I was quite a busy bee at work this morning. Snuck in a quick snack around 10am, peanut butter oat cake.

So, The Coast has announced on Twitter that they’re giving away FOOD INC. promo tickets tomorrow!!!!! Whoot, Whoot! I am SO excited, been waiting forever for the film to be screened here! After an extensive search online, I still can’t find out where exactly it’s been shown though. How awesome would it be if I could score some tickets tomorrow?! :) Wish me luck.
Tomorrow is Friday, another reason to be happy. Got some fun plans for Saturday, which includes me baking one of Zesty’s yummy recipes . Sunday will be a day of relaxation.
So, not to point out the obvious or anything but I appear to be in some type of rut again. My weight is fluctuating the between 190-192 lbs. I will be the first to admit that I haven’t been very active lately, mainly because of the whole weird virus that is causing extreme exhaustion. My energy seems to be creeping back though, finally! My eats, my eats…Breaky was an egg fried in 1/2tbsp olive oil with a slice of ezekiel toast and a sweet nanner.