Friday, January 14, 2011

How many calories are burned?

How many calories are burned?

I'm 5'3 133 lbs, how many calories do you think I burn doing Shaun T's Hip Hop Abs Fat Burning Cardio?(30 min video)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

It depends how much effort you put into it really, no-one can tell this but yourself; reading through your other questions and comments I can see you are putting a lot of effort into this fitness thing; your BMI is 23.6, which is not too shabby by half!

My wife does Zumba classes once a week in the local village hall, it has done good things for her, and there is the group support to let you know how you are getting on; which is missing when you do only solitary fitness activities like exercise videos and jogging.

I am no expert on women's heath so my input can only be limited, sorry.
