1. Look before you buy
• Check the food label
• Read serving sizes
• Avoid processed and packaged food
• Avoid sugar, starch, processed coloring and oils
2. Where You Eat Matters
• Select restaurants that offer healthy foods
• Choose small portion options or appetizers for your main meal
• Choose grilled or baked options
• Order dressings and sauces on the side so you can control the portion
• Skip the bread basket
• If you must have dessert, share with a friend
3. Cook at Home as Much as Possible
• Grill or bake meat
• Steam or grill vegetables
• Make enough food for leftovers
• Measure portion sizes- 1/3 protein, 1/3 vegetables, 1/3 starch (sweet potato, brown rice)
4. Avoid liquid calories
• Skip soda, iced teas, flavored water
• If you drink coffee, try to avoid cream, sugar, and syrup flavorings
• Drink water with every meal and try to drink a gallon per day
• Limit the amount of alcohol you consume
To cut down calories be sure to eat every 3-4 hours, snack on nutrient dense foods such as vegetables, proteins, nuts, and whole grains, drink a gallon of water per day, avoid processed foods, cook at home, and get into great eating habits that you can continue on for the long run.