Friday, January 14, 2011

How do i fight my weight problem?

How do i fight my weight problem?

ok so its not that im really fat...

its that im really skinny, im 5'1 and weigh about 107Lbs..

but i look skinny in person (not to the bone though)....

and i tried eating 2 death burritos that had alot of stuff inside... it had to be a ton of calories...

afterwards i ate like 3 slices of chocolate cake stuffed with fudge and whip cream on top with carmel

i almost through up after eating all that lol dont get me wrong i dont eat like that everyday this was just a test to see if i could gain some weight maybe upto 115-117?

but it failed the next following weekend i saw my weight was only 109.7Lbs

only 2 pounds!? but now it seems that i weigh 108 Lbs LOL no matter what i eat i cant gain weight?? why...