Sunday, July 6, 2008

Awesome Weekend!

This weekend flew by but it was really great.

We spent all day Saturday at Victoria Park. Started off w/ a healthy picnic lunch and walked around tons of the trails, saw a few waterfalls and just enjoyed the day together. It was really hot too so it was quite a work out especially going up Jacob's Ladder - 185 steps, which we did not once but twice!! I swear going up that thing reminded me of the kind of challenges they have on biggest loser! It felt good to be out and so active. The huge amount of energy I have still amazes me! We decided not to stay over in Truro (we'd rather be in our own bed) and ended up stopping in and having supper w/ my Mom (my Dad's currently away.) Got home to find a new lawnmower in the backyard from bossman. Earlier in the week I had been complaining that our's died... and now I can mow the lawn again. Which I'm going to do in a few. How nice of him though! I've been trying to get ahold of him to thank him but no luck.

This morning my friend called around 9am and asked if I wanted to hit up the playground w/ her and her toddler daughter. It was so much fun running around after her, got to go on a few slides and swings!! heheh I'm kinda getting that baby fever feeling again too :)

This afternoon Jas & I watched the movie "Untraceable" which was pretty good, kinda gross but overall good. It was still really hot today so I forced him to come to the lake with me, where I had a really quick but so refreshing swim! We had a a yummy treat of fish & chips for supper and now I'm just working on my budget for a bit then going out to get the lawn done!

Back to work tomorrow!

A few pics...

Me w/ Madison at the playground this AMVICTORIA PARK
Jas climbing Jacob's Ladder... the railing you see at the top of the pic is a resting point, there's still more stairs to go, you just can't see them in the pic!

Us w/ one of the falls in the background

Better pic of the falls!
Me by the falls
View from one of the trails - we were so high up! Such a gorgeous hike though.
Random deer that I was able to get superclose to.