35% of cases of childhood cancer, leukemia, and creates the first ranks. By type of leukemia cells; ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) and AML (Acute Leukemia Myeloblastik) is to be divided into 2 main groups. at Türkiye at the age of 16 every year under the 1200-1500 new cases of children with leukemia have been reported.
Why are not yet fully illuminated leukemia. Cytogenetics and new developments in molecular techniques, genetic susceptibility to radiation, benzene and its derivatives (bali, etc..) Chemicals such as pesticides, some inherited diseases and some viral diseases together cause leukemia are shown in their studies. Leukemia can be seen at any age. Most frequently in childhood is increasing in 2-5 years. 1 under the age of 10 years of age on the response to treatment in the new cases is decreasing.
Any effect of blood circulating in our veins is essential in making bone marrow cells in our home with a blast which we call a change of password is not mature blood cells increase comes. These cells rapidly spread to the bone marrow, lymph glands, spleen, liver, brain, n and the central nervous system are kept.

The symptoms of leukemia in children:
* Fire
* Anemia
* Attenuation
* Lack of appetite
* Bone pain in legs
* Nose and gum bleeding
* Bleeding under the skin (red spots or bruising of)
The first symptoms observed bulgulardır. Ayrıca has spread to organs, such as headache, vomiting, abdominal pain, visual disturbances can be important. This close to their child's application hematology (blood disease) experts in the examination of liver and spleen often growth, enlargement of lymph glands, bleeding can be detected findings.
Configuration blood, bone marrow, cell types and genetic tests to determine the final result can be diagnosed.
Detailed test in diagnosis of this type of leukemia generally, principles of treatment will help determine.
Correction methods of treatment primarily starts with the general situation. In this phase of blood or blood donors in specific cells (voluntary blood donors persons) to be given to patients with leukemia, infection is present to make the necessary struggles, kidneys, liver and heart side effects of chemotherapy drugs prevention measures to be taken is very important.
In addition, patients and families are informed about the disease, leukemia is not hopeless, reverse leukemia with a good treatment, and moral support in the recovery rate% 85'lere up the second step of treatment is right disclosure.
Very high doses, at least 6 different varieties within 4-6 weeks of intravenous and oral medication is given. Goal here, called the blast to destroy malignant cells is the main.
However, these chemotherapy drugs, unfortunately, does not affect only the bad cells, our body good, useful cells are destroyed. Therefore, our children are balding, in the mouth, sores in the intestines are opened, sluggish. Again, our body defense cells to protect against infections with drugs destroy the immune system are being destroyed, the slightest germ, the disease spread throughout the body even factor causes severe fever infection.
Therefore, the people around our children with leukemia, air, water, wearing a mask to protect against microbes and are not receiving....