I’ve rocked this week so far and even managed to get out for a quick run yesterday afternoon. Was gorgeous out and the perfect temp! Friday the Halibloggers have our first group run and I couldn’t be more excited! :)
The Good: Feeling 1000% better
The Bad: I still have no hearing in my left ear.
The Ugly: I think my Polar HR that I bought back in May is not working properly at all. The last few times I’ve used it my HR has shown through the roof. Yesterday apparently my HR was 208 at the end of my run. WTF?? Wouldn’t I be collapsing on the ground if my HR was really 208? NOT COOL considering I spent $150 on it. No sure if I should I take it back to the Running Room or just call Polar directly?
tips healty, assurance healty, hospitally, body soul, fit and healty.