I feel like I’ve got my blogging mojo back! My life has been pretty hectic lately and I’ve had zero energy (and time) to post pics of my eats. It is fun to share them so hopefully I can keep it up again.
Before my 10K yesterday (recap on SeeLynnRun.com) I knew I needed to fuel up in a major way. Enter the homemade chicken soup & chicken salad sandwich.
I boiled down the chicken carcass from Saturday night’s dinner then threw in chopped chicken,seasonings, beans, carrots & wild rice. Let it simmer all morning and I had some tasty soup.
The chicken salad filling was a combo of 2oz breast meat w/ diced tomatoes, seasonings & small squirt of Hellman’s. Served on 2 slices of french bread with some organic baby spinach.
This was large lunch (calorie-wise) for me, coming in at 500 calories but it also provided 35g protein, 61g carbs & 4g fiber. Perfect running fuel.
Speaking of calories, you remember last week that I was wondering if I was already there? Should I be losing weight or am I in my happy place?
Well I had some time to think about it, and no, I don’t want to be this weight. The reality is I started trying to lose weight 2 1/2 years ago with a goal in mind and that was to get to 160-170lbs. I honestly don’t see me ever being the healthy weight for my height, which is 111 – 146lbs.
I’ve been tracking my calories and am trying to stick to 1500 on days that I’m not running huge distances and 1500-2000 on days that I’m working out hard. Instead of weekly weigh ins, I’m going to hop on the scale on the 1st of each month. I like this idea, Mr. Scale will be going on an extended vacay until March.
I am accepting and making peace with the fact that the rest of my weight loss journey is going to be slooooow. I’m through obsessing over this. I don’t want to be complaining all the time and worrying. It is not a way to live life.