This whole Mono thing is getting kind of old. Today was loooong, plus I walked home. Me=Exhausted.
We had homemade pizza for supper and I had an extra piece. This put me well over my calorie allowance, so even though I just wanted to go to bed, I burnt off those pesky extra 147 calories by hopping on the elliptical for 20 mins. Yah! Take that Mono!! My motivation to lose the rest of this weight has been at an all time high lately, so there’s no point in sabotaging myself now that I’ve been back on track for the past few weeks. :)
Got a few shouts to do tonight -
- First off, my good friend (and bride to be!!) Holly was down 4 lbs this morning!! Whoot, you rock!!!
- Lynn (no not me! hehe) has just started food blogging, check her out now!
- And, The Hubby has decided to get back on track with his journey to better health. Show him some love here! (This makes me SOO happy!!)
In other news, Hubby’s fav rocker in the entire world has decided to grace Halifax with his presence this coming September. Yup, Marilyn Manson is coming to town and I’m going. I’m not sure how well I’ll fit in with the whole crowd (seriously, for those who know me, can you picture it?! LOL) but am totally going just to see how happy the concert is going to make J. I read the news online during lunch today and was so excited to call him with the good news. I was literally bursting with excitement for him. I’m such a dork! :)
My eats were pretty boooring. Sorry guys. Breaky was a thick (read: 200 calorie!) piece of fresh whole wheat toast with organic peanut butter & apple butter. 
I had this sad little peanut butter oat cake for a snack when the belly started grumbling around 10.

Lunch had a very farmer’s market feel to it…yummy salad that included spinach, mushrooms, cucumbers (yes, I still put them in my salad even though I’m SO sick of them.) and BEETS! Beets freakin’ rock. They are so sweet and make me teeth feel like I just brushed them, kinda like an apple. Know what I mean? ;)

Along with a veggie sammie. Sorry my batteries died and this was the only pic I managed to take. Just a small homemade, whole wheat hot dog bun smeared with light cream cheese and topped with tomato slices & spinach.

Enjoyed 1/2 cup of fresh cherries before my walk home this afternoon. Mmm. Summer rocks for all this wonderful fresh produce!

Well you already heard about my pizza fiasco. (Note to self: If you don’t eat pizza at all these little incidents would never happen. Bah, what is a world without pizza though?)
I made another batch of Jenna’s dough and got 3 crusts out of it. (Pizza for our lunches this week since I didn’t get any cooking done this weekend.)
Mine was topped with the usual red, green & orange bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, old cheddar & feta cheese.
I’m officially off to bed. Nite!