Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Non-New Years Resolutions

I’ve really been thinking a lot about how unorganized and chaotic my life is. Today, I’m taking the first steps to change that. These are my Non-New Years Resolutions if you will. There are definitely areas that need to be re-prioritized. I don’t manage my time as well as I could which always bites me in the butt.

  • I need to unplug and not go online when I please because I end up wasting so much of my free time tweeting, blogging, emailing etc. Don’t get me wrong, you couldn’t pry me away from my wonderful online buddies but I need stop doing 20 things at once and just focus on one thing. (IE: just cooking supper and tidying the kitchen instead of leaving my laptop open while I’m in there.)
  • I need to start focusing on the people in my life who are important to me. Relationships take work. Nuff said.
  • I need to be more strict with my spending habits. Honestly, I kind of just buy what I feel like, when I feel like it. :-X
  • I need to take more pride in my home. Our house isn’t ideal, it’s definitely a fixer up. I’m embarrassed to have people over because of it’s ugliness. There I said it out loud. We need to keep going with the renos but they take time and $$. Also, I’ve really let stuff slide in areas of cleaning. Instead of tidying every day I wait until the weekend. And I stopped composting about 2 weeks ago because our green bin containers are just nasty and I got lazy. WTF. That is not me at all.
  • And last but not least, I need to get the rest of this weight off so that I’m healthy enough to have a baby.

Phew! That’s a load off my mind. Does anyone else have any Non-New Years Resolutions to share?


Food today was parfait! Breaky was 2 slices of ezekiel toast with peanut butter & fresh blueberry jam. And, of course coffee. Two cups of it actually. Was hard to get out of bed this morning after the full weekend.
