Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The erectile dysfunction are common

Although many still dare to admit, the erectile dysfunction are common. Fatigue, stress, illness, alcohol, age ... the causes are multiple. More rare in young men, the incidence of erectile dysfunction increases with time. Between 40 and 70 years, 30 to 50% of men have problems érection1. When the troubles continue, some experts speak of chronic illness.

For a life without sexual cloud

Impotence traitementDésormais, the effectiveness of drugs (mainly inhibitor of phosphodiesterase 5) is more challenging and many people have seen their problems disappear with these inducers of erection. But to enjoy it is to anticipate intercourse.

These inducers of erection must be taken every half an hour to two hours before being effective. They can then help an erection when sexual stimulation. They differ in their time effectively. Viagra ® (sildenafil) or Levitra ® (vardenafil) work for 4 to 5 hours but Cialis ® (tadalafil) offers up to 24 hours of efficacy. "If the report is scheduled, any induction of erection can be used, but it is not, then the Cialis ® is more likely to attract patients," says Dr François Giuliano, the surgeon urologist CHU Kremlin Bicetre.
A pill a day for love ...

But how to free themselves completely from the need to plan the sexual act, thinking about what facilitation of erection in time? The regular intake of an inducer of erection at lower doses (Cialis ® mainly because of its longer effective) could change that and provide a healthy sex life cloud. Several studies argue in favor of this approach. Since 2005, the European Congress of Sexology had the benefit of daily treatment (5 mg or 10 mg against 20 mg for treatment on demand). Compared with placebo (pill with no active ingredient), tadalafil improves the quality of erection but also the successful penetration and reports sexuels2.
In 2006, two large studies, one américaine3 the other européenne4 confirm the efficacy of low daily doses of tadalafil (2.5 mg to 10 mg / day) for 3 to 6 months. "The results are equivalent whether the product is given on demand or on a daily basis. Tolerance is very good. The indications are cons-association with nitrates and the presence of severe heart or liver" we specify the Dr. Giuliano. To learn more about this subject, read our article "The correct use of drug therapies"
Love has a price ...

Today, the decline of these studies is limited, but if these results are confirmed in the long term, be able tomorrow we propose to support the application or ongoing care? A European study attempted to know what the preferences of stakeholders.