Sunday, February 7, 2010

Back to the Future??

Samll Chart

(figure 1): Short list of small ambulatory practices EHR.

I thought I would take a step back in time to when I was writing about EMRs, RHIOs and interoperability. The roots of this blog were in the Riverside Health Information Organization.

Time has evolved EMRs from a primitive form of data collection and storage to a more sophisticated form of data storage and collection.

EHRs now have had the benefit of time, and some longevity to develop and critique their short comings. The results thus far show the front runners in the great race to automate and interoperate. The above figure is from an "independent study" of Group One Health Source, sent to me in a private emailing by Andrea Biddle.

Large Practice Chart

(figure 2) Short list of large ambulatory practices.

The differences in these two charts is small and probably represents the different markets that vendors have chosen to target with their offerings.