Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Death to Diabetes

There is a book by DeWayne McCully:
Reverse the curse . . . reverse, cure, beat your Type 2 diabetes!
Type 2 diabetes is curable!

Engineer Overcomes Diabetic Coma, 4 Insulin Shots a Day and a 1337 Blood Sugar Level!

Note: You can make copies of excerpts from the book/presentations to improve your health almost immediately!

Author's Schedule: for diabetes workshops, lectures, book signings, etc.

If you are overweight, a Type 2 diabetic, or concerned about becoming

diabetic, this book will help you beat diabetes by learning how to:
-- Use the 10 Steps to Wellness to reverse, cure, beat Type 2 diabetes, obesity, etc. [Chapters 6-13]
-- Program your body to burn fat and lose weight (fat) permanently. [Chapters 7-10]
-- Retrain your body to increase its glucose uptake and utilization of insulin. [Chapters 7-11, 13]
-- Save time and money in preparing nutritious meals (recipes) that lower glucose levels. [Pages 335-352]
-- Avoid the 7 most common mistakes that diabetics make. [Pages 45-47]
-- Eat super foods /whole food supplements that help to reduce insulin resistance [Pages 120,144,152,243]
-- Enjoy exercise in less time while increasing glucose uptake and energy level. [Pages 166-182]
-- Track your progress through each stage of recovery from Stage 1 to Stage 6. [Pages 247-271]
-- Use your blood glucose test results to reduce your insulin resistance. [Pages 199-205]
-- Enjoy your favorite foods without increasing your glucose level. [Pages 86-90, 124-126, 354, 355]
-- Select quality nutritional supplements based on 7 key criteria. [Pages 129-137]
-- Use the wellness protocols to reverse your diabetes, prevent/reverse diseases of the eyes, kidneys,
nerves, and heart; and to lower blood pressure, cholesterol, homocysteine. [Pages 272-285]
-- Control appetite and eliminate food cravings. [Pages 107-110]
-- Use your inner spirit to reduce your stress and improve your mental health. [Pages 227-240]
-- Work with your doctor and safely wean yourself off the drugs. [Pages 194-199, 219, 220]
-- Book Specifications: paperback, 400 pages, ISBN 0-9773607-4-1, Retail Price: $24.95
-- Note: Send check/money order to author for free shipping/handling costs.
-- If you're having trouble losing weight, try one of the super foods (fat burners, cleanse/detoxifiers).

"My people perish for lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6

Go buy the book Death to Diabetes.
At only $16.50, get it now.
Read it from cover to cover, word for word.