Thursday, February 25, 2010

Focusing On Me – Day 1

One day down, the rest of my life to go! :) Happy to report that I stayed within the calories, got in a bit of exercise plus the house is tidy, lunches are made and I’m thoroughly enjoying my newly installed DVR. Yup, after 8 years I can finally watch my fav guilty pleasure ever, Days of our Lives. We bite the bullet and joined the 21st century this past Saturday. Hehe. Oh and I got to watch Jillian on The Doctors this afternoon! How excited was I? LOL

I’ve unplugged quite a bit over the past 2 weeks and it’s been a great break. But I feel like blogging helps me stay more accountable so I’m back to posting my daily eats now. Plus I missed checking in with my fellow bloggies!

Was definitely an oats kind of morning – a rainy, dreary Monday. I whipped us up a pot of organic oats, unsweetened vanilla almond breeze, organic banana, peanut butter & mini chocolate chips. There was also a huge mug of coffee too but it disappeared before I could snap a pic.

We don’t have any homemade snacks made so I grabbed a handful of Simple Pleasures Spice Snaps for a snack. These a great dippers too!

The rain made me crave a steamy mug of yumminess, so I had a minty hot chocolate. Used half this packet of Nestle Noir Dark Chocolate mix and a bag of Stash Peppermint tea. Mmmm

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Lunch was 1/2c organic brown rice and 2 homemade veggie eggrolls. What a boring pic, the food just blends right in with the plate.

I did have a nectarine and then some air popped popcorn when I got home but was relaxing and opted not to take a pic. Supper was left over BBQ chicken breast, mashed taters & green beans. Had to use my ugly plates, the nice ones were all in the dishwasher.

Exercise was 30 mins of brisk walking.

So, someone of you are probably wondering how my Marilyn Manson concert experience went. To be honest, it wasn’t that bad. The show itself was pretty cool with all the lights, props, effects etc. There was a potential situation with a few people beside us but thankfully security handled it well. In regards to my “look” I showed up to J’s friend’s place in my work clothes and she proceeded to give me a make over. I LOVED my straightened hair but in general wasn’t comfortable with the rest, especially after we got out in public and by then I had no choice but to just go with it…eye make-up and all. I look so silly! :-P There, hope you all had a great laugh!