Monday, March 1, 2010

Happy Friday Bloggies!

Yup, Friday has arrived. No work for me today, instead I’m going to a women’s networking event that I attend every year. Fun!

I ate well yesterday (minus a bowl of cookie dough ice cream!) and ended up making my best Homemade Mac ‘N Cheese yet. I think what made it better was that I baked it and made it in to a casserole dish.

This was so easy to make. All I did was cook 3 servings of penne and a pot of my cheese sauce, mix and then transfer to a casserole dish, top with a bit of shredded cheese & bread crumbs and bake for 10 mins. YUM. J went back for seconds!

A third of this was 520 calories with a whopping 9.3g of fiber and 21.7g of protein. I usually eat around a 500 calorie supper so it worked well.

The only thing missing was a side of broccoli & cauliflower. Unfortunately, I need to get to the grocery store so I had none on hand. Still this is comfort food at it’s finest! :)

Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday, please cross your fingers for me that it’s not cold and rainy this evening. The Halibloggers are supposed to have their first group run ce soir but I’m not going if the weather is nasty because I need my ear to get better.