It’s that time of year, plenty of food, drinks and celebration! I have tons of stuff to blog about, going to take me a few days to catch up. I’ve had a fancy dinner prepped by Chef Dean, an impromptu trip with my Mom to one of my favourite places on earth,braved the crowds and got most of my shopping done, got in a few runs and celebrated Holly’s B-day with a lovely dinner out. See lots. :)
I left off after my WI last week saying that Chef Dean was cooking for us….. and he did! He had an exam coming up that he wanted to prep for, so we got to be his guinea pigs! ;)
He made everything from scratch starting with the stock. Four hours in the kitchen, now that is serious dedication! The whole house smelled fantastic.

Dean and I had the trout, which was presented as breakfast, lunch & dinner. I haven’t had trout in many years, it was delicious. Thanks to the small portions required for this dish I still have some in the freezer to use up.

Breakfast was a warmed piece of french baguette with trout and a pouched egg yolk topped with amazing hollandaise sauce. Mmm mmm!

Lunch was a piece of trout and a salad - baby spinach & peeled orange segment.

Dinner was trout with a yummy rice & zucchini mix.
Presented beautifully. The lighting in these pictures don’t quite do it justice.
Holly & J had the chicken.
Chicken stuffed with feta cheese and spinach. There was a sauce but I can’t remember the name. :( Plus a cute side bundle of carrots and the rice.
The meal was fantastic and word on the street is Chef Dean did very well on his exam. Yah!! :) Thanks Dean.