources to be the most important foundations of my health education:

#1 - by Dr. Tim O Shea (read the whole website) the diabetes chapter is

#2 - Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation by Andreas Moritz at (buy the book)

#3 - Natural Cures (they don't want you to know) by Kevin Trudeau at (buy the book)

#4 - If you still believe in western MDs and your doctor is a real pain in asking you to lower your blood sugar level... take bitter melon supplements. The best is the pure, real bitter melon vegetable. If not the next best is bitter melon tea. The next best is bitter melon capsules.

Take this to get your nagging doctor off your back. But go back to #1 by Dr. Tim O Shea: Sugar the sweet thief of life. In 60 days, your diabetes will be gone!

There! I gave you a free cure advice. You did not have to pay me anything.

Truth in health is inexpensive.