A few weeks ago, I was the first person to respond to Bob’s Red Mill tweet (@bobs_red_mill) of “What is ur go-to food fuel for a big run/ride/race?” DM ur answer and win a pkg of hemp seeds. Ya’ll know my response was – a big bowl of oats with flax, nut butter & banana!

Naturally, I was pretty excited to win because I ♥ BRM products, in particular their flax and vegi soup mix. (And I’ve been trying to find their pancake mix forever but have had no success.)
Well lookie what I found in my door when I came home from work there other day:

That was some fast shipping people! (Considering my POM Apron and Larabar holiday sampler pack have yet to arrive.)

I’ve bought hulled hemp seeds before and used them for baking, mixing in with my yogurt and of course, as a topping for oats. YUM!!

According to the packaging, Hemp seed may be one of nature's most perfect foods. With a pleasant nut-like flavor and creamy texture, our hulled hemp seed is a nutritious and delightful addition to cereals, salads and baked goods. Hulled hemp seed is high in Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids and an excellent source of protein- containing all of the essential amino acids.