Do not underestimate cavities, because cavities does not stop at dental abscess, but also must be alert to the threat of focal infection throughout the body, It is raised in the discussion themed "Increasing consumption of sugar in Indonesia VS acute complications in the tooth".
"Focal infection due to the poison and the rest of the dirt and microbes triggering infection in teeth and mouth and then spread to other parts of the body", said Dr.Tengku Nahdar in south Jakarta on Friday.
During the public may not obtain information about the dangers of dental disease, this needs to be disseminated to the residents, many residents still consider the teeth and mouth disease is a common thing, but after a severe new to the doctors they consulted.
Health survey data from households (SKRT) 2004 conducted by the health department said the prevalence of caries (holes) teeth in Indonesia is 90.05 percent. Another fact is that Indonesia suffered the teeth and mouth disease is aggressive cumulative, meaning the damaged area becomes incurable.

Dental disease is a type of disease in the first order complained of society. Based on survey results of 2001 health service, dental disease 60 percent of the population complained of Indonesia. Moreover complaint unwittingly dental disease also affects the productivity decline of patients, most of the stops on the move between 2.5 days to 5 days.
So now you're having problems with your teeth? immediately see a doctor, do not worry about today's dentists are equipped with sophisticated equipment and comfortable, the pain almost nothing. So do not be afraid to go to the dentist !!!
Some recent research says the relationship between dental disease to diabetes, coronary heart disease & stroke. Professor Howard Jenkins of the University of Bristol in England said there are more than 700 types of bacteria in the human mouth. Most of these bacteria are not dangerous, but there are some that can cause disease in blood vessels where the harmful bacteria sticking to the platelets that cause clotting within the blood vessel.
If this happens blood clotting brain regions will result in a stroke, occurs when the heart will cause a heart attack. The WHO believes that oral health is essential to quality of life and Affects general health, particularly chronic inflammatory conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease.
U.S Surgeon General says that:
Oral health and general health are inseparable, oral health is integral to general health and the mouth is a portal of entry for infections that can affect local tissues and may spread to other parts of the body. Oral examinations should be part of general medical examinations!!!