Thursday, January 28, 2010

Leave Your Shoes At The Front Door

Leave your shoes

Leave your shoes at the front door, because you don't want to track dirt, dust, feces, chemicals and pesticides throughout your house. If you are wearing your shoes in the house those are just some of the things that are on your carpets and floors. You might say to yourself," I have my carpet cleaned", or "I wash my floors". You cannot do that enough, because you are continually walking through your home with your shoes on spreading that filth around daily. You would have to clean your carpet and wash your floors every single day. Who has time to do that?

We are fighting germs every single day. No one wants these things in their homes. Removing your shoes is a great way to keep those things right where they belong. Outside!

Wearing shoes in the house has become convenient, because people don't want to take the time even to remove their shoes. Doing things, because they are convenient aren't always good reasons to do them. As we have learned with our eating habits.

If you just have to wear shoes in the house get some house shoes or slippers that you only wear in the house and not outside. Ask people who visit your home also, to remove their shoes. If they ask you why. Give them the above reasons. You may also want to have a sign made and post it on a wall right beside the door. That way a person cannot miss it.
