I met up with my Mom this afternoon for her first gym session and bumped into Holly and Dean who were already there getting their sweat on. Mom went for her fitness assessment and I rocked my scheduled 4K on the dreadmill, plus got in a bit of QT with the elliptical. Afterwards, I spent a bit of time showing her around the facility and explaining how to use the various machines. Mom, the treadmill will not throw you off – I promise! ;-P Will be nice to have another workout buddy.
After the gymbo, I headed across the bridge for some much needed groceries. I love me a good load of groceries! Seriously, nothing excites me more than taking my time browsing the aisles and picking out new products to try. Our cupboards were getting really bare so it was time to re-stock.
First stop, the wonderful Planet Organic.
I loaded up on the necessities like almond breeze (on sale now), almond butter, ezekiel tortillas, onion hummus, larabars etc. Of course, my main mission was to find this:
YES!!!!! We finally have Greek yogourt available in Canada AND it’s made by my favorite yogourt company, Liberte! Thanks to Jen for letting us know about this awesome find. I have big plans to try a dish w/ granola & blueberries tomorrow morning.
Something that I’ve been meaning to try for awhile is the much-raved about Annie’s Shells & Cheddar. This will be a weekend meal with some veggies added for extra bulk.
I’ve also been wanting to mix it up with the grains. The other night during our run I mentioned to Melanie that I was going to make a risotto, she suggested I make it with barley and passed along a yummy sounding bacon barley recipe that I’m going to make soon.
I love that PO has a big bulk section, I was able to get organic pearled barley.
After making a fairly big dent in the pocket book there I managed to make an even bigger dent at Superstore. I haven’t seen these Kashi bars before, they were next to the new pumpkin, raspberry ones. How did I miss this? Dark Mocha Almond. Hello morning snack! :)
Along with bars, I also picked up a tub of new Blue Menu Natural Almonds. The price is what got me, $4.00 for the whole container. Not bad comparatively!
And because I’m sort of a dork, PARSNIPS! (and brussels sprouts and asparagus.) I love roasting veggies and I’ve yet to try parsnips. Everyone in blogland seems to be talking about them lately, so I thought what the heck?!
The cupboards are full again!
And the fridge is stocked.
Since I was shopping solo, hubby gave me a list of items that he wanted picked up. I happily obliged because they’re for the Valentine’s dinner he is cooking me Saturday night. Yup, you heard that right. Hubby is cooking dinner. And, from the looks of what I picked up it’s going be be tasty. :)
Other then dinner + wine, we have no real plans. We don’t really do much for most holidays actually. I’m thinking we’ll rent a movie and call it a night. What about you guys, do you go all out for Valentine’s Day or are you more into low key celebrations? Anyone have any big plans?