Happy Halloween!!!
This evening we’re having Holly & Dean over to watch a bunch of scary movies while we pass out treats to all the kiddies. I’m kinda excited! hehe.
What plans do you guys have for tonight? I’m hoping to see some fun costumes appear in blogland soon!

My top secret plan will be put into action in just a few short hours. Full details this afternoon! I’m a bit nervous so that explains the early morning blogging. Am very lucky to have such a wonderful and supportive friend who is part of this plan too. :)
In regards to yesterday's post, I want to thank everyone for their comments. It’s really nice to hear that people appreciate my honesty and struggles. When I write a post it’s 100% me and it’s my hope that others can relate.
So life in general has been good great!
As most of you know, I really enjoy graphic design and social media (LOL, who doesn’t enjoy some type of social media these days?) I’ve recently had the opportunity to take on some part-time work in that field; my evenings have been spent setting up Tweets (Check out Twuffer, it’s a great tool that allows you to set up tweets to post at a later date/time), creating Facebook pages, blogs and email newsletters. Right up my ally!
My full time job is quite rewarding though and definitely not something that I’d leave, but some part time work that doesn’t feel like work can’t hurt! :)
I was lucky enough to get two wonderful surprises yesterday afternoon. Fridays + surprises = best combo ever!
The first was news that I won a Bodum French Press from a contest being held by Things To Do For Two. I was so excited to found out that I’d won. I never win anything and it totally made my afternoon. If you have a moment check out their site – it’s a Nova Scotian couple that blogs about fun and budget friendly things to do together. Thanks again TTDF2, can’t wait to get it!

And to top it off, I got another lovely surprise when I opened my mail box. A nice note from Cat (& b/f!).

And last but not least, if you follow me on Twitter you’ll know that I spent Thursday evening baking tasty Brownie Bites for the Bank’s charity bake sale. I made them both iced and plain, sprinkles all around! The only way I can even get away with saying these are calorie friendly is the fact that they are small, ie: portion controlled. Too bad ya can’t just eat one! ;)

There was so much batter that I had enough to send hubby off with loads for his bake sale and still take a tray full into work to share with the guys. All I can say is glad they are out of the house!