Friday, January 14, 2011

Natural-The Nature Doctor

Natural-The Nature Doctor

Whenever we are hungry, this natural reaction stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. If however we eat without appetite, forcing ourselves to consume whatever is set before us, we will have poor digestion which can lead to other disorders. It is therefore important to ensure that we have a healthy natural appetite.

This is possible not by working non-stop, but by taking sufficient exercise and by getting as much fresh air as possible. So, if you live fairly near to your work, walk there instead of using transport. You can also whet your appetite by taking bitter herbs such as Centaurium umbellatum (Centaury).

Our emotional and mental state can either stimulate or suppress the appetite through its influence on the secretion of gastric juice. So, if you tend to give in to anger or annoyance easily, do not be surprised if this makes you go off your food.

The manner in which the food is prepared and the way the dishes are arranged on the table tends to affect the appeal of the meal. When prepared with love, food tends to taste better. By the same token, a nicely set table which shows care and attentiveness, most certainly promotes the desire to eat by stimulating the flow of gastric juices, encouraging good digestion and the assimilation of food.

Skilful seasoning of food is of great importance too. This is not accomplished by simply sprinkling salt on everything, but by using different herbs. Most seasoning herbs serve to stimulate the stomach lining to increase its secretions and thus aid the digestive process.

It is too bad that in modern times we have lost much of what used to be known as table manners and the pleasures of sharing a meal with family and friends. Modern man is glutted with the hurried pace of life, always on the go, confronted with an endless choice of newspapers, radio and television programmes, so that even such things as TV dinners, eaten in front of the screen, are now becoming a way of life.

In the past, it was thought that being underweight was caused by an insufficient intake of food and that eating too much resulted in obesity. However, there are some people who eat a lot and remain extraordinarily thin and others who eat little and still put on weight. Everything, they say, turns to fat!
