Tuesday, March 30, 2010

All About the Comfort Foods

So we survived Hurricane Bill. It was windy and pouring but that’s really all that happened. Pretty much every Winter storm causes the power to go out so I thought for sure we’d lose it but nope, not even a flicker. Was a perfect day of relaxation though – the house was tided/ chores done in anticipation of not having power, so all I did was blog/tweet and watch tv. I needed the rest though.

In exciting news, Jen, Cat and hopefully Amy (plus spouses) will be coming to Halifax in a little under 7 weeks! The Halibloggers have been making some pretty fun plans for their trip including a Thanksgiving Blogger Dinner. Not sure if you know this about me or not but Thanksgiving is my absolute favourite holiday and I’m so excited to be having such a special dinner with everyone! I’m really looking forward to their visit, I missed out on the TO trip this past June and am really glad they decided to come to the East Coast.


It was still pretty gray/misty out this morning which lead to a day of comfort foods. Breaky was a organic free range egg fried in a little evoo with a slice of ezekiel toast and the last of the fresh blueberries. Flipped though the latest issue of Best Health mag while I enjoyed my meal. Really like this magazine, mainly because it’s Canadian and showcases products, people, places that I know. ;)

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Like every morning, I had coffee. The pic is always the same and not really worth showing. It really hit the spot though because I was not in the mood to be awake at all. Ha, who am I kidding coffee always hits the spot! ;)

In anticipation of Hurricane Bill I’d picked up some non-perishables including a box of my fav Kashi Dark Chocolate Cherry granola bars. Mmm, it’s been awhile…yum!

Moving on to lunch, total comfort food again with a bowl of homemade cheesy tomato soup. Thanks to Lynn for posting this terrific recipe! I made a pot the other weekend and froze it in individual servings.

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Along with the soup there was some organic veggie crackers for dipping and a side of mixed greens with french dressing.
