Friday, January 14, 2011

Active, healthy, and fat, Why cant i lose weight?

Active, healthy, and fat, Why cant i lose weight?

Long story made short. I am 21 years old 153 pounds and 5 feet 3 inches, very active, healthy, athletic and fat. Family promotes healthy eating. I run 3 miles (at the same pace) one morning and the next morning I power walk 3 miles. I eat fist size meals, and I know about sodium, trans fats, calories, sugar, and all that fun stuff. I have tiered healthy dieting, I have tiered starving, I have tiered healthy dieting with diet pills and starving with diet pills. Oh yea I also work out at night for two hours. I do a 30 minutes cardio warm up then one day I do upper body along with abs and the next I do lower body. You can tell that I work out I am full of energy and tone. Yet I am still fat, I can grab a handful of fat, which depresses me because I work so hard. I have incredible self-control and dedication. I have trained my friends at the gym and I have made them eating plans… the ones who actually follow my instructions look very pretty and have such a good bodies. Then I look at the mirror and I am still a size 11 and I still shop for size Large. I been to my doctor and I am healthy, I had a trainer and he says I am fit, I had a nutritionist and i believe I know how to eat properly. I believe I am going into a depression and seeking help from anyone who might have had this problem and found a solution to getting rid of this nasty fat I call my back boobs and my rolls. I weight 153 and I am 40 inches around the stomach area): its not in my head its actual fat. Yes I consume plenty of water my 8 glasses every day. Genetic wise, my mom’s family is thin or alethic… my dad’s family are all shapes and sizes… my dad is built and my mom is thin. Please help me.